After this question is over, all that is left is just some thoughts on the hot video.

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Qin Sangyu didn't have a bit of pride from the beginning to the end. On the contrary, after hearing the reporter describe her with wanghong, she also said with self mockery: "I really think that I can become a net star. After all, Nancheng beauties are like clouds. If you catch one on the street, you will feel better than me! However, since you have given me this opportunity, I will cherish it. In the future, all my fans will enjoy a 20% discount when they come to eat in my restaurant! "

This sentence let Qin Sangyu once again gain a large number of fans on the Internet. Within a few days, Qin Sangyu's Weibo fans rose to 60 million, which also made her restaurant popular.

Everything seems to be getting better, except for Lu Meimei.

When did she find out?

It seems that I can't remember. Only when I heard from others, did I know that Qin Sangyu had changed her surname, turned into a big net star, and opened a restaurant.

This woman even in a short period of time, caused G city media strong attention. Of course, he became the dream lover in the eyes of young men in Nancheng.

Lu Meimei changed to a new assistant. The assistant used to be in the entertainment industry. Later, she didn't know which big man she had offended, and then she was banned. As soon as she knew Qin Sangyu, she told Lu Meimei that this woman should be a fool in G City in the future.

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Lu Meimei is sitting at her desk, the cup in front of her is smashed by him, and everything is out of her control.

In fact, after Lu Liangcheng gave up the treatment of Qin Sangyu, Lu Meimei realized that something was wrong. At that time, she didn't say it clearly. The reason was that she couldn't find a suitable opportunity. After all, her identity was there. If she talked too much, Lu Liangcheng's wit would surely show something wrong.

So she could only ask about the cooperation as a partner, but Lu Liangcheng did not regret the cooperation. He repeatedly stressed, "this project is a good project, and I will always insist on it!"

But when Lu Meimei carefully suggested that Qin Sangyu could be tried, Lu Liangcheng refused.

Small Shen shrunk her head and squatted on the ground carefully. Lu Meimei glared at her and said in a loud voice, "what are you picking up? It's all broken!"

Xiao Shen carefully raised his head and took a look at Meimei when he landed. Then he said, "Miss, you don't have to be angry. It's not worth it for this kind of thing!"

"He Luliang City has made this woman the first goddess in G city. If I don't worry, I can't get the people in Luliang City!"

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"Alternative things have happened, miss. It's too late for you to be angry. If you want me to say, we'd better calm down and think about something!"

Lu Meimei's eyes were red, and her white teeth had already made her lips red.

She clenched her hands and sat upright. After half a day, she asked, "how's Xiaoyue?"

"It's not very smooth. After the land family's property was handed over to Lu Liangcheng, Master Lu retired and took his wife everywhere. Xiaoyue couldn't get close to him. What's more, the task itself is a little difficult. The outside world has been saying that Master Lu and his wife have a good relationship! "

"What's good? It's all a group of outsiders know. What's his status as Lord Lu? Can't this identity be written on his face if he doesn't love his wife? I tell you, people of this status, even if they are abnormal and violent in private, will act like a good man outside. They want more face than their own lives. "


"It's nothing, but tell Xiaoyue to use every means to seduce Mr. Lu. If he goes out to travel, he will follow him and make a chance encounter. Men and women are just two words. Lust, you let her take it up and put it down. As long as you succeed, I'll reward you a lot."

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"Yes Xiao Shen nodded, then went on: "in fact, miss, you don't have to worry. The media I contacted before has already got news. I disclosed the black materials prepared a little bit. She is very interested. Qin Sangyu is on fire and pays so much attention to it. If she reports some black material, she will be finished!"

"Your brain is really made of elm wood. You can destroy her by fabricating some black material? And she is not Qin Sangyu now. Although we know she is Qin Sangyu, she has changed her name. Her name is Qin Xiaoyun now! "

"We can announce her identity. I also went to verify some things. Qin Xiaoyun had stayed in a fishing village before she was taken back to G city by Lu Liangcheng. I visited her personally. Many people in that fishing village knew Qin Xiaoyun."

"Knowing, is knowing useful?" Lu Meimei looked back impatiently, and then said in a loud voice, "do you know what kind of people are in that fishing village? Many of those people have never gone out in their lives. How long has Qin Sangyu become famous? If you want to find out, those people have already exploded. With their intelligence quotient, they think they are just two people who look like each other! "

"But we know that Qin Sangyu and Qin Xiaoyun are the ones who live in the fishing village. We can expose them and tell you that Qin Xiaoyun has lived in the fishing village for two years and has lived with others.""Oh, if you really blow it out, then we are finished!" ·


"Why? You really regard Lu Liangcheng as a root onion. With his strength, he will not find out that we will spread the news again? What's more, you know how many media in G city are under the control of Lu Liangcheng, but in this case, no media dare to report and publish the news that Lu Liangcheng doesn't want to send out! "

Xiao Shen immediately dropped his head, "so there is no way?"

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"There are always solutions, but we still need to think about it. In fact, my plan was infallible and there was no risk. But who could have imagined that Lu Liangcheng suddenly changed his mind! I see his appearance before, clearly is very want to let Qin Xiaoyun restore memory, why suddenly changed his mind later! "

"Miss, do you think it's not Lu Liangcheng's meaning at all, but Qin Sangyu's own!"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just guessing!"

Xiao Shen's words clearly carry a fear. After all, Lu Meimei is always strict. She is afraid that she will get abuse if she guesses wrong.

"Well, at this time, what else is hard to say? If you are really wrong, I won't blame you! After all, I know that you are also giving me advice

"In fact, I think of what Miss Lu said to me before, combined with Lu Liangcheng's character, I don't think he changed his mind casually!"

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