Lu Xiao's words once again let Qin Xiaoyun fall into a brainstorming. Today, she did not go to the restaurant. Lu Xiao went out and told her: "the restaurant has me. Everything is at ease. What my sister-in-law should do is to have a good rest at home."

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After Lu Xiao left, Qin Xiaoyun went back to his room and the servant was cleaning it.

"No, you go down first. I want to sleep for a while."

"Yes, ma'am."

under the instruction of Lu Liangcheng, the servants of the family have changed their names for a long time. Qin Xiaoyun didn't pay attention to it before. After listening to this, he felt something was wrong, so he called out the servant again.

"Wait, I'll ask you something."

The servant stopped at once; then stood respectfully aside.

"What do you want, madam?"

"No, no, I just want to ask you something."

"Madam, if you have anything you want to know, I will tell you everything I know. Ma'am, in fact, you asked me the right person. In this villa, I stayed the longest time, and the others were hired only in the past two years. "

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"Two years ago?"

"Yes, it was the one before..."

The servant's reaction was quite quick. Half of what he said was hard to swallow When she went back, she immediately changed her saying, "before, Master Lu didn't live here for a period of time, and then dismissed all the servants here. I was left by the old lady. After all, even if the house is empty, someone should watch it and clean it. Then when the young master comes back, I will continue to keep it. So, I know everything here, which one I know everything about the kitchen, the back garden and the shopping Department, so madam, if you ask me, I know everything. "

Qin Xiaoyun's face showed some embarrassment, she looked at the servant in front of her, and then slowly asked: "what's your name?"

"Oh, my name. Just call me Xiaomei."

"Xiaomei, right? I ask you, do you know Qin Sangyu?"

Xiaomei's face suddenly changed. She looked at Qin Xiaoyun and her eyes flashed and dodged. It seems that she is afraid of this man.

"Why do you look like that? Can't you mention it? "

"Not Madame, this This Anyway, madam, as long as you believe that the young master really loves you, he really has no other woman except you. As for Qin Sangyu, it was a long time ago, and the person died. Why should madam care about it? "

The maid's words let Qin Xiaoyun know a key message, that is, she does not know her identity. From her words, the other party should think that she is Lu Liangcheng's new love.

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"Don't be nervous. You misunderstood my meaning. I'm not going to inquire about Lu Liangcheng with you. Naturally, I believe him. Do we have any problems in our relationship? Besides, do you think I don't know about Qin Sangyu? I don't think anyone in G city doesn't know. "

"Well Why did the lady suddenly ask

Qin Xiaoyun laughed and explained: "I don't want to inquire about her. I just want to know your young master. After all, at that time, everything said that Lu Liangcheng was very happy with her. So I thought, there must be something that attracted Lu Liangcheng. I just want to know about her, so that we can have a better development. "

"So it is."

The maid finally breathed a breath. To know that such a wealthy family, the most taboo is talking about family affairs. So if Qin Xiaoyun keeps asking, she really doesn't know what to do. After all, it's not good to say it or not.

But now Qin Xiaoyun said so, she is also at ease.

"In fact, madam, you don't have to think about it at all, because the young master is good to you now."

"good to me? Then you say, your young master is good to me or to him Good ex-wife

"This Although I've seen this kind of person for a long time, it's not the first time I've ever seen such a person before, but it's not the first time that I've ever seen this kind of person, Madame

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"Well, you don't know anything about her here?"

"Yes, I don't know, because when I came, the former lady was no longer there."

"Well, what do you call my wife? It seems that Lu Liangcheng and I are not married either. "

"Ah, this is what the young master ordered."

"All right, that's all right. You go down first."

"Yes, ma'am."

The servant bowed respectfully and retreated, but when she came to the door, she suddenly stopped for a moment. There was some hesitation on her face. It seemed that she was also thinking about whether she could really say what she was going to say, but finally she stopped.

"Madam, I would like to have a few words with you. Of course, I also understand that it seems a bit overstepping for me to say these things to you. But as the longest person here, I still want to say something for the young master.""Nothing, you say."

"In fact, the young master is really good to you. I really don't know what the young master looked like to his former wife before, but I don't think it's important. First of all, people can't be reborn after death, and those who leave are gone. Do we still live in the shadow of the dead?"

The maid's face was a little red, and I didn't know whether it was because of her shyness or anything. In short, she seemed impatient when she spoke.

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"I haven't read any books or books, and my education level is not very high, so I may not be able to say any grand truth. But madam, you must believe me, that is, since you came, the whole young master has changed.

When I first came here, I was the only one in this villa. To be honest, I was in a panic when I lived here. Fortunately, the young master brought the young master back soon, and more and more people were in the family.

But even so, the young master seems to be in a bad mood. I have never seen him laugh, and he is almost cold. Sometimes, even if he doesn't hear the young master talking to him, he turns around and walks away. For this reason, the young master has cried several times.

But after you came, everything changed. The young master went home more often and stayed for a long time. He would laugh when he saw you. Sometimes our servant did something wrong. He didn't lose his temper when he saw it. He only said, "pay attention next time.".

Everyone here can feel the change of the young master. Therefore, madam, the young master really likes you. It's not easy for a man of his status to do this for a woman. Therefore, madam, you really don't need to think about the former lady. Cherish the present and it's OK. "

" OK, I know! "

Qin Xiaoyun nodded, and then personally sent Xiaomei to leave. Looking at the back of the servant's departure, Qin Xiaoyun fell into meditation again.

Why do all people think that Lu Liangcheng is good to him? Why do all people think that Lu Liangcheng only loves her? But if this is the case, why would Lu Liangcheng be willing to take drugs without clinical trials?

Just to restore her memory?

No way.

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