"Sister Qin, I don't believe you, I just It's just that I really feel like all this is a little bit It's kind of incredible. "

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"I know, but Meimei, what I said is true. The reason why I changed my face was because I had plastic surgery. My injury was so serious after the plane crash that I had to do it like this."

"Then I don't understand. Since you are back now, why don't you announce your identity openly and honestly?"

"It's not surprising that Lu Liangcheng told me. But I thought about it later. It seems that publicity is not a good thing for me or for everyone

"Sister Qin, why do you say that? General manager Lu's wife is a dream of others. You may be unhappy if you say something about it. But I still want to tell you that during the years you've been away, there are no few women who covet Mr. Lu. To be honest, it's your closest relatives who feel sad about the plane accident. For those women in G City, it's too late for them to be happy. "

Qin Xiaoyun's face is a little ugly, but in fact, Lu Meimei said these, she always knew.

What kind of person is Lu Liangcheng? She is too lazy to ask this question. Maybe in G City, no, even for the whole country, he is one of the best talents.

Qin Xiaoyun seemed to have read such a report when looking for memories from Baidu Luliang City before, saying that men like Lu Liangcheng not only make women covet, but also some men have said that if Luliang City can accept men, they are willing to change their sexual orientation for Lu Liangcheng.

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At that time, this article was read on a bad interest website. But in fact, what these people said did not necessarily seem to be false.

In today's society, measuring a person's excellence is nothing more than money and power. These two points are trivial for Lu Liangcheng. In recent years, with the rise of Lu family's industry, Lu Liangcheng has been steadily ranked first on the fox rich list. What can't he do.

So ah, even if the past things do not remember, Qin Xiaoyun is not difficult to guess, no matter when Luliang City, there will always be a large group of people thinking about.

She sighed slowly, and the broken emotion in her eyes slipped before she opened her mouth slowly: "he is really excellent. It's so good that others can't refuse it. They all want to have it."

"So, sister Qin, I don't understand why you have to remain anonymous when you come back."

"Because there are so many things I can't figure out."

"Like what and what?"

"For example, why did such an excellent man marry me at the beginning? I have checked some information about my life experience and Rong family. But when Lu Liangcheng and I were together, I seemed to be just an ordinary little girl, so why did he like me.

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In fact, I never thought about these before, but the conversation with you made me start to think about a lot of things. Lu Liangcheng's identity, what can I do to stop him? He said he had been looking for me all these years, but why did all the news media publish the news of my death? If he really believed me, why didn't he stop it

"Sister Qin, are you too extreme? Although Mr. Lu is ruthless and vigorous in shopping malls, he has always been highly praised emotionally. Although I have not participated in the affairs between you and I am not the party concerned, I have seen a lot of colorful news about news returns.

When you were called Qin Sangyu before you had an accident, everyone knows how good Mr. Lu was to you. "

"Yes, everyone knows that a person who is so kind to me, why didn't you give me the medicine that succeeded in the experiment? And you told me that the medicine can only restore the memory of the fragments. I wonder if there is something that Lu Liangcheng can't let me know, what he wants me to reply to and what he doesn't want me to recover."

"I read a post before, saying that the accident was not an accident, it was man-made, and actually there have been women in Luliang City all these years."

"Xiao Shen, shut up! What nonsense, that kind of frivolous news, scribbled posts you also said Lu Meimei yelled angrily and ran to her assistant Xiao Shen, "do you know who is the person in front of you? You don't want to die. Say that. "

Little Shen immediately lowered his head, a look of panic, "I'm sorry, miss, it's my fault, I should die."

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"It's not me that you should apologize. It's sister Qin."

Seeing this, Xiao Shen immediately turned around and knelt down to Qin Xiaoyun with a plop.

"Mrs. Lu, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm a quick talker. You don't suggest that I should I'm damned. I'll fight myself. "

Xiao Shen is really willing to do something to herself. She slaps her left and right, which is a sharp puff at her. Qin Xiaoyun's eyebrows wrinkle in an instant. She looks at Xiao Shen, and her mood is very complicated. But in fact, she is not angry from the heart. She just thinks of the words she just said, which makes her heart churn.

"You just said you saw the post, what kind of post do you remember?"


"Shut up, you stupid thing. Get out of hereLu Meimei quickly grabbed Qin Xiaoyun's hand, and her expression was full of guilt. "Elder sister Qin is my fault. I shouldn't take this dead girl with me. Don't be angry or pay attention to what she said. It's normal for people like general manager Lu to have some gossip posts, but they are basically nonsense. You should not believe them at all.

Sister Qin, I'm sorry, I didn't know your identity before, so I said that in front of you. Don't be angry, don't blame me. General manager Lu is really good to you. You can take it easy. "

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The more Lu Meimei looks like this, the more numb Qin Xiaoyun's heart is. She holds her hand with her backhand. When she opens her mouth again, her eyes take some prayers.

"Sister, if you call me sister Qin, do you really treat me as my sister and your best friend?"

"Of course."

"In this case, if your best friend and sister have doubts, will you look at it?"

"This Sister Qin is not like this. I don't want to solve your doubts, but... "

"But you are afraid of Luliang City, aren't you?" Qin Xiaoyun fixed to look at Lu Meimei, Xiuzhi's small face with a trace of pale, "I know Lu Liangcheng's identity respect, and also know that if someone offends him, there will be no good life, but Meimei, I can assure you that I will carry all the things on my own, and absolutely will not let you have any chance of revealing the truth."

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