Hearing Qin Xiaoyun's request, Lu Meimei suddenly became very embarrassed.

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"Sister Qin, I can help you with other things, but I really can't help you with this matter. The posts are basically nonsense. You don't need to read them."

"Meimei, I will have my own judgment."

"Sister Qin, but you will think more about it."

Seeing this, Qin Xiaoyun turned his head to Xiao Shen.

"You said it very loud and seriously, so you must have seen it, so can you tell me which website is the post?"

Xiao Shen kneels on the ground, shaking all over. I have to say that after a long time with Lu Meimei, her acting ability is also exquisite.

She raised her head trembling, her eyes red, "Miss Qin, don't ask me, I really don't know anything."

Qin Xiaoyun sighed, looking a little decadent, "why do I say that it's up to you, you still don't want to help me, I said, I can bear any result by myself, and I promise again and again that I will never implicate you."

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"Sister Qin, I'm not afraid of being implicated. I'm just Forget it, Xiao Shen. Tell me. "

With Lu Meimei's words, Xiao Shen dare to speak.

"I don't remember the name of the specific post. I only know that it seems to be a website called gossip. There is a gossip group about Mr. Lu. There are a lot of gossip about Mr. Lu. I just click at that time and see it."

"So what do you see?"

"Miss Qin, I really don't remember what it was written about. It's been too long for me to say it without missing a word, but the general content is It is... "

"What is it?" Seeing that Xiao Shen is still nervous and afraid, Qin Xiaoyun gets worried.

"Tell me what you know. Don't worry. Since sister Qin said such things, you don't have to be afraid."

"Miss, I don't mean not to say it, but I really don't remember very well."

"Then tell me what you remember."

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"Just Some people say that Mr. Lu And sister Qin No, at that time, Qin Sangyu didn't agree with each other and wanted to get a divorce. But Qin refused, so he planned the plane accident. In order to make the accident more realistic, Mr. Lu asked Let his daughter go. Some time before the accident, some gossip media took pictures of Lu and other women dating, and then And then I don't know about the rest. "

Qin Xiaoyun listened to every word very carefully. In fact, she had made enough psychological preparation when she asked, but when she heard Xiao Shen say so, her heart still felt that she was stabbed by a knife.

Does it hurt?

It seems that it is, or it is not, that the piece of meat on the chest seems to be cut off by someone with a knife, and then it is stuffy and breathless. At last, when he reacts, his body has already collapsed.

"Sister Qin, are you ok?"

Seeing this, Lu Meimei quickly helped people up. She looked at Qin Xiaoyun with heartache, and the sorry on her face was lifelike.

"I'm sorry, sister Qin I shouldn't have brought her. Xiao Shen, are you not going down? Do you still want to block sister Qin here? "

"Wait a minute!" Miss Qin quickly stopped Xiao Shen and asked, "what's the name of the website you mentioned before? Gossip, isn't it

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"Yes, a long time ago, and I can't guarantee that these posts are still there."

"OK, that's OK. Anyway, I want to thank you today."

"Nothing, sister Qin, you Don't be too sad. As Miss said, this kind of thing has low credibility. "

" well, I will judge it myself. "

Qin Xiaoyun lowers his head, and the whole person is covered in an extremely low pressure. Lu Meimei makes a sign to Xiao Shen with her eyes. When Xiao Shen sees this, she immediately exits ahead of time.

After that, Lu Meimei comforted Qin Xiaoyun and told him that it was not believable. To believe Lu Liangcheng, Qin Xiaoyun felt as if he had stepped on cotton and felt his ears buzzing.

"Meimei, don't worry. I have my own sense of propriety. I don't need you to help me with that medicine in private. I will answer to Lu Liangcheng and tell him that I want to try the previous treatment again. I think he will definitely follow me. Although I don't know how he treated me before, he seems to be obedient to me after I return to G city."

"Yes, sister Qin, you have said that Mr. Lu is obedient to you, so you are still thinking about something. Mr. Lu will certainly not do those things. If all the things on that post are true, then you come back, why should Mr. Lu treat you well? Is it hard to say that President Lu is still guilty? He is a man who lives at the top of the world. He doesn't say he's dead if he gets in my way, but he doesn't have a good end in fighting with him.

In recent years, the business and investment of the Lu family are the leaders in every aspect. Why? Because Mr. Lu wants to come and do things with great vigour. Maybe what I say is not very nice, but every sentence is sincere. I think that if Mr. Lu really wants to drive you away or kill you, the first thing you should do now or come back is to kill you again. ""Kill me again?" Qin Xiaoyun's pores all over his body felt open. "Yes, if it's true, why let me come back alive?"

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"Well, sister Qin, don't think too much. Believe me, there won't be anything."

Qin Xiaoyun took a heavy breath and tried to keep his mind calm. "No matter what, you must promise me about today's affairs. If Lu Liangcheng goes to find you to take medicine, you must give him medicine that can restore all his memory. I don't want to reply only to fragments, and I don't want to be controlled by anyone to change any memory."

"Well, I can promise you that."

The meal lasted four or five hours, but in fact, Qin Xiaoyun hardly moved anything. He had no appetite at all and left the restaurant. Originally, Lu Meimei wanted to give her a gift, but Qin Xiaoyun refused.

"I want to walk by myself and blow the wind."

"Sister Qin, I'm not at ease with you."

Qin Xiaoyun tried to squeeze out a smile, and then comforted: "don't worry, I won't have anything. It's just that I'm a little confused. I want to be quiet, so I'll call you when I get home soon, OK?"

"Well, then you must be careful."

Lu Meimei looked back three steps at a time, and finally she was reluctant to leave. But as soon as she got on the bus, her face changed.

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