But she hated such a day. She had always been ambitious. She was not willing to become a pawn in the hands of others. Once she bit her teeth, the president had enough ability to contend with the people behind her. If she could win the president, she would not have to worry about the future. Therefore, it is really the most important to win Qin Sangyu's trust.

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Cloud shallow thought through this point, also not so tangled, began to wait for the day off work.

Qin Sangyu also wanted to eat hot pot, so she agreed to Yunqian. As soon as she handled the documents in her hand, the internal line rang out, and it was really coffee delivery. However, when she looked up, she saw Yunqian not far away took a cup of coffee and got up, as if to walk towards the landing office in Liangcheng.

Qin Sangyu's eyebrows frown up, gaze at her tightly.

When Yunqian came to the door, she suddenly woke up and was scared out of a cold sweat. She even forgot that Qin Sangyu had come back, and the service of coffee could not fall into her hands.

She turned her head and saw that Qin Sangyu's eyes were looking towards her. She raised her eyebrows and put the coffee in front of Qin Sangyu.

At this time, it's better to explain.

"Sister Qin, if you didn't come these two days, the president told me to bring coffee in. I forgot it for a moment. I'm sorry."

Qin Sangyu breathes a sigh of relief. It turns out that this is the case. She thought that Yunqian, like other women, has been killed by Lu Liangcheng fans.

She took the coffee on the table, put it on her lips and took a sip. She said with a smile, "I'll make him another cup. Yunqian, I'll drink this cup first."

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Yunqian's face was stiff. The coffee was not available in the office. She bought it specially. Unexpectedly, Qin Sangyu was cheap. She pulled at her mouth rigidly. "Sister Qin, what do you say? If you like it, I'll make it for you every day."

The suspicion in Qin Sangyu's heart suddenly disappeared. She felt guilty. Yun Qian was so kind to her. In the end, she suspected that she liked Lu Liangcheng. Sure enough, women are selfish when facing love.

"Yunqian, go ahead and make coffee."


Yunqian's face was naive with a smile. When she turned around, the whole person was gloomy. If she had changed to normal, Qin Sangyu would not have asked for that cup of coffee. Did she see something?

Yunqian's heart is very complex, must be his mood ups and downs are too big, that person after all or noticed something, lips tightly pursed up, it seems that in the future we have to be more careful.

Qin Sangyu dispelled the doubts in his heart and brought coffee to Lu Liangcheng. He saw that the man was seriously correcting the documents. His face was tight and his eyebrows were twisted. It seemed that he was not in a beautiful mood.

"Mr. Lu, your coffee."

Qin Sangyu called softly and found that Lu Liangcheng's line of sight was looking at her. Her face did not mean, "there seems to be no outsider here."

"Honey, your coffee."

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Qin Sangyu immediately changed her mouth. Seeing a smile on the man's face, she knew that she had succeeded in pleasing him. A glimmer of light flashed in her eyes and sat down beside him.

"Husband, have you found that all the women in the office are like wolves and want to rush forward?"

This kind of cognition makes her very unhappy. She feels that her things are going to be robbed at any time. In general, she has to be worried all the time.

Lu Liangcheng likes her appearance, at least proves that she cares about him, "jealous?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

Qin Sangyu's mouth pouted, and her face was filled with indignation. "Our contract is still here. Within two years, the little grandmother of the Lu family can only be me."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes suddenly became enchanting and charming. With some temptation in his voice, he said softly, "do you only want two years? Don't you want to be the little grandmother of the Lu family forever like other women. "

As soon as he finished his words, Qin Sangyu's heart trembled fiercely. How could she not have thought about it? It's just what kind of family the Lu family is. With the father in her life, I'm afraid she has no hope. She might as well let her heart die early.

"Never thought about it."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes slowly narrowed up, deep and dark as ink, with a trace of dark at the bottom of the eyes, inexplicable, "why don't you want to?"

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His voice was cold, as if smelted from the cold hell. Qin Sangyu was frozen, and his eyebrows seemed to be frosted.

"Don't you like me? There are other people in the Lu family. I don't want you to be too hard to do in the Lu family... "

Qin Sangyu said slowly. She knew that Lu Liangcheng was an illegitimate child. Although the two old people had high hopes for him, there would be no accident in such a complicated family of the Lu family.

"I'll take care of it."

Lu Liangcheng took a look at her, strong eyes seem to break into her eyes, peep into her mind.

Qin Sangyu didn't dare to look at him. She could only look away from her eyes and swallow her mouth. "I'm also for you..."

her words are sincere, but I don't know whether Lu Liangcheng believes it or not. She is really for the consideration of the other party. She admits that she hopes that the contract can be longer, at least until she can face up to her heart.Two years. It's too short.

"Qin Sangyu, other things don't need your consideration. I sit in this position and don't rely on anyone. You just follow your heart."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes were dignified and languid, and his face was clearly with a trace of fun and ridicule. He seemed to have seen the truth. At the moment, he was in the right mood.

Qin Sangyu was a little annoyed that she had said so much to him. She was about to leave when she got up. However, Lu Liangcheng grasped her wrist and looked at her lips with blazing eyes, as if to gaze out a flower.

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"What are you doing..."

Qin Sangyu's tongue is trembling. Because of Lu Liangcheng's intense and blazing eyes, she feels that her whole body is like a fire, and she even doubts whether she has a fever.

"Good afternoon kiss."

Lu Liangcheng stares at her quietly. Her strength doesn't relax at all. It seems that she doesn't compromise. The two people have been deadlocked.

Qin Sangyu sighed and crouched slowly. He thought it was just a kiss, but he held his head. The more the kiss went deeper, the two people's breathing became disordered.

"There's a bed next to it." Lu Liangcheng said shamelessly, bending to take people to the rest room, but Qin Sangyu woke up from the heat and pushed him away.

"Don't come here. I have a hot pot with Yunqian this afternoon. If I mess with you again, I don't have the strength to go out today."

The corner of Lu Liangcheng's mouth curved, and his smile was disgusting, "are you recognizing my ability?"

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