Dr. Zhao told Qin Xiaoyun: "this is not a very mature technology. I told you before, and there are not many people studying this technology at home and abroad, or more accurately, there are few people with this qualification and ability. Not only in G City, I dare say that few people in the whole country or even the whole world can do it.

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Do you know what's critical? The most important thing is that as far as I know, all scientists or doctors who have the ability to operate independently are recorded, while those who are not included are basically mediocre in technology, or boast of a little technology. Most of these people will be paid by private companies.

In a word, the more unskilled, the more daring they are. They all cooperate with some underground organizations. It's strange to say that you don't have any technology when you look at the position embedded in the chip. Otherwise, you won't master the position of the brain epidermis so well. However, I don't understand one point. Since there is technology, how can it be installed so carelessly 。

So I thought about it for a long time. Maybe you don't care. Girl, 80% of you have encountered illegal means to search for experimental results. They don't have funds to find experimental objects. They can catch one by one and cheat one by one. For experimental subjects like you, they can't guarantee the stability of the experiment process and time. So, they won't The heart.

If they are found, I guess you can't find anyone in the past. They basically change their names after an operation, and the location of the operation is also mobile. If you don't believe me, you can go back and try. If I guess all right, the doctor who operated on you must be dead. "

"No? But I went to the regular hospital last time. The doctor who can do the operation in the hospital should also be a regular doctor. "

"Girl, you are really a little simple. Who told you that the operation in the hospital must be a regular operation, and the doctor who holds a knife for you is not necessarily a regular doctor. If you don't believe it, I will ask you, what's the name of the hospital you operated on? Is it public or private? "

"Hospital?" Qin Xiaoyun thought for a moment, and then said sincerely, "I really can't remember the name of the hospital for a while, but I remember, remember What he looks like. "

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"What about the hospital? Is it public or private? You should remember it."


Qin Xiaoyun's reply is relatively quick, because what Lu Liangcheng arranged for her has always been the best. Generally speaking, public hospitals are full of people with mixed eyes, so she doesn't need to know that the hospital arranged by Lu Liangcheng must be private.

As a result, Dr. Zhao clapped his hands and laughed.

"You see, I'm still right. I said that the hospital must be private."

"What do you mean?" Qin Xiaoyun frowned, and the expression on his face was puzzled and uneasy: "doctor Zhao, can you speak more clearly?"

"Be clear? OK. Just look at my current hospital and you will understand. "

Doctor Zhao stood up, and then motioned Qin Xiaoyun to follow him out, "you sit first."

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Qin Xiaoyun sat down on the seat that Dr. Zhao pointed to. In fact, it was the seat she had just entered the office.

"Dr. Zhao, just tell me what you mean. You're like this. I'm..."

"Very upset, isn't it?"

Doctor Zhao asked is very straightforward, Qin Xiaoyun stopped, but finally nodded.

"It's right to be uneasy. It means that you are getting closer to the truth. If you let me see the hospital where I work, it is to tell you that not all the doctors working in this hospital are invited by the hospital, and some of them come in with their own money."

"Doctors spend money in hospitals? And that's the truth? "

"Public hospitals don't have this kind of thing, but private hospitals don't have to. Private hospitals actually have a lot of cooperation with doctors. Let me give you the simplest example. For example, some doctors were removed from public hospitals. They didn't make any mistakes in principle. Maybe they just had a fight with patients, but they couldn't get used to it The official power of public hospitals retreated from each other.

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In a word, there are all kinds of situations, but in either case, it is because of the system of public hospitals. Generally speaking, if such people do not want to give up their jobs after leaving public hospitals, they will choose to come to private hospitals. In this way, a mode of cooperation has been formed. "

"This should not be regarded as a cooperation mode. Even if he left the public hospital, he was still a doctor. As long as he worked in the hospital, he should be employed."

"What if it's just renting a venue?"

"Can private hospitals rent space?"

"Yes, if you don't believe it, I can take you upstairs to have a look. No, don't go upstairs. I just operated on you. Go to the operating room of the chip. You will not forget that the compartment is inside. I will definitely tell you that I rent the operating room inside.

In fact, it's not difficult for you to think about it yourself. Although the operation you just had was not big, it was also an operation after all. But did you see what I recorded? You've been here, consulted, even after the surgery, no one will knowQin Xiaoyun sits on the seat, the whole person seems to be frozen, she is not Leng to look at doctor Zhao, and then suddenly has to stand up.

"I see. Thank you, Dr. Zhao. I have something to deal with. Dr. Zhao, I have to go first."

Can walk to the door, seem to think of something, and then turn back.

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"Doctor Zhao, give me an account, can transfer money, I transfer today's operation fee to you."

"No, the person introduced by Mr. Lu still costs the operation."

"No, you helped me after all, and told me so much, so I must give it."

"Girl, I really don't need it. To be honest, I used to work for some private companies. At that time, I was a technology controller. I only wanted to study technology, but I didn't expect to be used by others. So I did some stupid things. Today, by chance, to help you take out the chip, I think it's just a chance for God to atone for me.

And I also think that this chip is a harmful chip. If you take one out, one person will be injured. So, don't talk to me about money or not. In the future, if you want to keep an eye on surgery, why do you have to check it before you do it. "

Seeing doctor Zhao's insistence, Qin Xiaoyun agreed. When she left, she bowed very hard, and then said a thank you.

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