My Captain

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 [Full Chapter] – The Best of the Best

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It’s the end of July in Spain, and the heat is intense.

If you take a deep breath, you’ll find that the air is saturated with heat. The sweat and condensations cling onto the temples of the people and the crimson cup of Sangria[1].


Yan An, driving a classic car from the airport to the city, thought to herself that the city is indeed overflowing with passion and desire.

After Yan An finished her 4-year study of learning how to fly, there was a one-month window of free time before having to return to mainland China.

Yan An didn’t hesitate to use the window of time and directly flew from Australia to Spain.

At the end of the 4-year of highly rigorous and cautious learning on how to fly, the string in her body[2] that has been stretched taut for over 4-years has finally reached its limit, she felt that it was necessary to destress and refresh herself anew in this empty-window timeframe.

In a country that no one readily recognizes, there is simply no better place to let out all of your emotions, to let your blood boil and cool, and to let yourself refresh and restart to zero.

It is a land filled with unrestrained passion and enthusiasm, and, after all, it was once known as the Empire of Which the Sun Never Sets.


Yan An has already packed and sent most of her luggage back to China when she finished her studies, and when she came to Spain, she only carried a carry-on traveling bag.

Ah Man did say that wearing clothes that are an inch thicker than a thin suspender will have a very sorry effect on her body.


Yan An happened to meet Ah Man during a sabbatical in a small town near the coast of New South Wales.

With long black hair, a stunning face, and an alluring figure, Ah Man was seen casually sunbathing naked beside an endless stretch of pristine shores and coastline on the east coast of Australia.

At that time, she couldn’t help but blurt out,

“What a hot girl..”

Upon hearing that, Ah Man turned around and raised her sunglasses, glanced at her from head to toe, then lazily raised her eyebrows and invited, “It’s still less than a thousandth of your figure, so how about we sunbathe together?”

Yan An smiled and politely declined: “No, I came here to see handsome naked men tanning.”

Ah Man laughed and smiled broadly at her reply: “Coincidentally, me too.”

The personality of these two are highly compatible with each other, and so they quickly became best friends after that. Since then, Ah Man has continued to travel throughout the world, while Yan An continued to dread and study for the theoretical and practical business license exams and more.

Even though the two of them are not always with each other physically, they still both frequently contact and roam the internet with each other, always texting each other through the internet with all sorts of topics.


And now in the present, Yan An changed into a black suspender and took a picture using the floor mirror of her hotel in Spain and sent it to Ah Man.

Ah Man: The suspenders are fine, the pants are not, change the wrap of your hips.

Yan An thought that Ah Man’s opinion is agreeable and immediately changed into a pair of skinny jeans and sent a picture to her right after.

Ah Man clicked her tongue and replied: With your figure, it’s a huge waste to not go naked sunbathing. And with Spain’s 1,930 kilometers worth of coastline, you are not going to let it go to waste, right?

Yan An now seriously considered tanning this time and replied with a quiet and meek emoji: I think Ah Man is right.

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This is Yan An’s first time in Spain. She didn’t do any thorough planning and preparations for this trip, because after all, she has a traveling expert’s contacts on her phone.

At this time, she asked about her other party, how to make one month incredibly exciting, and how to have fun.

Ah Man: It really depends on whether you want to do it step by step or one step at a time.

Yan An’s previously stretched to the limit string[3] slammed and bounced on her backbones, and Yan An immediately replied: “I want to IMMEDIATELY pump my adrenaline to its utmost limits.”

The other side fell silent for a moment before immediately replying: “Oh, that is really too easy to do!”



A dark green vintage car made its way to the north.

Yan An rolled the car’s window down a little and instantly felt the hot and humid sea breeze of the Mediterranean.

She looked up towards the azure sky ahead and vaguely saw yellow-like flowers blossoming in the air in the distance. Her heartbeat slowly accelerated in anticipation.

Barcelona’s skydiving base is generally well-known throughout all of Europe.

For such an extreme sport with sudden accelerations of gravity and air pressure, Yan An entered the skydiving base’s door without hesitation and gave the money without even reading the introductions, and signed the safety notice agreement.

With this kind of free-falling experience, Yan An doesn’t even bother to hope that she will ever have this kind of experience again once she begins her career.

This extreme sport, which opposes the pilots manual, was a perfect appetizer for this trip.

She couldn’t wait.

Yan An pushed the signed agreement form back towards the receptionist lady and casually joked, “Hey, can you arrange a handsome-looking instructor for me?”

The receptionist glanced at her passport information and soon made an OK. “I will arrange a Chinese instructor for you.”

“Is he handsome?” 

“He’s the most handsome Chinese man I have ever met!”

Yan An originally made a light joke and didn’t mean what she said, but upon hearing the receptionist lady’s serious reply, her eyes lit up.

All humans like attractive things. Who doesn’t like handsome men and beautiful women that are pleasing to the eye?

Only Yan An can deal with this mindset better than others, and appreciate the bright and upright more.


And now, she is waiting on the base’s lawn, restlessly looking around without hiding her presence.

Yan An: I heard that the instructor who will take me later is a handsome Chinese man.

Ah Man immediately replied with one word: Go!

Yan An: Come on!

Ah Man: Fuck off, you cowardly woman with a heart but no guts!

Yan An smiled.

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Yan An is fundamentally different from Ah Man. While the other “take actions first” faction, Yan An is in the “mouth off first” faction.

Yan An: Hey handsome, can’t you see? Moving your mouth is graceful while moving your hands and feet isn’t.

Ah, Man spits on her: It’s because you still haven’t encountered the very best.

Yan An humbly asked: What is the so-called best?

Ah Man: Two words.

Yan An: ?

Ah Man: I want to sleep![4] [TL/N: The raws says: 想睡!]

Yan An bursts out laughing: Get taught![5]

Yan An was then soon called away to learn about basic safety and movement before skydiving.

She looked at the curly-haired Spanish instructor in front of her humorously and winked, “It looks like I’m not destined to be with that rumored handsome Chinese instructor?” She grinned and added, “But certainly, you’re pretty handsome too.”

The Spanish Instructor heartily laughed at her quip, “Don’t worry, your handsome instructor is still yours, he’s just currently getting your goggles ready. But hey, if you find out that you like me better, I can take you with me.”

Yan An waved her hand, “No no, when I meet a fellow countryman in another country, my eyes will be brimming with tears.”

Yan An translated the Chinese saying into English in a cute, strange way.

The Spanish Instructor had a question mark written all over his face, while he thought to himself that this Chinese girl is really cute.

At that moment, the instructor glanced behind Yan An and said, “Hey Sam, come on, your Chinese young lady is dying to meet you.”

Yan An turned around after hearing the words.

A man wearing the base’s instructing uniform walked towards the pair.

The man’s figure is straight and tall, with wide shoulders and a narrow waist, while he is putting on a pair of black protective gloves with his eyes looking down.

Hearing someone calling him, he raised his head and glanced at the foreigner, and slightly raised his lips in response.

He then shifted his gaze to Yan An, his so-called “Chinese young lady”, according to the Spanish instructor.

Both of their gazes collided for a moment, then his gaze slowly shifted downwards, and paused at Yan An’s fragile black suspenders, which seemingly looks like they will snap off at the softest caress.

A moment later, the man lowered his head and gaze and calmly tightened his gloves.

Yan An felt her shoulders, necks, arms, and chest burst into strange sensations at each fluttering glance, with a sensation akin to ants crawling throughout her, or being brushed by a leaf of a willow.

She felt ticklish and numb.

It’s really terrible, Yan An thought.

How could someone with the word ‘chaste’ be written all over him, have every move and even glance seemingly filled with carnal passion and desire?

The receptionist lady is an honest person.

Yan An’s heart is thumping uncontrollably.

This man is definitely the most handsome man she has ever seen!

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Shan Yi, the Chinese Instructor, briefly had a casual chat with the foreign instructor in Spanish, and then the foreigner left to prepare the plane.

Before the foreign instructor left, he said his farewells to Yan An, “Go and enjoy yourself to the fullest, young lady.”

Yan An snorted and then nodded sincerely, “I definitely will!”


Shan Yi glanced at the allocation table in his palm and questioned, “Are you number 75?”

His question is about her waiting hall number.

Yan An pointed to the number sticker on her arm and said, “Handsome, are you the one who is taking me? If you’re not, then what’s your number, and how do I change my number?”

This is precisely the reason why Shan Yi doesn’t want to bring people. He even starts to begin regret taking the Instructor License Exam.

He thought that at least Chinese girls would be a lot more reserved and restrained than foreign women, but it was inherently obvious that the one he met today is not.

Yan An didn’t know how composed her expression looks like at the moment, but she almost wanted closely to lean her face toward his face and gaze at each other at this very moment.

There is no shortage of handsome men in Europe, but she always felt that Chinese men are the most attractive and charming, like the one in front of her.

This man has a dazzling aura around him. He has the confidence and passion to be an instructor for the extreme sport of skydiving while appearing masculine, passionate, outgoing, reserved, and charming.

His aura alone far surpasses then what just pure good looks can ever hope to achieve.

Though, his looks alone are handsome to the extreme.

Yan An had a heartfelt sigh.

This man checked all of her Aesthetical Tastes box from head to toe, so much so that she almost unconsciously touched him.

Shan Yi put down the form in his hand and had no intention of accepting this girl whose thoughts are written all over her face.

He asked her about her height and weight according to the standard procedure and turned around to get the equipment necessary.

But before he left to go get the equipment, he turned around again out of little kindness for his fellow countrymen.

With a small touch of warmth in his voice, “I suggest you go to the reception and change into a new pair of clothes before we set off.”

His eyes slightly lowered, and Yan An felt her exposed skin seem to be swept by a strange, hot sensation once again.

Shan Yi: “Parachuting with thin suspenders isn’t appealing.”

Then Yan An watched him turn around, picking up a slew of equipment to inspect and assemble and dissemble them again. When he met the occasional colleague, he would say a few words in English and Spanish, and occasionally laughed with his colleagues, making Yan An’s heart skip a beat.

Yan An agrees that skydiving with thin garments isn’t a very appealing thing to do.

The man’s long-sleeves and trousers bent over and lowered his fingers to tighten his shoelaces, which Yan An found to be even sexier than those nude tanning foreigners besides the coastline of Wales.

Yan An swallowed her saliva, Is she going crazy?

She then ran to the front desk to ask for a pair of clothes and waited there until she saw the honest receptionist lady she met earlier.

“May I know the name of my instructor?”

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The lady’s smile is seemingly full of unspoken words, like how is it, I arranged him for you, the instructor is very handsome, right?: “Ah, his name is Sam.”

“Then what’s his Chinese name?”

“Then you have to ask him yourself. Sam doesn’t like to give other people his real name.”


Yan An put on her new clothes on her body as she walked back to the lawn, where many other people are resting.

Yan An’s sudden appearance walking into the scorching summer sun attracted many curious eyes around her.

 Yan An’s figure is tall and well-proportioned. When she raises her hand to pull her clothes over her head, she reveals a slender waist under those thin garments, revealing her womanly curves. Her slightly exposes unblemished abs and exposed skin transformed into a lovely sheen of white under the sweltering sun.

She puts on her clothes neatly and pushes her flowing luscious black hair out of her collars.

This Chinese young lady is stunning from head to toe, overflowing with youth, allure, and playful energy that is very hard to ignore.

Yan An didn’t pay any attention to the irrelevant extras around her, like Stranger A, Stranger B, Stranger C, and Stranger D, when her mind was completely occupied by that man who is overflowing with testosterone.


She couldn’t wait to share this with her buddy who is currently in Alaska: I think you’re right.

Ah Man: ?

Yan An: I have met the best of the best.

Ah Man: How are you feeling right now?

Yan An: I want to sleep![6] [TL/N: 想睡!]


Translators Notes:

[1] Sangria is a traditional alcoholic beverage that originated in Spain and Portugal. It looks like something like this:

[2] I don’t really know what the author means by ‘strings’. I tried the definition in the Chinese dictionary and even MTLed it in desperation, but it all literally returns to the word ‘string’. I assume that’s her mental sanity, stress limit, how much stress she has, or her boredom/yearning for adventure.

[3] ^^ I still don’t know what it means. Read the note above.

[4] Raws: 想睡! Apparently, it’s a popular meme saying in mainland China. I don’t fully understand the humor/punch-line, but here is the meme for reference:

[5] 受教: Literally means to receive instructions/teachings and to benefit from advice. I can’t find any shortened English alternative to it, so probably the closest definition that sticks with the one-word conciseness is “You live, you learn.”

[6] See note 4.

TL/N: Damn, translating just ONE chapter took me 2 damn days. I guess I really do need to fix my habit of double, triple, and quadruple checking every Chinese word, term, and meaning that I am not sure of.

Anyways, my upload schedule is one chapter every 2 Days. It might change and shorten from time to time, due to life and academic situations, etc.

Anyways, how will our heroine Yan An win over this ML? Peace :>

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