Up until now, Lelia thought that misfortunes would come all at once, and that happiness would only stay for a moment.

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It’s always been like that.

However, it was not the case this time.

One good thing happened to her, and other good things kept happening one after another.

“Sir Raymond, Princess Julianna accepted my confession!”

As she listened to Ruth during his late night visit, Lelia was filled with joy.

She was so happy that she wanted to scream.

She was so happy that she almost hugged Ruth.

“Okay, great! Well done, Sir Ruth!”

“I’m glad you’re as happy as I am! This is all thanks to Sir Raymond.”

[Yes, thanks to me.]

She wanted to give him a blow to his face, but Lelia held back.

Instead, she congratulated Ruth with a bright smile on her face.

To be honest, she wasn’t aware how Julianna, who had come to her room and slapped her on the cheek, received Ruth’s confession…

Lelia had no idea how it happened…

“Thank you, Sir Raymond.”

“It’s okay.”

Lelia smiled and stared at him.



Lelia stared at him for a while, which made Ruth wonder why she had this expression on her face.

Then he said, “Ahhh!”

“Sir Raymond. In return for helping me, I would like to give you a present.”

“…… !”

At last.

Lelia gulped down and waited for Ruth’s next word.

“It’s… It’s very precious to me.”

Ruth said as he pulled something out from his pocket.

Lelia’s eyes shone.

It was the other half.

He fiddled with the one half of the clock and held it out to Lelia.

“This is the temple’s sacred property that granted my wishes when I was young. It’s something precious that I always carried around, but I want to give it to you, Sir Raymond.”


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Lelia slowly reached out her hand.

She tried to take it right away, but Ruth’s hand held it with great strength. He seemed to not be willing to give it to Lelia. The fingertips of the two holding the holy relic trembled.

“…I was originally going to give it to Princess Julianna, but I thought it would be right to give it to you. You’ve been a great help to me, so I think you deserve it.”

“Thank you.”

At the end of the remark, Ruth relaxed his grip on the holy relic.

Only then could Lelia get the watch from Ruth.

At the same time, a square window appeared.

Sub quest completed! ٩(๑•̀o•́๑)و Obtain the young man’s <treasure>!
System: Special shop system open


Lelia felt a tingling sensation in her fingertips, and put the holy relic in her inner pocket.

Just in case Ruth asks for it back.

Surprisingly, Ruth hesitated about something, and then spoke.

“…And Sir Raymond. Could you please grant me one more request if possible?”

“… What is it?”

[Unless you’re asking for the relic back…]

Lelia looked at Ruth and listened to what he had to say.

“Well… I decided to meet Princess Julianna in secret for the time being. If the Emperor and the Princes find out, it could be a big deal.”

“Ah, yes.”

It was none of my business.

“So I mean. Can you help me not be seen by His Majesty the Emperor and His Highnesses the Princes? And if you can help me with a formal proposal… !”

It wasn’t her business either.

“I’m sorry, Sir Ruth. What should I do?”


Lelia gave him a look of disappointment as she spoke.

“Unfortunately, I think I will be returning to my home country soon.”

“Oh… Uh, when?”

“It’s not exact, but we’re leaving as soon as we can. I got a call from someone in a hurry looking for me. I’ll help you before I leave, but… It’ll be hard to be as active as before.”

“… Then there is nothing you can do.”

Ruth gave a slightly resentful look.

Lelia clicked her tongue inwardly.

He was the one who changed his attitude faster than anyone else. She said she’d help him before she left, but that meant she would be busy going forward and also pretend to not know Ruth.

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He seems to be that scoundrel who only gets what he wants, and Lelia knows it well. She hadn’t forgotten the last time Ruth insulted Kalix. She felt it at that time, she vowed she would definitely do it and punch him in the face.

He might ask for the holy relic back, so it seemed better to hold off for now.


Ruth looked at Lelia with a very sad expression and hesitated.

Feeling anxious, Lelia rushed to her room, making an excuse that she wasn’t feeling well.


She entered her room and happily rolled around her bed.

[Wait, then what about the holy relics?]

Contrary to her initial plan, Lelia intended to use the Holy Relics to heal Kalix’s eyes.

Because she thought that was more important than breaking the spell of golden words.

However, curing Kalix’s eyes can also be achieved by getting the reward from the last quest.

[Perhaps the ingredients for that remedy are in a special shop, or there is another way to get them.]

Just to put it that way…

Now, even if the holy relics are used according to the original plan, it wouldn’t be a big problem.

[I can break the magic spell!]

Lelia bit her lips as she wanted to speak right away.

[…Let’s calm down.]

First to calm her excitement, Lelia rummaged through the closet inside her room.

Half of the holy relic has been with her since she was a child. She had brought it just in case, so she could easily take it out. She then took out the relic she had received from Ruth and placed them side by side on her table.

The two were in halves each, and when combined, they were a perfect pair.


Her fingertips trembled at the tension.

Lelia slowly interlocked the two relics with her trembling hands.

At the same time, a tremendous light poured out from the holy relic. She reflexively turned her head to her side. She did well to draw the curtains ahead of time just in case. If a passing guard had seen her, they would have thought she was using forbidden magic.

As the light faded, Lelia opened her eyes and turned her head.

Above the holy relic placed on the table, a soft glow spread like light on a moonlit night.

And an unidentified figure floated on top of it.

Its shape felt like a mirage, like a mist that would dissipate when touched.


Lelia remembered what the image that appeared on the relic was.

She has seen the stone statue before when she was staying at the Kreuzt Temple.

That image was one of the seven angels protecting Herna, a half-angel cursed by the devil. So, one half of the wing had the black devil’s wing and the other half had the angel’s white wing.

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Although he is the strongest of the seven archangels, he was playing the role of a “punitive” who inflicted severe punishment on humans. So humans were afraid of that statue.

It seems that the angel was the guardian of the holy relic.

[It’s a real holy relic of a temple… ]

Lelia stared at the figure in bewilderment.

Then, a low voice came into her ear.

“Human, who has reclaimed the relics. If you pay the price, I will grant you one wish.”

The tone was arrogant, but it didn’t feel that way at all.

His voice naturally became pious even though he did not believe in Kreuztism .

It was strange because the sound seemed to be coming from her ears, from her head, and from her heart.

“However, you must pay a price commensurate with your wishes. Also, the thoughts and memories of those who have possessed the holy relics can intertwine, so you have to be patient.”

Lelia pondered those words.

[I don’t get what it means.]

First of all, he said that the price of a wish is an equivalent exchange.

She doesn’t know what the price is…

[Let me ask you first!]

“I… I want to dispel the magic spell cast on me as a child.”

“In order to unravel the magic of death, it takes life in return. Would you do it?”


Lelia blinked her eyes.

[Need a life in return? Then… Are you talking about dying?]

What’s this?

It was weird.

[No, I wanted to confess to my friends, but I didn’t want to die, that’s why I searched for the relic to make a wish!]

Risk your life? Is this a joke?

This time she couldn’t even speak and just drew her breath.

“Will you do it?”

She could not think at that moment, but his angelic image urged her.

“Wait! Please wait. No, what life…?”

A human life is not a fly.

In this case, it would be better to use the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ rather than the holy relic.

It was then.

Suddenly, in front of Lelia’s eyes!

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The selection window appeared.

Wait!∑(;°Д°) Need help mode? ◔ᴗ◔ All transactions must be done with caution! Alchemy will be your very own broker right now! (。 ̀ᴗ-)✧₊˚
※ Brokerage fee: 800,000 crystals
<Accept> <Reject>


She was so surprised that she blinked her eyes, and then came to her senses.

It said that the help mode is helpful in all aspects of life.

She felt it again.

[But 800,000 crystals.]

So 800 million shillings… It was a huge amount of money.

That’s exactly the amount of money that she had already spent in the ‘Alchemy Lottery’ game. That’s almost all of her property…

Lelia only opened her mouth in conflict.

[Still, you can save money again, and if it’s in lieu of your life, it’s not a lot of money.]

And she had more extra money left in the Superion estate just in case.


Lelia firmly made up her mind and pressed the “Accept” button.

In an instant, the image of the angel that had risen above the holy relic disappeared.

Lelia stood in her room for a long time with an anxious mind.

As her anxiety peaked and she felt the urge to go out and run like a madman, the help mode reappeared.

Voila!✧⁺⸜(・ ᗜ ・ )⸝⁺✧ Alchemy has completed the brokerage!

“Well, what about my wish? What about my life?”

If you hand over the reward to Alchemy, you can safely make your wish come true without the cost of ‘life’!(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

“You did well! What a wonderful guy!”

Lelia clapped her hands in joy. Also, in her previous life, before she died, it was good that she made a wish through the ‘Alchemy Lottery’.

If possible, she was happy to give it a kiss.


So what’s the reward?

“Then what reward should I give you?”

The required reward is 100 million crystals.

For a moment…


100 million crystals… 100 billion shillings?


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