[An assassin in the Imperial Castle!]

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Could it be that Princes Cedric and Damian sent him?


Then she realized. If he had the princes’ permission, it would have been easier to break into the imperial castle.


Or it could have been an Imperial Knight in the first place.


However, the opponent was competent enough to break in without a noise or sound.


Most knights are not trained to prioritize assassination skills, so it is probably an assassin with professional training.


Lelia swallowed her saliva, feeling the sensation of the cold blade on her neck.


Then she slowly raised her eyelids and looked at her opponent.


The opponent wore black clothes. She couldn’t see him in detail, but it looked like he wasn’t wearing a mask.


[They don’t even cover their faces when they invade the Imperial Castle?]

It seemed he was a person who firmly believed in his own abilities.


It was time for her to focus on her situation.


Wind blew through the curtains through the open window, revealing the assassin’s face.


The man’s bare face shone brightly in the moonlight.




Lelia involuntarily admired him. She felt like she was possessed by something.


The assassin was like a devil from hell who pretended to be an angel and stole the souls of the dead. It is said that the devil has a more beautiful and noble appearance than an angel, she remembered. 


But his eyes were as red as the devil’s…


Lelia, who realized who he was, stiffened her body. She had goosebumps.



When Lelia called his name, he narrowed his eyes. It was subtle, but the corners of his mouth were raised.


“I always thought it was weird.”

Oscar’s voice was as soft and warm as a dream.


However, the knife grazing her neck was as close as if it were going to pierce her neck right away.


“That’s why I want to experiment with one thing.”



Oscar mumbled only words that were incomprehensible to Lelia.


[Why is Oscar…?]

[Are you really trying to kill me?]


Her heart pounded against her chest. She could never let herself die like this.


Then, Oscar’s gaze turned to Lelia’s bed. He seemed to be staring at the bunny doll she was holding a moment ago. At that moment, Lelia quickly slapped Oscar’s wrist and tried to push him away. However, Oscar didn’t budge like a giant stone pillar.


In an instant, his posture changed.


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Lelia breathed in with a gasp.


Both her wrists were caught, and Oscar’s face was just in front of her.


He lowered his head and looked into Lelia’s eyes. The red eyes in front of her were full of life.


“Let go of me…!”

Lelia struggled.


She was going to scream if she could. If Romeo or Kalix hear it, they’ll stop Oscar.


Yet at those words, Oscar’s eyes flared even more.


Lelia’s next words didn’t last. It’s because Oscar covered her lips as if to swallow them.


Lelia’s eyes grew bigger with the sudden kiss.


She pushed him away with all her might.


Fortunately, Oscar was pushed back this time.


Lelia exhaled and looked at Oscar with astonished eyes.


[What the hell was that for…?]

Her heart beat violently.


“You’re not gonna explain, are you?”

After doing something crazy, Oscar laughed absurdly. His eyes looked weird. Looking at his glistening eyes, Lelia thought Oscar had gone mad. There was madness in his eyes to the extent that she wondered if he had been injured in the war against the dragon.


Lelia was confused.


[What the hell is wrong with Oscar, what is he doing?]

[Don’t tell me… did you notice who I am?]

But she didn’t look like this at all until she left last time.


If Romeo or Kalix, who have been with her this whole time, couldn’t recognise her then how did Oscar suddenly…


It was then.

Oscar, who was waiting for the right moment like a beast just around the corner of a game, rushed back toward Lelia.



Fortunately, however, this time he did not kiss or point a knife to her neck.


Oscar clasped her hands and drew her face close. 


That was all.


Oscar’s hands trembled when he caught her. And they were freezing cold.


He looked Lelia in the eye with a look of desperation. Like a desperate man looking for something in Lelia’s eyes.



But as Lelia kept her mouth shut, his eyes suddenly changed again.


Oscar dropped Lelia’s hands, which he had been holding, and moved away.


Taking a step back, Oscar looked like a hurt child.


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Tears fell from those red eyes to the floor.


Watching Oscar cry without making a sound, Lelia was at a loss.


But that was also temporary.


Oscar stared at Lelia and soon disappeared out of the window.



She looked out the window right away, but Oscar disappeared in an instant without leaving any trace.


Lelia collapsed on the spot.



Her head was dizzy and her heart was pounding. It was difficult to think properly because of the situation that happened just now.


It was hard to understand what had just happened.


Why the hell would Oscar…


Lelia looked nervously at where Oscar was standing.


Those eyes.


The eyes that looked at her were filled with distrust, hatred, and difficulty.


As if he were betrayed by the person he trusted the most… Like a hurt child.


[You recognized me.]


Lelia buried her face in her lap. Tears poured down.




“Hey, why are your eyes like that? Are they swollen from what happened yesterday?”

Lelia was startled by Kalix’s words and lowered her head.


She took her pills from her inventory to relieve the swelling in her eyes and swallowed them…

Her eyes were swollen a lot, so she didn’t see much of an effect.


Kalix dared to follow her and bowed his head, staring intently at Lelia, who covered her face.


“Is that right? Tell me, I’ll go and beat them equally. Okay?”


“It’s just… because I didn’t sleep well. I didn’t get enough sleep.”



At Lelia’s words, Kalix withdrew. He exhaled a sigh of relief.


That happened yesterday. Now it was the next day.


Everyone, except for Oscar, gathered in Romeo’s parlor.


“Oscar came this morning.”

Griffith delivered the news. Romeo frowned.


“But why isn’t he here?”

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“He just saw your face and left right away?”


“… Did he go to Leo’s grave?”

Lelia bowed her head when she heard Oscar’s name. He must have wandered all night because of her. She was heartbroken.


Romeo was puzzled, then clapped his hand once. Lelia raised her head in surprise.


“Well, when we go to Oscar, let’s make another plan. Let’s say goodbye together at Leo’s grave and go our separate ways.”


“Very well.”


“Do as you please,” replied Kalix and Griffith, in turn, to Romeo’s words. Lelia nodded too.


“What are you going to do? Are you done with getting what you need out of Ruth?”

Romeo stuck his chin out to Lelia. 


Lelia swallowed her saliva and answered, “Yes, I’m done. I’m going back to my hometown now…”


“Oh, really? Hmm…”

Romeo said after a moment’s thought.


“All right, it’s decided. I’ll go with you!”


“… What?”


“What? Then I will go too. I have nothing to do anyway, and I don’t want to be a mercenary.” Kalix said as he lay down on the sofa. He was about to flow down the sofa.


[What is this?]

Lelia frowned.


[Of course it’s nice to go with my friends, but…]


“Really? Then I’ll go, too,”

Griffith said.


Lelia suddenly remembered her past. She recalled something similar that happened back then…



“You’re the captain’s brother, and I’ll make you my youngest brother. Don’t worry, I’ll follow you.”




Me? Youngest?



At their words, Lelia bit her lips tightly.


“But Griffith, are you really okay to go?”

At Kalix’s question, Griffith also shrugged his shoulders. He had an attitude that it didn’t matter.


Romeo narrowed his eyes and said, “Then I’ll have to inform Oscar. Oh, what about him? He must be busy taking over the throne.”


It was at that moment they heard a voice.


“I’m not busy.”


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Suddenly, Oscar appeared from behind Lelia and sat down on the sofa. He was sitting next to Lelia. In addition to Lelia, Romeo and Kalix are also said ‘whoa!’ and shouted. Griffith was the only one who was calm.


“You crazy b*****d! Come through the door! The door!”

Romeo pointed and shouted.


At that, Lelia turned her head. Seeing that the window behind her was open, he seemed to have come in from there.


But he came in through the window in broad daylight?


To outrun the guards?


Well, it wasn’t surprising because Oscar also obtained the legendary magic sword and gained tremendous power. At the same time, it was terrifying. It is a sword that gets stronger as it absorbs blood… and Oscar gained power through that sword.


[How much blood did you absorb and how much power did you get?]

The Oscar in her memory was a delicate and innocent child who could not catch a single ant.


He was such a cute, lovable, and fragile child.



But since last night, Lelia has definitely come to terms with reality. The Oscar of the past and the Oscar of today are completely different people.


“… Well, I wasn’t surprised at all?” Kalix said to Romeo as if to hide his panic.


It was a lie. 


[I’m sure we’re the same! And I saw him jumping and screaming.]

Romeo also thought the same thing, so he started to point at him saying that he shouldn’t be talking nonsense.


Seeing the two of them quarreling, Lelia calmed her pounding heart.


As she was catching her breath slowly, she heard a soft voice from the side.

“I will go with you.”


Lelia turned her head with a bewildered look. Oscar, sitting next to her, crossed his legs and looked at Lelia with an elegant posture.


Today’s Oscar was different from yesterday’s.


Relaxed, and elegant. Rather than being angry, he had a gentle expression and tone of voice.


Lelia’s head was flustered with his changed attitude, as if nothing had happened.


And Griffith observed the two of them with strange eyes.


Romeo, who had been arguing with Kalix, turned his head and asked.

“Are you going with us? What about the throne?”


“For the time being… I have someone who can be a scarecrow.”

In response to Oscar’s reply, Kalix said, “That’s your father, isn’t it? That rascal, that rascal…!!” 


Oscar didn’t care.


Lelia stared into the void with a liberated expression on her face.




[Do you have to take them all and go back to the Superion Territory?]

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