Chapter 101: Drink Your Own Vinegar

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Ruan Jinghong noticed that there was no response for a long time, so she tentatively sent a "peeking cat" emoji.

 Wen Jin then realized that she was chatting with her girlfriend while using a pseudonym. She quickly reassured Ruan Jinghong and shared some of her experiences in hanging on wires, which she cleverly described as rock climbing. 

Ruan Jinghong admired the highly professional experience.

Ruanruan: I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable at such a young age. You truly are an exceptional talent. I'm a complete newbie in this field, so I might have to seek your advice more in the future."

Wen Jin read the message and muttered to herself: You'd rather seek advice from a netizen than ask for advice from your official girlfriend. Don't you know that your girlfriend is the most professional and powerful?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, completely oblivious to the fact that she was drinking her own vinegar. After they finished chatting, Wen Jin immediately dialed Wen Qing's number.

Ten minutes later, the surveillance video from today's shoot of the drama "Breaking Heaven" was transmitted to her computer.

Wen Jin remembered that Xiao Yuan had mentioned the actors were scheduled to try their wire stunts in the morning. She opened the video and carefully examined each frame, starting from the beginning.

She had immersed herself in the drama crew for many years and was familiar with the props inspection process of the on-set crew.

Soon, she noticed something unusual in the video. There was a bald person wearing a blue vest who was loitering around the wire rig for several rounds, appearing to be up to something.

Wen Jin scrolled the video forward and indeed, the wire rig was used by Ruan Jinghong later on.

She pulled the video progress bar back to the scene with the person in the vest and paused it. She took a screenshot, but due to the distance of the shot, the person's image was not very clear.

Wen Jin sent the screenshot to Wen Qing and asked her to investigate the person's background. Half an hour later, she received a reply.

The person was a temporary crew member hired for the day because there was a lot of work to be done on the first day of shooting, so they had hired many temporary workers.

The person is said to have completed their work and left with his wages tonight. The production crew has no information about him. The lead ends here for now. 

Wen Jin instructed Wen Qing to find this temporary worker as soon as possible and to dismiss any other temporary workers who are still present in the "Breaking Heaven" production crew. If they need extra manpower, she can help from her side. 

Wen Jin has eliminated all unidentified individuals within the crew, preventing anyone from secretly carrying out any actions.

However, until the mastermind behind this is found, the threat cannot be completely eliminated.

Wen Qing was urged by her cousin three times in one day, making her feel overwhelmed.

However, as soon as she heard the offer of "an additional 0.3% of shares after the success," she immediately became happy and started to make arrangements without any delay.

Ruan Jinghong spent a week peacefully on the set, filming more than twenty scenes together with Fu Ziyan.

The fortunate thing was that although Fu Ziyan openly showed his dislike for her and took every opportunity to be sarcastic, as the leading actress among the four, she remained dedicated.

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Every time she appeared on screen, she transformed into a different person, displaying a level of professionalism that impressed Ruan Jinghong.

If she didn't dislike me so much, perhaps we could have gotten along well.

So how did I offend her?

Fu Ziyan didn't have a good look at her, so she naturally wouldn't put a hot face on someone's ass.

But Fu Ziyan seemed to have some kind of problem. Whenever the camera couldn't capture them, she would seize every opportunity to make verbal comments towards Ruan Jinghong.

Just then, after they had finished a scene in the library, and the crew had just finished tidying up the props and left.

Fu Ziyan saw that there were only the two of them, Ruan Jinghong and herself, in the room, and she was preparing to explode.

Ruan Jinghong, sensing that Fu Ziyan was about to speak, wisely took a step back, keeping a safe distance of two steps between them. 

How skilled is this woman in mocking? My ears are about to form calluses!

Just then, the bookshelf next to Fu Ziyan suddenly started shaking violently, and it looked as if it was about to collapse.

Fu Ziyan was standing with her back to the bookshelf, completely unaware of the situation, as she prepared to launch her verbal attack. 

Seeing this, Ruan Jinghong didn't have time to think much. She quickly stepped forward and grabbed Fu Ziyan's sleeve, forcefully pulling her out.

"What are you doing?!" Fu Ziyan was furious at being interrupted before she could cast her spell.

The next second, a loud bang was heard as the metal bookshelf collapsed, leaving a visible crack on the concrete floor.

Ruan Jinghong, seeing that Fu Ziyan was unappreciative of her help, let go of her and turned away, no longer interested in dealing with her.

Fu Ziyan looked at the slender figure still dressed in costume, the person she despised and envied to the extreme, but also the person who had just saved her life. Her emotions were complicated at that moment.

The commotion quickly caught the attention of the crew, and after inspection, it was discovered that the bookshelf had an uneven leg height, and the recent minor earthquake had caused the accident.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.

The shooting for the day was quite efficient, and at 6 o'clock in the evening, the director called it a day for everyone.

Having completed most of the group battle scenes for the week, the director decided to treat the entire crew to a nice meal to celebrate the successful completion of the first phase of work.

The majority of the crew members were young, and the prospect of a free feast brought them much joy.

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This translation is originally posted on

Ruan Jinghong was feeling melancholic, thinking about how the precious time she could have spent chatting with her girlfriend had slipped away. She had no choice but to obediently participate in the group activity.

While sitting in the car, she quietly sent a message to Wen Jin.

[Tonight, we have a crew dinner, and I might come back very late. Crying.jpg]

There was no immediate reply from the other side, which made her even more sad.

Meanwhile, Wen Jin was sitting in the office's private rest area, rare for her to have put on stunning makeup. Just as she had entered the honeymoon phase of her relationship, she found herself in a long-distance relationship with her girlfriend for a week. It was a true test of endurance.

Therefore, when she finally managed to wrap up her work at the company, she made up her mind to visit the set no matter what.

Both of them didn't have any plans to make their relationship public, so Wen Jin decided to arm herself and quietly sneak into her girlfriend's room to give her a surprise.

In order to prevent herself from getting too excited and accidentally revealing the news during their conversation, she turned off her phone's internet connection. After all, if someone had an urgent matter, they would call her.

Just as she was about to leave, she received a phone call. However, the caller was someone who didn't bring pleasant feelings.

Lin Mu's peacock-like voice came through the receiver. 

"A'Jin, I heard that you don't have any meetings scheduled for the next two days. Are you done with your busy schedule? I know of a newly opened scenic restaurant with great reviews. How about we go there together?"

Wen Jin frowned upon hearing this: Who did he hear it from? This guy actually dared to infiltrate my company, he's becoming more and more reckless.

"I'm busy. I have no time. I'm going to pick up my girlfriend now. If it's not something important, please don't call me again."

Wen Jin believed that she had made her stance clear enough during the birthday banquet. Since some people were so stubborn, she didn't mind emphasizing it a couple more times.

After she finished speaking, she promptly hung up the phone. To prevent someone from bothering her further, she added him to her blacklist temporarily.

Seeing her girlfriend was precious time that couldn't be wasted.

Before leaving, she called Wen Qing and questioned whose hands her itinerary had passed through.

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Anyone found leaking the boss's schedule indiscriminately would be fired.

Upon hearing the busy tone on the other end of the line, Lin Mu couldn't believe it and called back, only to get a busy signal.

A gloomy expression covered his face, making his once handsome features appear terrifying.

Wen Jin had never been so heartless before. It was all because of that damn little prick!

He resentfully dialed a familiar number.

In a large restaurant next to the set of "Breaking Heaven," the director, with deep pockets, reserved the largest private room to treat the hardworking actors in recent days.

As the leading actress of the drama, Fu Ziyan was generally friendly to everyone in the crew except for Ruan Jinghong. Therefore, she had good popularity and was surrounded by a group of young actors who toasted to her.

Just as she was about to drink her fifth beverage, her phone rang.

At first, she thought of hanging up, but when she saw the caller ID, her expression paused. She excused herself to the others at the table and went to the adjacent private room with her phone.

A slightly irritable male voice came through the phone.

"I'm going to make that little prick pay, and I want you to get her out of the crew. I'll send you the exact location on WeChat."

Fu Ziyan was taken aback. This person seemed to ate explosives all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, but our collaboration ends here."

Lin Mu, who had hit a wall for the second time today, couldn't believe what he was hearing and shouted loudly.

"What do you mean? We're in this together. You can't just quit!"

Compared to Lin Mu's impatience, Fu Ziyan replied calmly.

"We were never on the same boat."

"I dislike her and wanted to drive her out of the crew, but I never intended to harm anyone's life."

"A murder case is a serious legal matter, and as a small actor, I can't afford to bear that burden."

"I haven't even settled the score for what happened before. We agreed to only loosen the lock halfway and scare her a bit. But you secretly sent someone to tamper with the lifter."

"Originally, at a height of ten meters, even if one side of the lock was unstable, the other side would be enough to support a safe landing. But at forty meters, it's hard to say.

"You want to endanger lives and plan for me to take the blame. I can't bear to cooperate with someone like that."

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Lin Mu, exposed in his conspiracy, not only didn't feel guilty but also uttered some unpleasant words.

Fu Ziyan found him noisy and simply hung up the call and blocked him, out of sight, out of mind.

The enjoyable dinner was interrupted by that phone call.

After ending the conversation, Fu Ziyan didn't immediately return to the private room at the set but instead went to the nearby restroom to touch up her makeup.

As a popular actress, the burden of being an idol was ingrained in her bones.

After a while of dealing with things, she finally returned to the private room, only to find that the dishes on the table had been replaced with a new round.

Although no one had been drinking, they all appeared a bit dizzy from the amount of food.

Fu Ziyan's gaze swept across the private room and suddenly noticed the absence of a familiar figure.

She sat next to a young actor who had been attentive to her and casually asked, "Where is Ruan Jinghong?"

This was the first time she had called that annoying ghost by her name.

The young actor was momentarily taken aback. Even the observant people on set could tell that Fu Ziyan didn't particularly like Ruan Jinghong, so it was unexpected for her to show concern now.

But despite the surprise, the young actor obediently answered, "The assistant director just said that there are a few more shots to be taken today, and they needed her to film two additional scenes. So they left together."

Fu Ziyan furrowed her brows in silence. The assistant director, the one who always wore black-framed glasses and had a smiling face. Come to think of it, her connection with Lin Mu was facilitated by him.

Wait a minute, Lin Mu, assistant director, Ruan Jinghong.

A woman's sixth sense set off alarm bells in her mind.

The young actor, thinking that Fu Ziyan was upset about the assistant director favoring other actors, tried to console her and please her.

"Sister, don't be angry. Actors like us can only spend more time and put in more effort to avoid holding back the production. Unlike you, with your exceptional talent, it's a breeze for you."

But at this moment, Fu Ziyan had no attention to spare for what the young actor was saying. She opened her WeChat on her phone, and there was still Lin Mu's contact information that she hadn't deleted. The red dot next to his profile picture indicated an unread message.

She opened the chat box, and it was a location sent by Lin Mu.

Based on the previous conversation, it was possible that this was the place where Lin Mu wanted her to lead Ruan Jinghong.

"I have something to attend to, so I'll leave first. Enjoy your meal."

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