Chapter 107: Tofu Pudding

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Tofu pudding?

So, you opened the door because of tofu pudding?

Wen Jin wickedly curled her lips and said, "I actually finished the bowl of tofu pudding, so why don't you come and taste it?"

She spoke without waiting for Ruan Jinghong's response and, with one hand, firmly held the fuzzy back of her head, generously "sharing" the taste of the tofu pudding she had just mentioned.

This kind of surprise attack from Wen Jin was not a one-time occurrence. Ruan Jinghong, through frequent practice, had learned how to adjust her breathing instantly.

Starting from being pressed and sucked at the beginning, she gradually found a comfortable position, genuinely savoring the taste of the tofu pudding.

Wen Jin left Ruan Jinghong's lips moist and shiny, taking her time to savor before releasing her.

"Did Ruanruan figure out the taste?"


Ruan Jinghong pursed her lips, wearing a slightly regretful expression.

It's unclear whether she was disappointed because the tofu pudding was eaten or because it was sweet.

Seeing her adorable appearance, Wen Jin felt delighted and reached out to gently rub Ruan Jinghong's head.

"You got it right, a bowl of tofu pudding as a reward."

So there's more, Ruan Jinghong's eyes brightened, and she looked at Wen Jin's figure walking towards the kitchen and gave her instructions.

"Don't add sugar, but add more chili."

Ruan Jinghong finally got to eat a bowl of spicy tofu pudding as she wished. It was smooth, refreshing, and had a delightful spicy aroma.

She sincerely praised Wen Jin's cooking skills.

Wen Jin stared at Ruan Jinghong's mouth, which kept smacking, and it seemed like the beautiful shape of her lips had been adorned with a bright lip gloss made of chili oil.

She tilted her head and casually teased, seemingly not paying much attention.

"Since Ruanruan likes it so much, how do you plan to repay me? Just verbal praise won't do, right?"

Ruan Jinghong froze: How should I repay for a bowl of tofu pudding?

She realized that during her recovery period, she would probably consume a lot of food from Wen Jin's household. If she were to calculate it, it wouldn't be enough even if she were to sell herself.

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She couldn't easily bring up that topic.

After finishing the spicy soup, Ruan Jinghong placed the bowl on the table and looked serious and earnest.

"How about this, when I'm able to move around more freely, I'll make tofu pudding for Teacher Wen as well."

Wen Jin played with a strand of Ruan Jinghong's hair in her hand, getting close and smiling in a charming and provocative manner.

"But I don't want to eat tofu pudding."

Her slender fingers released the hair and caressed the delicate neck.

"I only want to eat tofu."


Ruan Jinghong didn't expect that in just a moment of carelessness, she would be pressed down and forced to eat tofu again.

How long had it been since she let this person into the room? About half an hour?

She used to think this person was pitiable, but now she found this person hateful.

Ruan Jinghong exerted great effort to move the restless hands of the other person away from her body.

She propped herself up from the bed with both hands, tugged at her collar, and her beautiful cat-like eyes nearly closed into a narrow slit due to anger.

"Teacher Wen, I am still an injured person."

Wen Jin sighed internally: It's because I know you're injured that I'm restraining myself and only eat a little bit of tofu.

Seeing that Wen Jin not only didn't feel guilty but also seemed to want more, Ruan Jinghong, in a fit of anger, leaned closer to the exquisite and beautiful collarbone and bite it down.

She was angry, but she still exercised some self-control.

She thought she couldn't really hurt the person, as long as she gave a slight punishment to teach them a lesson.

Little did she know that because she was too measured, the force she exerted had no deterrent effect on Wen Jin, who had previously experienced real combat, and she even seemed to enjoy it.

"Baby, those are all bones. It's uncomfortable to bite them. How about you try another spot?" Wen Jin's tone was ambiguous, intentionally provoking.

Ruan Jinghong was momentarily dazzled by the beauty in front of her and almost leaned in closer. She quickly snapped out of it, her face turning bright red.

She quickly regained her composure and was left feeling embarrassed.

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She had originally intended to teach the other person a lesson, but now she found herself being teased.

She turned her head away, stuttering, "I-I-I... I didn't mean to bite."

At this moment, Wen Jin's eyes were filled with affection and charm.

Intentionally locking eyes with the blushing face, she continued to tempt her.

"Is that so? But if it were me, I would want Ruanruan to bite me." (pure language)

To think there would be such a request?

Ruan Jinghong couldn't help but turn her head and look at that tempting person.

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong had two little figures battling within her mind. 

The little angel said, "You should be more reserved, especially during your recovery."

The little devil said: "Why be afraid? You two are in a legitimate relationship, and besides, it was her suggestion."

In the end, little devil triumphed over the little angel.

It started with Wen Jin's deliberate seduction, everything that followed was a genuine mutual affection, a natural progression.

Ruan Jinghong had always known that her girlfriend smelled good, but at this moment, she realized that it could be this intoxicating.

Icy skin, snow-like complexion, enchanting bones born to perfection. 

She realized that all the flowery descriptions were rooted in reality.

Indeed, some people can leave an indelible mark.

Wen Jin gazed at the little beast in her arms as it gradually explored with ease, and she blissfully closed her eyes.

However, just a moment later, the gentle affection abruptly ceased.

Wen Jin lifted her eyes and looked at the little thing lying tiredly on top of herself, even more exhausted than her. When she spoke again, her voice carried a hint of hoarseness.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm a bit out of breath."

Ruan Jinghong lowered her head in shyness.

Wen Jin took a deep breath in her heart, feeling somewhat speechless and choked up.

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The little thing's physique is too weak.

After the injury healed, she would have to exercise properly.

Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin's somewhat helpless expression and tried hard to recall where she might have fallen short.

Oh right, she should take care of her girlfriend.

She reached out to grab the crutch at the bedside, but due to an unstable balance, her whole body once again pressed down heavily.


Suddenly being pressed down so forcefully, Wen Jin was instantly in pain, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Where were you going?"

Realizing she had caused trouble, Ruan Jinghong dared not move her body anymore. She hurriedly used her palm to soothe the area that she had just pressed red. Even her response carried a hint of weakness.

"I... I wanted to go to the bathroom to get a towel…"

She felt that, at least in this situation, she should be gentle and considerate as the dominant one.

Wen Jin, who was currently feeling both pain and sensitivity, couldn't help but find the culprit who had caused her such discomfort to be adorably innocent-looking.

She wrapped her arms around the waist of the little fool and turned them over, shifting their positions, and said helplessly,

"You'd better just lie down properly."

After all, she wouldn't go so far as to boss around someone with a limp.

Why did Teacher Wen leave in such a hurry? Could she be angry?

I mean, she allowed me to bite, did I perform poorly?

Isn't she a person who has written several lily novels in Little Lujiang, where the main characters always have a harmonious and happy ending?

Why is it that when it comes to her, things seem to fall short?

This is absolutely not scientific!

Whenever Wen Jin teased her before, she always ended up in a state of confusion and dizziness.

Now, when she finally had the opportunity to reciprocate, she couldn't quite grasp it.

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Ruan Jinghong rested her chin on her hand, contemplating: Perhaps I should add more theoretical knowledge and conduct systematic training.

No one is naturally talented, Teacher Wen must have secretly studied behind my back.

So now I have to work twice as hard to surpass her and make Teacher Wen look at me with admiration!

With this in mind, Ruan Jinghong's heart was filled with a strong sense of confidence.

The reasoning is correct, but where can she go to supplement theoretical knowledge?

Ruan Jinghong tried to recall her familiar friends around her, realizing that they were all straight women who couldn't be any straighter. Asking them these questions would be pointless.

She thought that although Jin Ziyi and Huo Yitong had experienced drunken encounters before, if she were to ask them such questions now, it would be no different from touching a sore spot.

Is there really no one around whom she can consult?

Ruan Jinghong looked up at the ceiling and suddenly a person's figure appeared in her mind. That's right, she also reads lily novels, maybe she has some experience in this area!

Ruan Jinghong thought this way and logged into Penguin, clicking on the profile picture of the carved white jade.

After finishing her shower, Wen Jin returned to the bedroom with a towel soaked in warm water, wrung out. Since Ruan Jinghong's leg is in a cast, it was inconvenient for her to bathe, so Wen Jin could only use the damp towel to help her wipe herself.

Whether on top or on the bottom, they always seemed to be burdened with labor.

Wen Jin shook her head self-deprecatingly and walked to the side of the bed. There, she saw her girlfriend holding a mobile phone with full concentration, typing something.

Internet addiction among the younger generation is massive.

Wen Jin walked up and patted Ren Jinghong's shoulder, but in the next second, she saw the little thing on the bed acting as if guilty, hurriedly hiding the phone behind her back.

What are you hiding from me?

Wen Jin was curious, but felt that her girlfriend's privacy should be respected, so she pretended not to care.

Ruan Jinghong was just leaving a message for Huaijin Holds Yu, asking her for some attacking skills.

In the eyes of others, this is not a shameful thing at all.

However, due to the less-than-smooth experience just now, if her girlfriend were to discover these little thoughts at this moment, it would still feel somewhat embarrassing.

Ruan Jinghong vowed in her heart: I will succeed in my studies silently, and then amaze Teacher Wen.

Author's Note:

Finally, it's been revised. The reading experience in the next two chapters might not be very good. I apologize in advance and as compensation, I'll give a little red packet to the little cuties who have been following the story up to this point.

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