Chapter 114: What To Do If My Girlfriend Gets Whisked Away By A Fairy?

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Ruan Jinghong returned to the dormitory complex, and met her manager Shen Yun downstairs.

Shen Yun had a total of three artists under her, and Ruan Jinghong was the one who gave her the most peace of mind.

The S-level production of "Breaking Heaven" didn't bother her much from the audition to the finalization.

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong's last drama was suddenly completed, and before she had time to run for new resources, a new pie fell from the sky, knocking her out of her wits.

Yaoshi Entertainment's latest S+ project "Romance Does Not Know Me", which is about to start filming, invited Ruan Jinghong to play one of the female lead.

The other party is very sincere in their cooperation, and they set very favorable conditions. They also said that they can ask for anything. The sooner the contract is signed, the better.

Shen Yun took a look at the contract, and didn't dare to make any more demands.

If it weren't for the fact that she happened to meet this Yaoshi high-level executive, she, who was always vigilant, almost thought it was a new type of fraud.

Before the huge happy news, she still maintained a bit of reason.

"Thank you for your company's sincerity, but my artist doesn't know about this, I hope you can give us two days, and I will reply after I understand the artist's thoughts."

Shen Yun thought in her heart: Although my Xiao Ruan is outstanding, it seems she hasn't reached this level of excellence. This sudden big pie that fell from the sky, she couldn't have  foolishly made some deal with someone, right?

For Shen Yun, although taking care of artists is a job, she also sincerely treats artists as her own children.

Although the artists under her care are all tepid, they are all well protected and have not been poisoned by the dark side of the entertainment industry.

When she first took over Ruan Jinghong, she knew that the child's family was in a difficult situation, and she tried her best to get the best treatment for her.

Shen Yun walked on the stone path in the complex, looking down at the contract with the golden edges, her brows furrowed tightly as if to crush a fly.

Could it be that Xiao Ruan is facing some difficulties recently? It's all my fault for not caring enough about her these days.

"Sister Yun."

The greeting that came towards her interrupted Shen Yun's contemplation. She put the contract with golden edges into her bag and looked up to meet Ruan Jinghong's bright smile.

Shen Yun sighed inwardly, thinking, This child is still forcing herself to smile, she must be going through a lot.

Approaching, she gently patted Ruan Jinghong's shoulder, trying to conceal her anxiety.

"Xiao Ruan, congratulations on completing the filming. What are your plans for the days ahead?"

Ruan Jinghong secretly marveled in her heart, thinking: Sister Yun is really a workaholic. I just finished work, and she's already thinking about having me work again. Can I tell her that I want to take a few days off and visit Teacher Wen?

"I'll follow Sister Yun's arrangements," 

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Seeing Ruan Jinghong's relaxed expression, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed she was still unaware of the situation, and there might be a chance to turn things around.

Ruan Jinghong was about to press the elevator, but was stopped by Shen Yun.

"Let's take the stairs, it's just a good time to exercise."

Ruan Jinghong looked puzzled, but followed Shen Yun up the stairs.

Shen Yun followed Ruan Jinghong with a nonchalant expression.

"Xiao Ruan, did you meet any new friends recently?"


"When I was recording the variety show, I had a good chat with Ziyi." 

Shen Yun followed her words and recalled: Jin Ziyi, the floret that is always cheerful?

Shaking her head, Shen Yun continued to inquire, "Besides her, do you have any other new friends?"

Other new friends?

Ruan Jinghong carefully recollected in her mind: I don't think Sister Yun knows about me writing and adding an online friend. Besides, it's nothing important.

I saw a girl with a golden ponytail today, and I feel like I hit it off, but I don't even know her name, so she's not really considered a friend.

"There's none."

Ruan Jinghong's pause and contemplation from earlier seemed like she was trying to find an excuse to cover up. Seeing this, she decided to be more straightforward in her questioning.

"Xiao Ruan, what I mean is, have you recently bypassed the company to get in touch with other projects?"

It's a big taboo in the entertainment industry for artists to bypass the company to pick up private jobs.

Ruan Jinghong immediately became serious, "Sister Yun, you arranged all my jobs for me, where can I get in touch with other projects?"

Shen Yun looked at Ruan Jinghong's convincing appearance, and it didn't seem to be false.

This child is pure in nature, so she shouldn't lie. Maybe something went wrong in the middle.



The two came to the door of the dormitory. Ruan Jinghong took out the key and opened the door.

The incandescent lights in the room were bright. Wen Jin was wearing casual clothes, holding a red apple in her hand, and bumped into the two people standing at the door.

Shen Yun was silent for two seconds, and quickly reacted. She dragged Ruan Jinghong into the room and closed the door.

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Wen Jin came to Ruan Jinghong's home ahead of time, and wanted to surprise her. Unexpectedly, she ran into her girlfriend's manager.

But this is not a big deal.

With a calm face, she stepped forward and stretched out a hand to Shen Yun to express her friendliness.

"Hello, I'm Wen Jin, and Ruan Ruan's girlfriend."


The commercial smile on Shen Yun's face couldn't hold back anymore, she mechanically shook hands with Wen Jin.

Shen Yun is about the same age as Wen Jin, but at this moment, her aura is overwhelmed. The other party's smile is elegant and decent, but every word she says can set off a storm in her heart.

"I've been dating Ruanruan for almost a month now. We've been dealing with some trivial matters, so we haven't had the chance to make it public. I really appreciate your care and concern for my girlfriend all this time."

Shen Yun tried her best to maintain a calm expression. "No need to thank me, it's... it's what I should do."

She thought to herself: You two aren't suitable to make it public yet.

Seeing the two of them about to stop and have a long talk at the entrance as if they were door gods, Ruan Jinghong weakly interjected.

" about you two sit on the sofa and talk?"

The girlfriend's sudden visit and being caught by the manager in a romantic situation should have been the most confusing for her.

However, she, as the main person involved, was completely ignored by the other two.

The two sat on the sofa, reluctantly listening to each other's advice, their eyes seemingly sizing each other up.

Feeling the atmosphere was too awkward, Ruan Jinghong took the initiative to slip into the kitchen to peel an apple.

Finally, after taking her time to prepare a plate of apples, she came back to the living room only to find that the two of them seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, and the tension had eased a bit.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong appear, Shen Yun approached and took the fruit plate from her hand, placing it on the coffee table.

"Sorry, I have a few words with Xiao Ruan alone."

Ruan Jinghong was dragged to the balcony by Shen Yun, and finally couldn't help but speak first under her hesitant eyes.

"Sister Yun, it was wrong of me to date in secret. You can scold me if you want."

Shen Yun smiled and patted Ruan Jinghong's shoulder. "Why would I scold you? With the care of someone as good as Movie Queen Wen, I feel relieved. I was worried before that you might go astray, but now it seems I was overly concerned."

As she spoke, she took out a hot stamped contract from her bag, "New project, take a look when you have time, I'll go back first, and I'll contact you later."

Ruan Jinghong sent Shen Yun out of the house, and when she turned around, she saw Wen Jin sitting reclined on the sofa, tasting the apple she had just cut with relish.

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Now that there are no outsiders, Ruan Jinghong doesn't have to be so serious anymore.

She leaned on the sofa, put her arms around Wen Jin's neck, and said coquettishly, "Teacher Wen, you came here to see me, why didn't you tell me in advance."

Wen Jin handed an apple to Ruan Jinghong's mouth, "I wanted to come here to surprise my girlfriend, but it didn't surprise you, did it?"

While chewing the apple in her mouth, Ruan Jinghong opened her round cat eyes and shook her head vigorously.

Seeing how well-behaved she was, Wen Jin resisted the urge to rub her into her arms to bully her, and deliberately blamed her.

"Little heartless, you didn't message me or answer my calls these past two days on the set, and you come home so late. If I hadn't come over, would you have forgotten you even have a girlfriend?" 

Ruan Jinghong became anxious when she heard this, and quickly swallowed all the apples, explaining everything in detail.

"In the past two days, I have been traveling day and night to finish the filming scene. The network signal at the shooting location is very bad, so I may not have received a call from Teacher Wen.

"Today, I wanted to contact Teacher Wen again at home, but I ran into a young lady who came back from abroad at the filming base. She asked me to be her tour guide for a while, and it took some time to go back and forth."

Ruan Jinghong was afraid that Wen Jin would not believe her, so she took out her mobile phone and called up the video she had taken at the film and television base to prove her statement.

Wen Jin had received Xiao Yuan's report a long time ago, and naturally knew the reason for this all too well.

But she was very grateful for her little girlfriend's earnest explanation at this time.

Let her be nervous first, it can be regarded as a little compensation for the cold treatment I have received in the past two days.

Ruan Jinghong hugged Wen Jin coquettishly for a while, and she had gradually figured out what her girlfriend is up to.

Wen Jin blushed at Ruan Jinghong's teasing, and just before she could lose control, she timely pulled the girl away from her.

She pointed to the gold-plated contract that was placed on the tea table, "Your manager gave it to you, why don't you take a look?"

Ruan Jinghong originally didn't want to be busy with work at this time, but since Wen Jin mentioned it, she obediently opened the contract and read it.

She usually reads the contract from the middle, because the middle content will introduce the specific work. As for the conventional responsibilities and obligations of both parties, a broker will check this.

So when she saw that it was an S+ project and invited her to be the female lead, she was so shocked that she rubbed her eyes several times.

She turned back to the first page of the contract in disbelief, where the four characters "Yaoshi Entertainment" on Party A were very eye-catching.

Ruan Jinghong closed the contract with complicated emotions.

No wonder Sister Yun would ask those weird questions when they were going up the stairs.

"What's the matter, Ruanruan doesn't like it?"

Wen Jin saw her girlfriend was silent for a while, and took the initiative to rub her hairy head.

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Ruan Jinghong raised her head in response to Wen Jin's gesture, and spoke after some consideration.

"I like it, but I don't think the current me is worthy of this role."

Wen Jin opened the contract and pointed to her name printed on it.

"If the female lead I act with is not good enough for you, who else is good enough? Doesn't Ruanruan want to film with me?"

Ruan Jinghong bit her lip, looked up into Wen Jin's eyes, and said seriously.

"I really want to, but if I just take this role like this, I'll feel a sense of... guilt for stealing someone else's opportunity. Isn't there a saying that goes, 'if virtue doesn't match, there will be disaster'."

Wen Jin smiled lightly when she heard the words, her expression was rarely serious.

"My girlfriend seems to have misunderstood something. I started this project because I wanted to have more opportunities to get along with my girlfriend.

"Without you, there would be no project."

"So, not only did you not snatch other people's opportunities. On the contrary, because of your existence, you created opportunities for many staff members of this project."

"If this project is turned down because of your refusal, then people will really lose their chance."

"And my Ruanruan has always been the most powerful. Even the fussy Director Shen, called me and told me that she is very optimistic about you playing the other female lead of "Romance…"."

Ruan Jinghong was stunned by what Wen Jin said earlier, and she blinked her bewildered eyes until she heard the last sentence.

Who is Director Shen? I don't know them at all.

Under Ruan Jinghong's ignorant eyes, Wen Jin reached for her mobile phone and replayed the shooting clips.

"Director Shen, the one who was shooting the video with you today."

Ruan Jinghong looked at the video playing on the phone, and her mouth was so surprised that it could fit an egg.

"Such a young lady is actually the director!"

Wen Jin heard the surprise and admiration in her little girlfriend's tone, and answered the conversation sourly.

"You were deceived by her appearance. She is several years older than me."

Since Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong dated, occasionally, Wen Jin would sigh secretly because she felt that she was several years older than her. 

What if my girlfriend starts to dislike me because of the age difference and gets swept away by a young and beautiful fairy in the blink of an eye?

In the end, the young fairy hasn't shown up yet, but an old fairy has appeared.

Author's Note:

Shen. Fussy. Old fairy. Qingzhi: ?!

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