Chapter 129: Hitting Yourself In The Foot

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At the filming set of the drama.

Wen Jin sat in a chair, holding a thermos cup, looking listless.

Last night, she caught her girlfriend peeping, and relying on her slightly restored energy after taking a break, she used a chicken feather as an arrow* to "punish" her girlfriend.

*using a trivial matter to assume/abuse power 

However, later on...

Amidst the continuous sneezing, her condition worsened again.

Now that the scene just ended, she leaned on the chair and didn't move.

Shen Qingzhi passed by and saw Wen Jin who was wearing a long scarf around her neck and holding a thermos in her hand, and she laughed.

"Heh~ Are you starting to enjoy old age in advance? I recently saw a very popular square dance. Would you like me to share it with you?"

Wen Jin silently took a sip of the wolfberry tea in the thermos, and ignored Shen Qingzhi's teasing.

On the other hand, Ruan Jinghong protected her calf. Although it's true that Wen Jin is somewhat responsible for her current state, who wouldn't feel sorry for their girlfriend when she's like this.

"Director Shen, Teacher Wen has caught a cold. It's quite challenging to work while being sick."

Shen Qingzhi also noticed that Wen Jin wasn't in a good state, and it was rare to see such a proud person appear weak.

Out of humanitarian spirit, she expressed concern, "I have some 666 cold medicine. Would you like me to get some for you?"

Wen Jin raised her chin arrogantly, her face is flushed, but she remained stubborn in her response.

"No, I'll be fine soon."

After she finished speaking, she asked to start filming the next scene regardless of whether the rest time was over.

Shen Qingzhi thought about finishing filming early and resting early, so she asked the staff to get ready.

It has been a month since the start of the filming.The early scenes of "Romance…" have been mostly completed, and the progress is now in the middle stage. It mainly involves Tiansheng and Shangguan Yue going to Xuzhou to investigate a case and witnessing the hardships of the people. Later, they return to the mysterious and unpredictable court, realizing the importance of power and starting to join forces to fight.

Due to the set arrangements, they are currently filming the palace scenes that come later in the story.

Because of the scene, the first part of the filming is the relatively late palace scene.

Scene 2, Scene 78

The Empress's life is coming to an end, and she personally orders Shangguan Yue to come before her bed.

Shangguan Yue looked at the most honorable woman in Tang on the sickbed. She had fought decisively and raised the status of women in Tang Empire to an unprecedented height with her own power, and also led it to usher in a new prosperous age.

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Now, the Empress appears to be like a flickering candle in her final years, with a face that has lost its usual sharpness but gained a touch of earnestness.

Shangguan Yue watches as the Empress' somewhat withered hand covers her own hand, and listens to her speak weakly.

"I ordered you to come here today, not as the Empress of Tang.

"Instead, as a mother, I have a favor to ask."

"Your Majesty has a command, Yue'er will follow it without hesitation."

"Among all my children, Tiansheng has the highest spirit. I know she is confused. Yue'er, I hope you can accompany her all the way until she finds her own path," said the Empress, her voice weak and pleading. [1]

The Empress tightly held onto Shangguan Yue's hand until she saw her nod, then finally relaxed and closed her eyes.

Her withered hand fell down, and all was silent.

Shangguan Yue walked out of the Empress''s bedroom alone. She stopped and turned her head, with a sad and melancholic expression.

Here later, the voice of the eunuch who reported the Empress' death will be added.


This part of the scene is not long, and the focus of the scene is mainly on the old actress who plays the Empress.

Wen Jin finished another filming job, and continued to slump back on the chair in a tree-like position.

She entered the role quickly and left the role quickly, but Ruan Jinghong, who was watching from the sidelines, was crying with real emotion at the moment.

Even though she has been in the filming crew for a month, she is still so emotional.

The veteran actress who played the Empress had removed the makeup that portrayed her ailing appearance, and now she looked full of vitality.

Seeing Ruan Jinghong crying so sadly, she couldn't help but chuckle and said, "What's the matter, Xiao Ruan? Are you really reluctant to part with me? Why cry so sadly?"

In this past month, she had developed quite a fondness for Ruan Jinghong, this little crybaby.

The portrayal of family, love, and friendship in "Romance…" was extremely moving, and even the original work managed to elicit tears from its readers.

But these old actors, they are used to this, and their mentality is very stable.

Only Ruan Jinghong, who is the youngest among the adult actors in the crew and also plays the most important role, loves to cry a lot.

Not only did she cry when she was filming her own scenes, but also secretly wiped her tears while watching others filming, and she even cried openly while watching.

However, her way of crying is like pear blossoms in the rain, coupled with that pitiful face, not only won't be offensive, but will also be very pleasing to the heart.

The ability to empathize is an extremely valuable ability for an actor. If you perform too many dramas, this ability will be weakened to a certain extent.

Although this young actress' acting skills are still raw, she has real emotions and her performances are quite moving.

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Ruan Jinghong, upon seeing the Empress, who plays her mother in the drama, talking to her, hiccuped while speaking.

"I... I saw the Empress caring about me until the very... last moment of her life, and it makes my heart ache. Before that, I even had arguments with her, wuwuwu..."

The veteran actress saw that Ruan Jinghong was even more distressed by crying, so she smiled and comforted her, saying, "You should quickly change your mood. After all, we still have a confrontational scene to act out in the afternoon."

Ruan Jinghong wiped away her tears, thanked the veteran actress, exchanged a few words with her, and then remembered her girlfriend, who had been left neglected on the side.

Ruan Jinghong's scenes were concentrated in the afternoon, and in the morning, she mainly acted as a little maid following Wen Jin's side.

Whenever Wen Jin finished filming, she would diligently prepare hot tea and blankets, just like serving old Buddah.

The crew has long been accustomed to the behavior of the two leading actresses who spill dog food anytime and anywhere.

Wen Jin leaned on the chair, enjoying the attentive care of her girlfriend, feeling very comfortable in her heart.

She glanced at Xiao Qingming, who was wearing a court lady's costume, looking very smug.

Xiao Qingming: ?

Is it so fun to have a cold?

In the afternoon, besides the scene where she acts opposite the experienced actress, there is also a crucial scene with Wen Jin. This is the first time they truly connect on a political level and form an alliance.

The Empress passes away, and the prince ascends to the throne, leading to a significant change in the court's situation.

A group of conservatives stepped forward at this moment, attempting to slander and erase the achievements of the late Empress. They proposed a series of suggestions, urging the new emperor to reestablish the authority of the Li family's rule.

The new Emperor was kind-hearted but weak, although he was displeased, he dared not be too forceful in refuting their demands.

As a princess and the guardian of the nation, Tiansheng was furious when she saw this group of stubborn individuals defaming her late mother's achievements simply because she was a woman. She immediately drew her treasured sword from the imperial armory, intending to make an example out of them.

Eventually, she was persuaded by people sent by the new Emperor to calm down, and the farce came to an end.

After the uproar, the scene shifted to when Shangguan Yue came to visit the furious Princess.

Scene 3 of Scene 81

After returning to her palace from the morning court, Princess Tiansheng was filled with frustration. She locked herself inside her room and ordered not to be disturbed by anyone.

The palace attendants dutifully stood guard at the door, but they didn't stop the arrival of Shangguan Yue, who approached with a gentle pace.

In the inner chamber, Princess Tiansheng sat by the table, her back turned to the door. She poured cup after cup from the tea pot, gulping down the high-quality Longjing tea like it was plain water, but it couldn't extinguish the raging anger in her heart.

She heard the sound of the door being pushed open from behind and scolded, "Didn't I say that I don't want to see anyone right now?!"

As she turned in anger, she caught sight of Shangguan Yue's gentle expression at the doorway, causing her to suppress some of her hostility, though her displeasure still showed on her face.

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"Are you also here to lecture me?"

Shangguan Yue came to Tiansheng's side unhurriedly, her tone was cold and calm.

"No, I think Your Highness did the right thing today. Anyone who insulted the former Empress should be executed!"

There was brilliance in Tiansheng's eyes, and she raised her head to look at Shangguan Yue's peaceful face with a sarcasm in her tone.

"They all said that I was too reckless, and they also said that the old and stubborn people in court have been saying the truth since ancient times, since ancient times... have they been right since ancient times?"

Shangguan Yue pulled out a stool and sat down, listening silently. Her gentle eyes encouraged Tiansheng to continue talking.

Tiansheng was comforted, and she was not as irritable as before. She lowered her head and pondered for a moment, but when she looked up again, her eyes were wet.

"Before, my mother once asked me what path I truly desired. Just now, I have indeed found the path I yearn for. If a woman's brilliance cannot shine continuously, I will engrave it into inscriptions, letting it pass down for thousands of years until someday in the future, someone can understand. Yue'er, understand me, and understand the flourishing era my mother created."

Shangguan Yue silently patted Tiansheng's clenched fist due to agitation. After returning from the joint investigation in Xuzhou, the two of them were much closer than when they left the palace. They seemed to have regained some innocence and trust like when they were children.

"Is Your Highness willing to let it be passed down to future generations, but to be sighing at this moment?"

Tiansheng saw a firm look in Shangguan Yue's eyes that she had never seen before, and was taken aback for a moment.


She still remembers that when she misunderstood that Shangguan Yue was having an affair with the Crown Prince, she had the intention of competing to be Crown Princess. At that time, the cautious female official seemed to be greatly frightened.

Now that the Crown Prince has ascended the throne, everything has settled. However, Shangguan Yue seemed to have undergone a sudden transformation.

When did she start changing? Was it after the Empress' passing, their return from Xuzhou, or even earlier?

With courage, Shangguan Yue met Tiansheng's scrutinizing gaze and spoke words that a respectful female official would never dare to utter.

"The place where Your Highness is, is the place where the light shines. I believe that one day, Your Highness' light will be able to illuminate the entire Tang Empire."

In the past, she also abided by her duty and respected the imperial power.

In the past, she lived too comfortably under the Empress' wings, she wanted to keep herself safe and secure her life.

Since she left this palace and witnessed firsthand the various hardships of the common people, seeing their miserable lives under a decaying system, her mindset has undergone a significant transformation.

Although the Empress has been working hard to implement policies during her reign to benefit the people, corruption are deeply rooted, and many of them are chronic illnesses that have been passed down from generation to generation decades ago. There is no way to completely eradicate them in just the short period of the Empress' reign.

The new Emperor is benevolent but cowardly. He will only be led by the nose by a group of ministers who rely on seniority. Hoping for him to carry out drastic reforms is tantamount to fantasy.

And among all the children of the royal family, Tiansheng is the most talented and courageous one.

Shangguan Yue didn't know that her choice was somewhat selfish, but she believed that if Tiansheng ascended the throne, she would be an even more remarkable Emperor than the current one!

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Tiansheng looked at Shangguan Yue silently for a few seconds, and finally stopped hiding her ambition.

Her words were a mix of sincerity and testing, but now she's happy with the answer she received, and she smiles happily.

"Yue'er, would you like to help me illuminate the entire Tang?"

"I am willing to do my best for Your Highness!"

There is no need for more words to reach a consensus among smart people.

"Cut." After watching the footage on the monitor, Shen Qingzhi highly praised Ruan Jinghong.

"It's not bad. You've improved a lot this month, and your aura has become more and more serious. I thought you'd have to NG at least a few times in this highlight event."

The three rules they agreed upon this month are really effective. Now in the play, Ruan Jinghong is no longer affected by Wen Jin's aura, and she is becoming more and more comfortable playing the role of Princess Zhenguo*, the proud daughter of heaven.

*like a Princess Regent

Ruan Jinghong was very pleased with the approval of the director. She and Shen Qingzhi had another business exchange, and Wen Jin, who was watching from the side, was very envious. She covered hermouth and coughed several times before pulling her girlfriend's attention back.

Ruan Jinghong saw that Wen Jin's condition seemed to be getting worse, and her pretty face was full of worry.

"Teacher Wen, why don't we go see a doctor after the filming today, you're cough like this, it's easy to develop into pneumonia."

Wen Jin turned her face away awkwardly, "I don't want to go to the hospital, I'm almost healed."

Ruan Jinghong, who had seen Wen Jin's eighteen consecutive coughs, couldn't believe it.

"But you just coughed like that. It doesn't look like you're about to recover. Teacher Wen, you are probably afraid of injections and infusions. If you insist on not going to the hospital, then you should isolate yourself at night to avoid cross-infection."

Ruan Jinghong purposely said this to provoke Wen Jin, who seemed careless about her health

The aggressive method really worked. She saw that Wen Jin's face turned red and white, white and red again. After a few seconds, she gritted her teeth and said.

"Fine, let's go to the hospital."

Is this what it means to lift a rock and hit yourself in the foot?

Shen Qingzhi, who was witnessing this scene, was already shaking her shoulders with laughter.

Author's Note:

[1][2] Adapted from the game 'Wangchuan Fenghua Lu'* featuring voice lines for the characters Taiping and Shangguan.

*Records of Splendor in the River of Forgetfulness, an RPG game with characters based on Chinese historical figures from Qin, Han, Song, and Tang Dynasties. 

"Wangchuan" (忘川) is a term from Chinese mythology and folklore, often referred to as the "River of Oblivion" or the "River of Forgetfulness." It is a mythical river that plays a significant role in the afterlife. In Chinese beliefs, it is said that when a person dies, their soul must cross the Wangchuan River before reaching the Underworld. Upon crossing the river, the soul drinks from its waters, which causes the soul to forget their past life and experiences. This act of forgetting is essential for the soul to be reincarnated into a new life.

This is Lethe, in Greek Mythology.

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