Chapter 14: The Best Way To Coax A Child, Is To Give Her A Candy

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When Wen Jin said the word "Jinghong", her tone was very light, with a trace of imperceptible bewilderment.


Ruan Jinghong's face felt a little hot, as if what Wen Jin just said was not a movie, but her name.


Obviously it was a name that was often mentioned when being called by the teacher at school, but now that it came from Wen Jin's mouth, it seems to be more affectionate.


Teacher Wen is just talking about the movie, what am I fussing about?


Ruan Jinghong shook her head, looked at Wen Jin, and tried to act as natural as possible.


"Well, the movie is very good. Teacher Wen's heroine in red is super sassy. I thought some of the scenes were stand-ins."


"I hardly need a stand-in." Wen Jin unbuckled her seat belt, leaned on the back of the seat, and did not get out of the car in a hurry. After she finished speaking, she happily saw the admiration in Ruan Jinghong's eyes.


As an actress, she never felt that it was great to perform in person without a stand-in, but it was just the most basic professionalism. But now that these words can make some little fool look at her differently, it doesn't feel bad.


After sighing for the nth time in her heart, "Teacher Wen is so dedicated and amazing", Ruan Jinghong felt that she couldn't let herself behave too badly, so she changed the topic.


"By the way, Teacher Wen is also driving by yourself today. Didn't Sister Xiao Yuan come to see you off?"


Sister Xiao Yuan?


Wen Jin frowned silently, and then returned to normal, "Xiao Yuan worked too hard a while ago, I gave her a few days off."


If the mood has a shape, then Ruan Jinghong must have a bunch of stars in her heart at this moment.


Teacher Wen is still working, but she is willing to give her employees a holiday. She is really a good boss in China!


Teacher Wen not only has strong working ability, dedication and love for her job, but also has excellent skills. She is also considerate of employees. She would rather work harder and give her assistant a vacation. How can there be such a perfect person in the world?!


Ruan Jinghong's eyes are too bright, like the twinkling stars in the night sky, playfully plucking at people's heartstrings.


Wen Jin accidentally covered her eyes with one palm.


Ruan Jinghong:?


"You haven't recovered from your cold when you left yesterday. Let me check if the temperature has dropped now."

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However, isn't it common to touch the forehead to measure the temperature?


Ruan Jinghong didn't dare to object, and let Wen Jin's warm and cool palms rest in front of her eyes for a long time, until the original coolness in front of her eyes gradually increased in temperature, scorching her eye sockets, and then she finally withdrew her hands.


"Well, you're recovering well, and the fever has all gone away." Wen Jin said in a natural tone.


In fact, my fever went away yesterday. Teacher Wen is really a kind and considerate person.


Ruan Jinghong thought in this way, and gave Wen Jin a very pure smile, which made Wen Jin almost want to cover her mouth this time.


Wen Jin found that she could calmly deal with all kinds of complicated people, but she seemed to have lost all power to resist this extremely simple person in front of her.


Wen Jin took Ruan Jinghong's hand, and the crimson fingerprints on the white wrist irritated her eyes again.


"That person before, why did he bother you?" After being interrupted by a small episode, Wen Jin thought of asking about something serious.


How should I put it? If I directly say that the person is trying to keep me from getting close to Teacher Wen, what if she feels that she has caused me trouble and feels guilty?


But I can't lie either.


Ruan Jinghong thought for a while, and chose a mild and compromised statement, "Maybe it's a misunderstanding, he should be a fan of Teacher Wen, the more radical kind."


"I don't have that kind of fans."


Ruan Jinghong's words were euphemistic, but no matter who Wen Jin was, she quickly guessed the reason for it. At this time, her face turned terribly tensed.


Seeing Wen Jin like this, Ruan Jinghong felt a little apprehensive, and carefully tugged at the corner of her clothes.


Her timid appearance is like a kitten after mischief and making trouble, begging its owner not to punish it pitifully.


Wen Jin realized her blunder, and quickly restrained the oppressive aura she unconsciously emanated just now.  She stretched out her palm and touched the whirlpool on Ruan Jinghong's fluffy head, her tone was very gentle.


"It's okay, I'll take you to buy medicine right now."


"The clothes..." Ruan Jinghong didn't forget that she came to meet Wen Jin this time to exchange clothes.


"I brought you the clothes, and put them in the car first, come get them later."

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Although this street is an "entertainment street", Wen Jin still put on a mask when she got out of the car to avoid unnecessary trouble.


She took Ruan Jinghong to the nearest pharmacy, and bought ointments for reducing swelling and blood stasis, along with some capsules and tonics for oral administration.


That battle made Ruan Jinghong feel in a daze that felt like she just didn't hurt her wrist, but her whole body as well.


"Teacher Wen, it's just a pinch on the wrist, it's not so bad enough to take medicine, right?" Ruan Jinghong wrinkled her small face, negotiating bitterly.


"Afraid of taking medicine?" Wen Jin turned to look at Ruan Jinghong just after swiping her card.


That look reminded Ruan Jinghong inexplicably of a substitute teacher in high school. She was young, but every time she just glanced at her, she had to obediently complete her homework and never be lazy.


"No, no." Ruan Jinghong shook her head quickly, "I drink medicine like water."


She once cried in public because the medicine was too bitter. She must not let Teacher Wen know this kind of embarrassment.


"That's good. In fact, the various tissue structures of the human body are interlinked, and traumatic injuries can also heal more thoroughly by oral medicine intake  


The instructions for the oral medicine stated that it should be taken before meals. Wen Jin borrowed a paper cup and hot water from the pharmacy clerk, and supervised Ruan Jinghong to take the medicine on the spot.


The capsules are okay, but this tonic smells bitter.


Ruan Jinghong's beautiful facial features were tangled up, she picked up the paper cup and secretly glanced at Wen Jin who was at the side.


With such a tight stare, it is impossible to secretly pour out the medicine.


Since she just spoke bold words, it is impossible to escape at this time.


Ruan Jinghong decided to go all out, just to drink a tonic.


She closed her eyes tightly, looked at death like home, raised her neck, and poured all the medicine into her mouth with a few sips. She had never drank medicine so quickly in her life!


Because she drank too fast, she even took a short nap, the bitter taste filled her mouth, making her tears burst out.


Wen Jin saw that Ruan Jinghong drank the medicine with a heroic aura, and wanted to laugh but felt embarrassed.


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She is so afraid of taking medicine, but she has to pretend to be brave.


But this was a great relief, after all, I don't know how to coax a child who is afraid of suffering to drink medicine.


By the way, is this medicine really that bitter?


Wen Jin took the paper cup from Ruan Jinghong's hand, and took a sip of the remaining medicine.


It's a little bit bitter indeed, but it's okay.


Ruan Jinghong stared dumbfounded at Wen Jin drinking the medicine from the same cup as her. Her shock was no less than seeing Halley's Comet hit the earth.


Only then did Wen Jin realize that her subconscious action just now was a bit out of bounds, but she couldn't lose her composure.


"I also had some bruises on my fist from earlier, I also need to drink medicine."


"Actually, we can make another one." Ruan Jinghong finally couldn't help but vent.


"I have to try whether the medicine is bitter or not. I'm afraid of bitterness. If the medicine is not bitter, I'll make another cup." Wen Jin continued to say with a calm face and heartbeat.


So you let me drink what's bitter!


At this time, Ruan Jinghong not only had tears in the corners of her eyes, but also tears in her heart.


"I just tried it, and the medicine is really bitter, so I won't take it anymore." Wen Jin concluded.




Ruan Jinghong was sad, she lost her temper, "Teacher Wen, thank you for buying medicine for me, then I'll go back first."


"Wait a minute." Wen Jin called to stop Ruan Jinghong, took out her phone and looked at it, "It's six o'clock soon, let's have a meal together before going back."


"No need, I'm actually not hungry right now." Ruan Jinghong still had a bitter taste in her mouth at the moment, not to mention that she only had breakfast at someone's house yesterday, so she was really embarrassed to have another meal now.


"But I'm hungry, and your clothes are still in my car." After Wen Jin finished speaking, she walked towards the door of the pharmacy involuntarily.


Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin's receding back, bit her lip, and chased after her with a bag of medicine.

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Wen Jin found a private restaurant with a moderate size and five tables in total, two of which had customers seated in advance.


Wen Jin asked Ruan Jinghong to find a seat to sit down, while she went to the counter to order food.


Yes, this private restaurant has such a personality, there is no menu, and the dishes are not fixed every day. If guests want to eat, they can go to the counter and ask the boss what dishes they can order today.


Ruan Jinghong chose a corner seat this time, and when she had nothing else to do, she began to look at the decoration of the shop.


The floor and walls of this restaurant are made of logs, and there is a roof-like shelter above each table, which is wrapped with winding vines.


There is a small fountain in the open space in the center of the restaurant, and below it is a crescent-shaped pool. Several fish with white body and gold patterns swim in the pool.


The whole restaurant reveals a natural and original atmosphere, and it also carries the meaning of "Little Bridge and Flowing Water".


It can be seen that the owner is a person who has great standard for life and art.


Ruan Jinghong was so engrossed that she didn't realize when Wen Jin came to her.


"The environment here is nice, right?" Wen Jin pulled out a chair and sat down next to Ruan Jinghong.


"Mm!" Ruan Jinghong nodded heavily, if she can work and live in such a poetic place in the future, she will have no regrets in this life.


"This is for you." Wen Jin took out a few chocolate candies from nowhere and put them in front of Ruan Jinghong's table, seeing her puzzled, she added: "I asked the boss to get it when I just ordered, try it.  "


I'm not a child, why give me sugar?


As Ruan Jinghong thought about it, she had consciously picked up a candy in her hand, peeled off the wrapper, and put it in her mouth.


Wow, the chocolate is so mellow and delicious!


Ruan Jinghong rolled the chocolate on her tongue, her expression was like a satisfied cat.


Wen Jin looked at the kitten in front of her, feeling very satisfied.


The best way to coax a child is to give her candies.


This is indeed true.

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