Chapter 19: Silly Beauty

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Thanks to Wen Jin, "Holiday Saturday" has become the most anticipated variety show to be broadcasted in just a few days.


Many people are curious about how Wen Jin, who has always kept a low profile and dubbed as "the most unattainable flower in the entertainment industry", will appear in the reality show.


Among these people are not only Wen Jin's movie fans and passer-by fans, but also people who love to watch the excitement. After all, it is human nature to gossip and eat melons.


The variety show's official Weibo posts short teasers like squeezing toothpaste every day, which makes netizens scratch their heads.


In the midst of all the anticipation, the official filming of "Holiday Saturday" has finally arrived.


It happened to be Saturday, the beginning of holiday for ordinary working people, and the first day of Ruan Jinghong's return to work..


Because this is a reality - variety show, which aims to show the most authentic side of the star in front of the camera, the agent Shen Yun cannot accompany her.


This is the first time that Ruan Jinghong participated in important work alone without Shen Yun's company.


The old lady Shen Yun was worried about this, so on the day before the filming of the show, she rushed to Ruan Jinghong's house and explained to her the precautions for a full five hours.


"The other guests are all your senior teachers, so you must be polite."


"Facing the camera, you must always maintain a decent smile and actively cooperate with the work of the program team."


"As a junior, you must be diligent and proactive in completing any task."


"In variety shows, you can't be too aggressive, making others think you're a rookie and restless, I'm not worried about that with you. But you also can't be too quiet and become a backdrop."


"Also, don't be distracted. Even if it's a recording, you don't know which shot will be edited into the finished film. You can't leave people with a bad impression of being unprofessional."


"Listen carefully to the rules of the program group, don't always be stupid, or you will be easily scolded."




Ruan Jinghong's small head nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and her heart was already filled with tears.


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Why is it so difficult to get the same basic salary, it was fine being a backdrop before, why not now?


I don't want to be absent-minded, but if I can control it, can it still be called absent-mindedness?


I always listen to the program rules very carefully every time, but if the program rules are so confusing, what should I do?


It was not until nine o'clock in the evening that Shen Yun left reluctantly.  Leaving Ruan Jinghong alone at home, her mood was "EMO" in capital letters.


At this time, the phone rang, Ruan Jinghong, who hadn't gotten out of the "EMO" mode just now, saw "Teacher Wen" on the caller ID, and picked up the phone nervously.


"Teacher Wen, is there anything I can do for you? Ruan Jinghong subconsciously used honorifics again.


(T/N: honorific used is in 'you' she used 'nin' (您) which is more formal than 'ni' (你)


"Nothing much, we're going to meet tomorrow on a variety show, I just wanted to ask how is your preparation going?" Wen Jin deliberately made her tone calmer, which sounded extremely cold to Ruan Jinghong.


Well, now even Teacher Wen is coming to beat me up.


Ruan Jinghong took a deep breath, trying to make her voice sound lively.


"Teacher Wen, don't worry, I've made full preparations, and you'll be satisfied with my performance when the time comes."


Starting tomorrow, the two of us will keep a distance of at least three meters, as if we didn't know each other before, so you don't have to worry about being involved in scandals anymore.


Wen Jin was very happy to hear Ruan Jinghong's words, "Is that so, then I look forward to your performance."


The two chatted for a while then Ruan Jinghong hung up the phone, deciding to rest early, to prepare for her job from hell on Saturday.


The program team said that at 8 am, a car will be sent to pick up the guests and go to the assembly.


Ruan Jinghong had packed all her luggage in advance the night before. She set an allowance to wash up and set an alarm for 7:00 in the morning.


Unexpectedly, when she had just entered the bathroom and put the toothbrush with toothpaste into her mouth, she heard a "dong dong dong" knock on the door. She didn't have time to clean up and the foam hadn't completely dissipated, 


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Ruan Jinghong went to the door and looked through the peephole. A staff was waiting outside the door with a camera on her shoulder and the logo of "Holiday Saturday" was pasted on the camera.


Did I remember the time wrong?


Ruan Jinghong was startled, and looked down at her clothes, which she deemed decent. She didn't dare to shut people out, so she quickly opened the door.


The truth is, Ruan Jinghong didn't remember the time wrongly, but Wen Duoduo played a trick.


She deliberately delayed the meeting time by one hour, and then asked the camera to go to the guests' homes in advance to carry out a surprise attack, and set up a temporary live broadcast channel, just to be able to capture the most authentic state of the guests at home. As for reality shows, audiences love to watch this kind of unexpected reality.


This live broadcast channel was announced on Saturday at 1 am. Fortunately, it was Saturday, and there were more night owls, so many people noticed this temporary news. In addition, "Holiday Saturday" received enough attention in the early stage. By 7 o' clock in the morning, there were quite a few people squatting in the live broadcast chat room.


Wen Duoduo had chosen such a shady time for the live broadcast, she didn't expect the popularity of the live broadcast to be any higher. After all, it could be replayed in the future.


Six guests have six live broadcast rooms, each of which is filmed in real time by a follow-up camera.


Ruan Jinghong, as the lowest-ranked guest, naturally has the least number of people in the live broadcast room at this moment. Most of them are dewy face fan* and melon passers-by who were attracted by the hot searches in the past two days.


*dewy= temporary, face powder/fan(yan fen)= fans because of looks


The guests have not yet shown their faces, and these viewers are not as eager as other guest fans. Instead, they are chatting casually in the live broadcast chat room with the intention of eating melon seeds.


[As soon as you come here, do a surprise attack. Director Wen is crazy, this trick is bad enough to do damage. It will be fun if she is photographed later without makeup]


[Stars shouldn’t be so stupid, usually they will defend against this kind of surprise attack]


[Ruthless face party, fearless, this one flops, the next one will be better]


[Hahaha upstairs you are so cruel.]




"Teacher Ruan, I'm Xiao Chen, your cameraman for "Holiday Saturday". I came here first to take a VLOG of your departure. Feel free to do whatever you want." Xiao Chen pointed the camera at Ruan Jinghong while explaining.


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Ruan Jinghong came out directly from the bathroom. At this time, she was still holding a toothbrush in her hand, and there was white foam that hadn't been washed off her mouth. She stared with a pair of round cat eyes, and her slightly messy long curly hair showed some fluffy cuteness. Under the morning sun, she was like a newborn kitten, stepping into the outside world ignorantly.


Xiao Chen used the video camera to record the scene without reservation, while feeling in her heart: She is indeed a natural born beauty, even without makeup.


Suddenly, there was an extra person at home, and Ruan Jinghong couldn't really be at ease. The courtesy engraved in her bones reminded her that the guest had come and had to be entertained.


"Pweesh shit jown (please sit down), jew yu wan shum washer (do you want some water)?"


After she finished speaking, she realized that there was still foam in her mouth, and her little face turned red immediately, "Jashnow (just now), canyonoshbrogkashit (can you not broadcast it)?"


Sorry, this is a live broadcast, and it's already been broadcasted.


Xiao Chen couldn't help laughing, and reminded her kindly: "Teacher Ruan, why don't you go clean up first?"


The embarrassed Ruan Jinghong rushed into the bathroom again with a blushing face.


Naturally, the camera couldn't follow the restroom, but the chatroom became much more lively.


[Wow, was that really Ruan Jinghong without makeup just now?  So cute, I want rua!]


[Wen Jin is sending you a death stare.]


[Her fluffy hair is exactly like my cat, I want to rush into the screen to steal that meow meow.]


[Without makeup, not only did she not flop, she is even cuter than with makeup on. I declare that she is my new baby. This face fan decided to become a mom fan from this moment on.]


[I recognize you upstairs, you just said "the next one is better", hahaha, is it really okay to go back on your words so quickly]


[I don't care, she is my daughter now, I am not coveting her beautiful skin, I appreciate her interesting personality. After all, most people will not say "please don't broadcast it" on the live broadcast. dog head/]


[Once again, I feel that the director Wen is crazy, doing a live streaming, and lying to the person that she is shooting a VLOG. I don’t know how my daughter will feel when she sees this clip in the future.]


[What's this situation? So many people came out to grab my baby from me all at once]


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[Actually, I originally wanted to call her my wife. But isn't there still Queen Wen?]


[So are you guys taking advantage of Queen Wen? 233]




Ruan Jinghong was embarrassed to make people wait for a long time, after a sound of "pinging, bang, bang" came from the bathroom, she returned to the living room again, and only five minutes had passed at the time.


At this point, she had already cleaned her mouth, washed her face, combed her hair, and even applied a layer of cream on her face. Her natural skin is excellent, and after such a simple cleaning, she is very suitable to appear in front of the camera


Xiao Chen looked at Ruan Jinghong, who was completely different from earlier, and was stunned in her heart: Is this the efficiency of a female artist?


Ruan Jinghong remembered Shen Yun's reminder, and smiled decently at the camera.


"Welcome to my house, nice to meet you, I'm Ruan Jinghong. Do you want me to show you around now?"


Polite, decent, and generous, sister Yun will definitely praise me when she sees this!


Ruan Jinghong gave herself a thumbs up in her heart.


Seeing Ruan Jinghong's expression of "nice to meet you", Xiao Chen could only restrain herself from laughing with her strong professionalism.


Should I tell Teacher Ruan that we are actually live broadcasting?


Xiao Chen had to restrain herself because of her work, but the audience in the live chat didn't have to.


[Hahahaha I am dying of laughter, she still thinks she is shooting VLOG]


[I usually just watch those big stars, it is rare to come up with such a silly beauty, who is quite fresh and refined]


[The point is that she doesn't think she's silly at all, she still thinks she's acting really well, did you see that little shy expression on her just now]


[You are not allowed to say that my daughter is silly, she is just a little naive. dog head/]


[She was tricked by the program group at the beginning, and I sympathize with the little beauty in advance]

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