Chapter 31: Girlfriend

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The two stayed in the Cat Cafe for several hours, and it was already afternoon when they left after filming the VCR.


Lunch was a random fast food at Cat Cafe. The program team required the guests to spend the whole day in the Parade Street, but at this time both of them were penniless, and even eating at night became a problem.


Ruan Jinghong saw Wen Jin throwing the empty envelope into the trash can and remembered that she had a lot of fun playing with the cats before, but now she has nothing to do, so she couldn't help but feel guilty.


With her round eyes secretly looking at Wen Jin's chin, she carefully asked, "Teacher Wen, where are we going next?"


"Let's go shopping first and find a place to work to make money." Wen Jin answered very easily while browsing the surrounding buildings while stepping on the red brick floor.


Work to earn a living? Make money?

Are you serious?


Ruan Jinghong didn't expect what Wen Jin said, "I have a solution for dinner", and the solution is to work here to make money.


Thinking of the migrant workers she saw just now, this picture came to her mind: Wen Jin wearing cat ears, hugging a big orange, greeting enthusiastically: "Welcome to Pippi Shrimp Cat Cafe."


"Pfft!" It's a bit out of harmony.


Hearing Ruan Jinghong's snort, Wen Jin turned around and tickled her chin, "Little silly cat."


Why, I'm not Big Orange.


Ruan Jinghong shrank her neck and glanced at Xiao Chen who was holding the video camera with some guilt.


Xiao Chen firmly controlled the camera with one hand, and smiled at Ruan Jinghong with a mouthful of white teeth, signaling her to rest assured that everything had been filmed.


Ruan Jinghong: ...


They didn't walk for too long before they saw a group of people gathered around the door of a big house.


Ruan Jinghong was a little curious, and came forward to inquire, only to find out that this is a self-built ice rink, and there will be a figure skating competition soon, and those who want to participate or watch need to line up at the door to buy tickets.


"There is actually an ice rink in this place?" Ruan Jinghong was surprised, the cost of that place was quite high.


The young lady who was queuing at the side had nothing to do, so she chatted patiently with her, "The owner of this store is in the diamond business, and the owner himself is a fanatic of figure skating, but he has never been in the national team, so he paid for it at his own expense." He built a large ice rink here. Firstly, he can entertain himself, and secondly, to attract fellow fans, he holds a figure skating competition here every year, and the champion can get 1000H coins.”

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1000H coins, that's 1000 bags of dried deep-sea fish!


After Ruan Jinghong quickly calculated in her mind, she was deeply moved by the boss's wealth.


She really wants to go to the figure skating exhibition competition, but unfortunately, she doesn't have the money to buy tickets.


At this time, Wen Jin, who had been silent before, suddenly turned around and asked Xiao Chen, "The program team said that as long as it is money we earn here, it can be used, right?"


Xiao Chen nodded.


Wen Jin had an idea in her mind, and smiled slyly, "The program crew won't let the staff go hungry, so Xiao Chen, you should have money with you, right?"


Xiao Chen suddenly had an ominous premonition, "Yes, I have, but according to the rules of the program, except for the initial activity funds and the money you earn yourself, you are not allowed to use any currency from other sources."


"I know, I'm not planning to use it. I'll just borrow it. You advance the money to let us enter the competition, and I will return it to you after I win the competition and earn money." Wen Jin spoke with confidence.


Xiao Chen: ...


Isn't that still using the money? And how can you guarantee that you will win the championship?


Seeing that Wen Jin had an idea, Ruan Jinghong immediately echoed: "Yes, yes, the program team only said that other money cannot be used, not that it cannot be borrowed. We are also in line with the program rules. Besides, you don't want to follow the two of us around the streets with a camera on your shoulder."


Xiao Chen's single mouth was no match, and she finally succumbed to the "desire" of Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong and obediently donated her wallet.


She looked at the backs of the two of them queuing up to buy tickets, and couldn't help but mutter in her heart: Usually, one looks so cold and the other looks so cute, but in the end, both are out to deceive people.


Contestants and spectators here buy the same type of tickets. Those who are willing to participate need to go to the clerk to sign up after entering the room. First, try skating in the small ice rink. After passing the initial test, they can receive their participation number plates.


This figure skating competition will last for two hours. When Ruan Jinghong and the others entered, there were already players performing on the ice rink.


Although they are all amateur players, those who can go to the big ice rink still have two brushes, and each of them has a strong body and a smooth posture. It can be seen that the owner is very careful in running the ice rink and the competition.


Wen Jin went to the registration place for the competition, took off her long windbreaker, and handed it to Ruan Jinghong, "Help me take off the clothes first."


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Ruan Jinghong obediently took over the windbreaker with the lingering heat and fragrance, and hugged it neatly, like a child waiting for her parents to come home from school.


Wen Jin picked out a pair of suitable skates to put on, and quickly slid around the small ice rink with one foot, like a breeze blowing across the lake, without a trace in an instant.


The initial test went too fast, it was over before Ruan Jinghong had time to see the future clearly.


When the staff saw Wen Jin's figure, their eyes lit up slightly, and then they returned to the seriousness they had when they first saw her, and took out a number plate and handed it to Wen Jin.


Number eleven, a later number in the queue.


There was still a while before Wen Jin came on stage, and a few of them would first enjoy the performances of other players on the ice rink.


This ice rink is doing very well.


Even the audience seat is full, fortunately, as a contestant, Wen Jin has a dedicated waiting area.


Ruan Jinghong had only seen figure skating performances on online videos before, but watching them up close now is a different experience.


Because she was in the ice rink, the surrounding temperature was naturally a bit low, but the long windbreaker in her arms gave her some warmth.


The contestants put on their skates one by one, and a performance on the rink is over for 3 and a half minutes. The point here is not skating, but acting.


Seeing whose posture is more graceful and whose dance is more moving.


For a person like Ruan Jinghong, who can't stand up on the ice with skates on, everyone looks like a boss at the moment.


That little girl with braids looks like she's only in high school. She's so fast and her movements are slick!


That short boy is really beyond his appearance, he can jump so nimbly on the ice!


And that short-haired sister, she is practicing aerobics, how can her movements be so cool!


At this time, Ruan Jinghong looked like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden*, her big and round eyes sparkled, and she couldn't help exclaiming "Wow" and "Heaven".


*a character in the 18th-century Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber. The expression "Granny Liu visits the Grand View Gardens" refers to this character, who visits the noble family who plays host to her, but also makes fun of her openly for her simplicity. The expression is used in modern Chinese to describe someone, usually simple and unsophisticated, getting overwhelmed by new experiences and luxurious surroundings.


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this translation is originally posted on

https://love4baihe blogspot com

please read it there. and check out other stories too.


Wen Jin looked at the little thing on the side, who was looking at the two participants, with displeasure. She let out a soft "hum" sound between her sniffles and twisted her neck to stretch.


Finally, after the first ten contestants finished their performances, it was Wen Jin's turn to play.


Wen Jin entered the arena with one foot on her skates, like a soaring bird spinning gracefully in the air.


The moment she entered the ice rink, the aura around her seemed to have changed. At that moment Ruan Jinghong saw many words in her: graceful, elegant, and story.


The interweaving, backbending, arm spreading, hands on the back, every movement is calm, every movement seems to be natural.


The BGM of "Displaced Time and Space" sounded in the arena, which complemented the lonely queen on the ice rink.


Ordinary audiences don't understand how professional and complicated techniques are, but they will be moved by this extremely beautiful artistic presentation.


Wen Jin, who was dancing on the ice rink, was not as cold or gentle as usual but had a different kind of temperament on her body.


She is an elf on the ice, she has a sense of atmosphere, and the stories around her make her perform gracefully and movingly.


She is also the queen of the ice, her whole life is blooming enthusiastically.


Ruan Jinghong mesmerized by the sight as she saw Wen Jin gestured a "one" with both hands, and drew a heart in the air, as if her gaze had spanned thousands of years, casting towards her through the vast crowd.


This gave her the illusion that she was the only spectator in the entire arena.


At this time, Ruan Jinghong had forgotten that this was actually a competition, and was simply shocked by such pure artistic beauty.


The three-and-a-half-minute performance time soon ended. As the last tone of "Displacement of Time and Space" fell, Wen Jin on the ice also put her arms around her shoulders and made a gesture of curtain call.


There was thunderous applause from the auditorium. This was the moment when everyone reacted the most emotionally since the start of the game.


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Whether it's the heart-stopping graceful figure, the pinnacle of superb skills, or the sympathetic sense of story, they all illustrate the same fact.


In today's game, Wen Jin is the well-deserved queen of the ice.


Wen Jin took a curtain call from the stage, and Ruan Jinghong immediately welcomed her with a windbreaker in her arms. Her small face was flushed with excitement, and her beautiful eyes shone brightly.


"Teacher Wen, you are so beautiful!"


Ruan Jinghong hated her lack of vocabulary at the moment. Fortunately, she still writes alone. After experiencing such an extreme shock, her mind was so blank that she could only praise "beautiful".


This is also the truest feeling in her heart.


Beautiful posture, art, and story. There are so many beautiful things that she doesn't know where to start.


Wen Jin's simple praise from Ruan Jinghong was well received, not because of her vocabulary, but because she was the only one in her starry eyes at the moment.


There are still a few contestants participating in the competition, but after seeing Wen Jin's extreme performance, the audience's eyes seem to have been raised all of a sudden. It is difficult to raise enthusiasm for the following entries.


The results of the competition came out very quickly. It was voted by the audience in the venue. The whole process was fair and open. It was an undisputed result that Wen Jin won the championship.


"Hello, are you interested in joining our figure skating club? The treatment will be favorable." The boss personally handed over the 1,000H coin cash reward for the championship to Wen Jin, and at the same time throwing an offer.


"Sorry, we are tourists here, and we will return to China in a few days. I can only express regret for your invitation." Wen Jin politely declined the boss's solicitation and led Ruan Jinghong to leave.


Although the boss loves talents, everyone has their ambitions and can't force them to stay, so he can only sigh on the sidelines.


The two of them were two steps away from the gate of the ice rink when a little girl with blue eyes caught up to her.


"Sister, sister, can I take a photo with you? It's the first time I see such a beautiful sister, and there are two at once. Are you two a couple?"


The little girl looked like she was only twelve or thirteen years old, just the age of innocence.


"What are you talking about?" Ruan Jinghong was blushed by the little girl's innocent misconception, and hurriedly explained in English: "I and the sister next to me are friends, good friends, understand?"



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