Chapter 38: If I Say More, We Can't Broadcast

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Before the few people present could analyze the reason from the diary, the long-lost loudspeaker sounded in the air.


"Now the seven pages of the princess' diary have been collected. Please gather at the time-space teleportation point as soon as possible."


It seems that Yin Xiang and Zhong Manyun's team have already succeeded, and Huo Yitong finally realized that Wen Jin had been deliberately delaying the time just now, and was so angry that she cursed inwardly, "Wily old fox".


The four of them returned to the time-space transfer point together and saw that Yin Xiang, Zhong Manyun, and the time-space transfer officer were already waiting there.


Ruan Jinghong looked up and saw Prince Yin's face was green, while

Concubine Yun seemed to be gloating.  She guessed that the contents of the two pages of the diary they obtained should not be much different from those of her team, and they were all about the secret love of the Princess of the Western Realm


Prince Yin felt that the green grassland was on his head. At this moment, he is in character.


The time-space transmission officer took back the seven pages of the princess' diary from each group, and after a quick scan, he began to announce.


"Now all the seven pages of the diary of the princess of the Western Realm are here. According to the agreement, this time and space officer will provide you with some clues before the murder.


"During the search for the diary this time, Advisor Wen and Princess Ruan cooperated to find three pages of the diary, and they tied for first place. They will each get a privilege once in the subsequent plot.


"At the same time, two people completed the hidden mission this time, and one of them chose to hide personal clues about herself. The other was the murderer who killed the princess of the Western Realm, and she forcibly designated a member as an ally, so this is now a four-person detective team against a two-person murderer team."


As soon as the Time-Space Officer said this, everyone was in an uproar:

How could this murderer still bring an ally?


Surprise was written on everyone's faces. Even Wen Jin and Huo Yitong, who had always been expressionless, raised their eyebrows and held their chins.


It seems that everyone is innocent.


Among them, the one with the most exaggerated expression was Prince Yin. After all, his identity was closely related to the deceased, so his mood swings should be greater.


However, the fluctuation was too strong for a moment, making it appear that it was over the top, and the traces of "acting" were very obvious, making people couldn't help but suspect that he is the murderer.


The Time-Space Officer waited for their respective performances to finish then continued: "Now, we will re-transmit back to the Chen Kingdom Palace. Please take a look at the clues obtained in this operation. Please observe and think carefully. After these clues are displayed, everyone will carry out the first round of finding the culprit."


At this time, the lights in the room turned on, and only then did everyone see the big screen in the room that had been neglected all this time, on which Chinese characters were popping up one by one.


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Clue 1: The Crown Prince once complained to his friends while drinking, "It's really inappropriate to let a princess from such a small border country like the Western Realm, be my consort."


As soon as this clue came out, the Court Lady was immediately possessed by a dramatic ghost and condemned: "My princess is of golden branches and jade leaves* you still look down on her. Could it be that you are dissatisfied with His Majesty's gift of marriage, so you have evil thoughts in your heart?"


*a person of noble birth


Prince Yin didn't expect the first clue to point directly at him, and explained with an embarrassed smile: "It's all written on it, those are drunken words, how can drunken words be taken seriously?"


The Court Lady's momentum remains undiminished, "Hmph, who doesn't know how to tell the truth after drinking? Sure enough, if a man is reliable, a pig can climb a tree."


Prince Yin: ...


What's with the personal attack?


Seeing that Crown Prince Yin was so helpless against the Court Lady, she defended, "How about we look at a few other clues first, and then make a conclusion?"


Clue 2: Jinzi, the close maid of the Princess of the Western Realm, was once an official before entering the palace. However, her father was convicted and executed by the King of the Western Realm. As a young woman, she managed to regain her life.


As soon as Prince Yin saw this line, he looked up and said, "Wow, it turned out that your family has a deep blood feud with the Western Realm Royal Family. You have been deliberately lurking around the princess for so long, just to wait for a chance to avenge. No wonder you were so excited just now, so you were in a hurry to find a scapegoat!"


Unexpectedly, the news of the present world would come so soon, and the Court Lady tried best to argue: "It's a thing of the previous generation. No matter what the king of the Western Realm has done, the princess has always treated me like a sister, and her kindness is as great as a mountain. I absolutely have no grudge against her."


Prince Yin: "Hmph, anyone can say beautiful words. We may know a person's exterior but not his heart."


Grand Fu Huo saw that these two people were like elementary school chickens, stepping on each other endlessly, turned to the time and space officer, and asked, "Are there any other clues?"


"There is one last item."


Clue 3: The day before the wedding, at the hour of You*, the Princess of the Western Realm once visited Princess Ruan's bedroom alone, and she stayed for a long time.


*5-7 pm





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This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.



As soon as this clue came out, everyone fell into deep thought for a moment: She is a princess of the Western Realm, why did she go to the future sister-in-law's room the day before her wedding?


At this time, Princess Ruan, who was holding the amnesia script, was even more confused: Why do I still have to be involved with this? So what happened in the room that night?


This clue pushed Princess Ruan, who seemed the most innocent, to the cusp. The time between You and Wu was very close. Judging from all the current clues, Princess Ruan became the last close contact with the Princess of the Western Realm before she was killed.


After being looked at by all five pairs of eyes, Princess Ruan had no choice but to explain, "Well, the princess of the Western Realm came from afar, and she is alone in a foreign land, so she wanted to find someone to chat with. I am about the same age as her, and I am about to become a family, so she thought of coming to me."


"Then what did she talk to you about?" Seeing that Princess Ruan was vague, Concubine Yun didn't want to let her easily fool her.


"Just some interesting things about the Western Realm, she also asked me a lot about Chen Kingdom's customs."


"But I have already informed the princess of the rules and customs of Chen Kingdom during the day." Grand Fu Huo also interjected at the right time.


Two-on-one, Princess Ruan gritted her teeth and decided to go all out. "Some things can be said between daughters in the boudoir, but how can they be said with foreign ministers? I can't say it, and if I say more, we can't broadcast this."


Everyone: ...


So what else did the two of you talk about that couldn't be broadcasted?


Advisor Wen, who had been silent all this time, couldn't bear to see Princess Ruan being besieged, and took the initiative to pick up the DM script again, "Okay, now that all the clues have been revealed, shall we start pushing for the murderer now?"


"That's right, push for the murderer." 


Prince Yin was the first to respond: "This prince thinks that the murderer must be the Court Lady. She has a deep blood feud, and the motive for committing the crime is the most obvious. As the murderer, she has also completed a hidden mission and chose to use this opportunity to bring in an ally. This ally may have been a good person before, and it should be drawn according to her preferences, so let's tentatively say it's Princess Ruan."


Concubine Yun also immediately expressed her opinion: "I think the murderer is Princess Ruan. Her contact with the Princess of the Western Realm is the most unreasonable, and the time of the incident is the closest. If she can't explain the content of the conversation between the two at that time, then she is the most suspicious. As for the allies she draws, they must be people she is familiar with, including the Court Lady and Advisor Wen."


Seeing that she already had one and a half votes, the Court Lady said, not to be outdone, "I think the murderer is Prince Yin. Don't forget what we were looking for just now, the princess' diary. It records a lot of the princess' thoughts. Prince Yin is already dissatisfied with this marriage, if he read the contents of this diary one or two pages in advance, and feels that he has a green hat on his head, wouldn't it be evil?"

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The Court Lady had heard the contents of the last page of the diary before, so she naturally knew that the person written in the diary of the Princess of the Western Realm was Prince Yin.  But Prince Yin didn't get that page of the diary, he didn't know. Now the seven pages of the diary are with the Time-Space officer, and the contents will not be made public for the time being, so the Court Lady took advantage of this information gap to stand against Prince Yin


Seeing that Prince Yin opened his mouth to argue, the Court Lady didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued to chatter, "So I vote for Prince Yin, just like Concubine Yun said, the alliance usually chooses familiar people, so Prince Yin's alliance is naturally Concubine Yun."


Princess Ruan looked at the field with sharp tongues and swords, as if engaged in a war without smoke. She admired these eloquent people. Unlike her, she has memory loss and a slow brain.


So she said weakly, "I think the Court Lady is right. Then my royal brother, along with my sister-in-law, killed the Princess of the Western Realm."


Court Lady ...


Don't just directly call me out, people will think we are in a team.


Advisor Wen: ...


I haven't even spoken yet, you're already out to collect people's votes.


Now that the four people who had finished expressing their opinions on the field were biting each other, the two crucial votes fell into the hands of Advisor Wen and Grand Fu Huo.


Advisor Wen and Grand Fu Huo looked at each other. In fact, the person they most wanted to identify in their hearts just now was each other. However, the current situation on the field…


"I also think that Prince Yin and Concubine Yun are the most suspicious at present."


"Prince Yin, Concubine Yun."

 The two temporarily reached a strategic consensus.


Currently, the votes are four to two. The situation is not good for Prince Yin and Concubine Yun.


At this moment, Crown Prince Yin was rarely clever. "The ones who are suspected are those who had clues revealed about them. After all, as one of the six close contacts, it is impossible to have no plot at all, but there are still a few people whose clues have not come out at all.


"Yes, there are still clues about someone who hasn't come out, such as the Crown Prince's side concubine. So it's also possible that Concubine Yun is the real culprit, and you're an ally."


The Court Lady thought that she had already been targeted by those two couples anyway, so she didn't give him the chance to save face.


"I'm not the only one who hasn't got a clue revealed about them." Concubine Yun, who was named, wanted to say that Grand Fu Huo and Advisor Wen were also hiding themselves tightly at this moment.


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"Okay." Advisor Wen acted as a peacemaker at the right time. "It's only the first round of identification, and this is not the final conclusion. It's really not enough to conclude by looking at the motives of the clues. There should be other evidence."


The space-time officer started the call process, "Everyone, the first round of identification is over, and the next step is to enter the stage of evidence collection.


"Everyone can choose to go back to any relevant scene before the incident to search for evidence, and the activity time is one hour.


"After the evidence collection is over, everyone has a chance to change their vote without damage.


"Once again, it is now four members of the detective team against two of the murderer team. The detective team must find out the real murderer and the ally in order to win the final victory. Otherwise, the murderer team will win.


"In the process of collecting evidence, everyone can find allies on their own, or they can do it alone."


Prince Yin and Concubine Yun, as the targets of public criticism, were eager to clear their suspicions, so they naturally chose to continue to stay together. The first group of them set off to search for evidence and chose to go directly to the room of the deceased Princess of the Western Realm to check.


There are four people left. It is reasonable to say that Ruan Jinghong and Jin Ziyi were also attacked by the group just now, so it is reasonable to be in a team.


Jin Ziyi thought the same way, she took the initiative to come to Ruan Jinghong's side, and invited, "A'Ruan, why don't we go together this time?"


Ruan Jinghong looked at Wen Jin who was on the side, but the woman only glanced slightly and did not make a sound to stop her.


Switch teams? Ruan Jinghong lowered her brows and thought for a while, but she heard the Court Lady beside her say in surprise: "Director Wen created quite a unique costume for us, A'Ruan, you still have a drawing of Hello Kitty on your back!  "


Hello Kitty?


Ruan Jinghong turned around and borrowed the floor-standing mirror to look at her back. As expected, she saw a Hello Kitty painted on it with a highlighter. The strokes are few, but the features are very obvious.


She clearly remembered that there was no such pattern on it when she changed her clothes before.


Could it be...


At this time, Ruan Jinghong's mind flashed back to the previous scene of her brief embrace with Wen Jin.


At that time, Teacher Wen seemed to be drawing on my back with something.


So, this is actually Teacher Wen's hidden mission. She is the murderer, and I have already been drawn into an ally?

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