Chapter 41: Final Push

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The scene was silent for about three seconds, and Prince Yin realized it later, "Oh, so you're saying just now that my imperial sister secretly cuckolded this Crown Prince, outrageous!"

The other five people: …

Men's focus is indeed different.

Grand Fu Huo didn't give the prince a look, and continued to explain.

"Actually, the matter is already very clear now, let me run through the story line."

Princess Ruan once disguised herself as a man and went to the Western Realm. She attracted the attention of the Princess of the Western Realm who mistook her as the Crown Prince of Chen."

"The Princess of the Western Realm came to Chen Kingdom with great joy to get married, but found that this prince was not the other prince. The person she really fell in love with was the Princess of Chen."

"So the fierce-natured Princess of the Western Realm came to Princess Ruan's bedroom the day before her wedding, and confessed her heart, hoping to elope with her.

"Princess Ruan did not agree, but the Princess of the Western Realm expressed her resolute unwillingness to remarry, so the two planned this fake death together."

"The real princess of the Western Realm has now escaped from the palace at this time."

"I asked the guards at the gate of the palace. On the night of the Princess' accident, there was an abnormality nearby. The guards had left their posts for less than half an hour."

Advisor Wen waited for Grand Fu Huo to finish speaking, and applauded, "Excellent analysis, most of the guesses are in line with the facts, and the person who died now is indeed not the real Princess of the Western Realm.

"But from the beginning to the end, Princess Ruan never killed the Princess of the Western Realm, nor did she plan any fake death with her.

"Now that things have happened, I don't need to hide any more. I was the one who completed the hidden mission and hid personal clues last round.

"Now we can release the clues for everyone to see."

The big screen lit up again, and a paragraph of text appeared at the same time.

Clue 4: Advisor Wen left for a while before being invited into the palace, but when she reappeared, she seemed to be a different person. Many years ago, Advisor Wen had entanglements with the royal family of the Western Realm.

After everyone finished reading this sentence, they all turned their eyes to Advisor Wen who was at the side.

She still looked calm, "I blew myself up, the real Princess of the Western Realm is not dead, because... I am the Princess of the Western Realm.

As soon as this remark came out, all four people on the field were shocked, especially Princess Ruan. Seeing her expression was full of shock and admiration.

In order to frame Teacher Huo, Teacher Wen even pretended to be the deceased.This trick is really too high!

Seeing Princess Ruan's astonishment, Advisor Wen gave her a comforting look, and continued.

"The real advisor once received the favor of my father when she was in the Western Realm, and I switched identities with her when she was ordered to enter the palace for investigation.

"The reason is to change to a more convenient identity and personally find out who is behind the murderer who wanted to kill me that night."

"That person deliberately chose to attack me at Princess Ruan's bedroom. As soon as I'm killed, it will be logical to frame Princess Ruan."

"At this time, the war between Chen Kingdom and the Western Realm can be easily provoked, destroying this hard-won peace."

"I admit that I did fall in love with Princess Ruan, but at the same time I also care about the safety of the Western Realm, and I will not let people with ulterior motives stir up the situation in the dark."

Grand Fu Huo interjected at the right time, "Advisor Wen, oh no, I should call you Princess Wen now, since you have already admitted your identity, you have confirmed the previous speculation for me."

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"You fell in love with the Princess of Chen, and you always act together with her during the investigation process. You have already drawn her into an ally. Naturally, you will argue in every possible way and defend her."

Prince Yin and Concubine Yun nodded unconsciously when they heard the words: This seems to make sense.

Princess Wen smiled disdainfully, "Why is Grand Fu Huo so anxious?"

"Do you remember that the time-space officer said before, that there were two people who completed the hidden mission in the first round? The murderer appointed an ally, and the other hid his personal clues.

"Since I have hidden my clues, naturally I will no longer be the murderer."

Prince Yin and Concubine Yun were thoughtful: This seems to make sense.

Princess Wen took out the pattern of plum blossoms and the dossier of the Ministry of Punishment.

"This is the mark we found on the body of the false princess.

"According to the records in the file, assassins have frequently assassinated the royal family in recent years, and they all have such plum blossom marks painted on their bodies."

"You must be wondering who the people behind these assassins are and what purpose they have?"

"This is the main purpose of my investigation into the palace this time."

She took out the sheepskin scroll given by the old lady again, "On this scroll, there is a record of the Chen Imperial family secret from decades ago."

"The current emperor had a brother, Prince Gong back then. He was once deeply loved by the late emperor, and he was a popular candidate to inherit the throne in everyone's hearts."

"However, Prince Gong was foolish and had an affair with Concubine Mei, the late Emperor's favorite."

"After the first emperor found out, he deeply felt that he had lost his country's dignity, so he sent Prince Gong to the barren north, and that Concubine Mei was also thrown into the cold palace."

"Concubine Mei gave birth to a daughter in an unknown cold palace, and she herself died of dystocia*."

*difficult or obstructed labor

"The child was later picked up by Prince Gong, and the subordinate who was sent to pick up the child also had a plum blossom mark on his wrist.

"Perhaps this is a way for Prince Gong to commemorate Concubine Mei*. All his cronies will have a plum blossom mark carved on their bodies.

*Mei (梅) means plum blossoms


This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.


"All of this was silently observed by a young lady in the cold palace and recorded in the volume."

The Court Lady listened to the story with great interest, and hurriedly asked questions.

"You mean, this plum blossom assassin is the real murderer who wants to kill the Princess of the Western Realm? She belongs to Prince Gong. So there is someone among us who was disguised as Prince Gong? Then the only man here is Prince Yin!"

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Prince Yin who is eating melon: ...

Why are you pulling it on me again?

Princess Wen looked at Princess Ruan, who gave the Court Lady a nod of approval and felt emotional: I finally understand why the two of you can talk.

Princess Wen shook her head, not letting the Court Lady lead her astray.

"The real murderer behind the scenes is indeed closely related to both Prince Gong and the plum blossom assassin, but he is not Prince Gong himself.

"Based on time and age, the child who was taken away in the cold palace back then is probably about the same age as Grand Fu Huo now."

Grand Fu Huo raised her brows when she heard the words, "You want to slander me with the stories made up from such a scroll and the plum blossom patterns that can be seen everywhere?"

Princess Wen came to Grand Fu Huo, grabbed her hand, and rolled up her sleeves, "Whether it's slander or not, you'll know right away."

Grand Fu Huo was caught off guard by Princess Wen's actions. Her sleeves were rolled up, and a plum blossom mark appeared on her wheat-colored arm.

Princess Wen took out the scrolls for comparison, "Please look, everyone, is the mark on Grand Fu Huo's arm the same as the mark on the child back then? But this should not be painted, it should be a birthmark."

The Court Lady looked at Grand Fu Huo with a heartbroken expression on her face, "You said with certainty that we were at the same end, I believed you. It turns out that you are the one hiding the murderer the deepest!"

Now that the evidence is conclusive, Grand Fu Huo's defense seems weak. When the time-space officer asked everyone to vote for the real culprit, Grand Fu Huo won the position with five votes.

Except for herself, everyone voted for her.

When Grand Fu Huo walked up to the high platform to verify the real murderer, a halo was triggered without any accident.

The voice of the time-space officer sounded again.

"Congratulations to the detective team for successfully finding out the real culprit who killed the Princess of the Western Realm this time, but you haven't won all the victories yet.

"You still need to find the ally who has been assimilated by the murderer before you can completely defeat the murderer team."

Everyone suspected that Grand Fu Huo's ally was the Court Lady who acted with her.

It can be seen that the performance of the Court Lady just now made people a little uncertain.

Based on what everyone knows about Jin Ziyi, it seems that her acting skills have not reached such a level.

Of the remaining five people, the one with the best acting skills is naturally Wen Jin.

But she just beat Grand Fu Huo to death with one hand. Could it be that they can bite each other to this extent in order to preserve their alliance?

Grand Fu Huo's identity has been exposed, but she still needs to complete the plot dutifully.

"Even if you capture this official, as long as this official's alliance is still there, the royal family will not be at peace."


The Court Lady had an epiphany when she heard the words, "She means that she is at odds with the royal family, isn't she trying to do reverse psychology to preserve her alliance in the royal family?! I think her ally is Prince Yin!"

Prince Yin: ...

Did I provoke you?

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The familiar scene reappeared again, and Prince Yin's face was full of indignation, "The Court Lady stayed with Grand Fu Huo the longest time, and she also has a blood feud with the royal family in the Western Realm. She is the most suitable choice for the alliance of the Grand Fu."

Having said that, he also understands in his heart that the real culprit chooses an alliance based on his own preferences, and there are no other additional conditions.

Actually, his first object of suspicion was Princess Wen. But now that he has been identified, he has to reciprocate.

Concubine Yun stood in the same camp as Prince Yin almost the entire time, plus she had taken over the olive branch of the alliance from Princess Wen before, so it was always not good to be double-faced or three-faced in the show, so she also voted for the Court Lady.

The performance of these three people is too natural. If anyone is really an alliance and is tricking everyone here, then their acting skills are really good.

Princess Ruan fell into deep thought: Teacher Wen was in charge of the whole process from the beginning to the end. Before she admitted to me that she was the murderer, and I was her ally, now it seems that she is coaxing me.

So far, no one knows what the real content of the hidden mission is except for the parties involved in the mission.

So she drew the Hello Kitty on my back before, it may be a cover-up, after all, the appearance of the female ghost was purely accidental.

In the past, when I watched other people play this roleplay, there is usually a part where the real murderer bites each other at the end, so as to confuse others' attention.

From this point of view, whether it is IQ, acting skills, or the degree of control over the overall situation, Teacher Wen is the one who is most likely to be an alliance.

But now there are only two votes left, Teacher Wen will definitely not vote for herself, and I actually don't want to vote for Teacher Wen.  Ziyi must be innocent, or else…

"I also think that Grand Fu Huo's ally is my brother, and the murderer appoints an ally based on her own will. Perhaps Grand Fu Huo has the mentality of falling with the royal family."

Prince Yin, who was targeted all night: "..."

After finishing her vote, Princess Ruan approached Princess Wen and whispered, "Teacher Wen, I know you are the real ally. You won. Now it's 2:2. You can frame whoever you want."

Princess Wen glanced at Princess Ruan indifferently, and voted for the Court Lady, without saying anything else.

After the five people voted, the time-space transmission officer reminded: "The murderer alliance vote is over. At present, Prince Yin has 2 votes, and the Court Lady has 3 votes. The Court Lady who got the most votes is invited to step onto the test stage.  "

When the halo lighted up again on the murder platform, except for Grand Fu Huo and Princess Wen, the other four felt a little surprised.

Among them, the most shocked one was the Court Lady herself.

"I, I, I..."

The Court Lady pointed her finger at herself, and it took a long time to smooth her tongue out.

"I'm an ally of the murderer, how come I didn't even know about it?"

At this moment, the overall situation had been decided, and Grand Fu Huo didn't need to hide any more. She said calmly, "Your face is too shallow to hide what's on your mind. If you know it in advance, it's easy to reveal your flaws."

The other three: So this is the reason for her superb acting skills. It turned out that there was no acting at all, it was all emotion.

Grand Fu Huo turned to look at Princess Wen, "So, how did you know?"

At this time, besides Grand Fu Huo, the other four people were also very curious: So this time, did they just happen to be lucky, or was there some other reason?

Princess Wen said unhurriedly, "When I was looking for a diary in the Imperial Study Room in the Western Realm, I saw you knock three times on the head of the Court Lady. I wondered if that was some kind of hidden mission.

"It wasn't until the time and space officer said that the murderer had completed the hidden mission and appointed an ally, that I knew that you were the murderer, and the Court Lady was your designated ally.

"So in the later part of the evidence search, I just need to focus on finding evidence that you are the murderer."

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After hearing this, Princess Ruan was both admiring and puzzled, "Since you already know who the murderer's ally is, why didn't you speak up during the voting session just now?"

"You all doubted me, didn't you?" Princess Wen turned to Princess Ruan, her eyes were quite sad.

"Even if I presented all the evidence that Grand Fu Huo was the real murderer by myself, some people suspected that we were murderers biting each other.

"You didn't say anything, but the expression on your face said it all."

"Because I talk the most and have the best acting skills, so even if I have evidence, I will be suspected."

"Then if I said that set of claims without evidence in advance, you will think that I made it up."

"Anyway, the Court Lady also got two votes before, so naturally I don't need to intervene aloud to avoid harming myself."

After hearing these words, Princess Ruan lowered her head in shame.

The time-space officer regained his sense of presence again, "Congratulations to the detective team for successfully pushing the murderer and winning the final victory. Now, please enter the ending of successfully pushing for the murderer together."

The plot review and ending animation were played on the big screen at the side.

Grand Fu Huo was originally the illegitimate daughter of Prince Gong and Concubine Mei. Over the years, she has inherited Prince Gong's last wish and has been deliberately trying to subvert the Chen royal family.

She accidentally found out about the affair between Princess Wen and Princess Ruan, and deliberately led Princess Wen to Princess Ruan's bedroom, where she wanted to secretly assassinate her, thereby provoking war between the two countries, and reaping the benefits for herself.

Princess Wen did go to Princess Ruan to confess her love, and the two had a lot of conversations. When the killer appeared, the two were in a stalemate.

During the fight, Princess Ruan bumped her head against the corner of the table and lost her memory.

Princess Wen practiced martial arts since she was a child, and she killed the killer instead.

In order to hide herself and find the person behind the killer, she put her own clothes on the female killer's body, ruined her face, threw her into the pond, and left traces.

In this way, on the second day, there will naturally be palace people who salvaged the killer's body and think it is the Princess of the Western Realm who has not returned at night.

And she herself sneaked out of the palace when she was a child. Using some small tricks in the Western Realm, the guards left for less than a quarter of an hour.

Now Grand Fu Huo has pleaded guilty and been executed.

And the Court Lady, who has been lurking beside Princess Wen for many years, has been debating whether to do something to the princess and avenge her family. In the end, she still didn't have time to really do it.

The princess was merciful, restored her freedom, and let her go.

It was revealed that Concubine Yun wanted to use cakes to harm the Princess of the Western Realm. Thinking that it was her first offense and that she had not had time to cause bad effects, she was punished and confined to contemplate for three months.

All the dust has settled, the Princess of the Western Realm is safe and sound, and the marriage continues...

"Wait a minute." Princess Wen signaled the time-space officer to suspend the animation, "The victory ending of our successful conviction is to continue with the marriage? But this princess doesn't like the Prince of Chen, is there any other ending?"

Prince Yin, who was shot again, said with a sneer, "Princess is right, and I don't want to take advantage of others."

If he really is the prince in the script, he would not dare to marry such a foreign princess who is highly skilled in martial arts, meticulous in thought, and doesn't care about him.

The time-space officer flipped through the booklet in his hand, and said, "There are other endings, too. In the diary link of looking for the princess, Princess Ruan and Princess Wen tied for first place, and each got a privilege.

"Now, you can use this privilege to rewrite the fate of your characters in the script."

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