Chapter 55: It's Polite To Seek The Consent Of The Person Involved Even For A Confession

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Just as Wen Jin was frustrated by her own miscalculation, Wen Duoduo who was listening on the side, saw that Ruan Jinghong was fine. She picked up her microphone and cleared her throat to test the sound, which startled Zhong Manyun, who was eating nearby, causing her meat skewer to almost drop to the ground."

"Thank you Wen Jin and Ruan Jinghong for bringing us such a fantastic cha-cha dance performance. Now, we will officially enter the game segment of tonight's event, Dare to Act, Dare to Say!*

*敢做敢言 (gǎn zuò gǎn yán) phrase that means as it says, but in this context it's the game title for truth or dare with a twist

Just as Ruan Jinghong was catching her breath: ...

She finally understood that tonight, Director Wen was here to be the human megaphone.

Wen Duoduo ignored the forced smiles on the faces of the guests and passionately introduced the game she had carefully planned.

"Everyone, please look at this map in my hand. The three groups of guests will start from three different starting points."

"Each group of guests will take turns rolling the dice to determine the number of steps to move forward. The first group to reach the finish line will be the champion.

"These small squares on the map correspond to various events. If a guest stays in an event square, they need to complete the corresponding task before they can continue.

"The rule is very simple, isn't it? Do you understand it?"

"At what age did you have your first love? What was the most unbearable thing about your ex? Gaze passionately into the eyes of another guest for twenty seconds... Director Wen, isn't it a bit cheesy to play this game in front of a national audience?"

Challenged by the accusation of being cheesy, Wen Duoduo didn't feel discouraged and continued to promote the game enthusiastically.

"This isn't cheesy at all. As a reality show, the most important aspect is 'authenticity.'

"From Ziyi's reaction, it can be seen that our guests were not mentally prepared for this game beforehand.

"For our audience watching at home, you will soon see their most authentic side. Are you excited?"

Wen Duoduo, true to her role as a director, was able to entertain herself even without an audience in front of the camera.



This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.

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Naturally, at this moment, no one would reply to her with "excitement." Wen Duoduo could only continue with the flow, enthusiastically promoting her little game.

"Don't just focus on these event squares think that it's just a typical game of Truth or Dare.

"In fact, our game incorporates elements of adventure. Each time you roll a different number, you will face different challenges.

"The first to complete the challenge will have a better chance of reaching the finish line first.

"Your destiny is in your own hands. Isn't that surprising?"

Truth or Dare disguised as Monopoly? Yeah, what a surprise.

The guests showed little interest in Wen Duoduo's game, except for Ruan Jinghong, who politely raised her hand to ask a question.

"Director Wen Director, is there any reward for the team that reaches the finish line first?"

For example, can you change my badge to something like Teacher Huo's "Master of Stir-Frying, Sautéing, and Deep-Frying Award"? I think it's pretty good.

Ruan Jinghong yearned happily in her mind.

Wen Duoduo looked at Ruan Jinghong with a smile, pleased and amiable. "Young people shouldn't always be so utilitarian, always thinking about rewards when playing games. 

"Being able to achieve the honor of first place isn't that already a reward in itself? Besides, you also get to enjoy the process of the game. 

"If you're so fond of rewards, you can wear your 'Delicious Appetite Award' more often." 

Ruan Jinghong:... 

Can we not mention the 'Delicious Appetite Award' anymore?

Is there a way to not play this game? It seems the director is the only one happy about this. Can I opt out?

Not playing is impossible. We still have several hours left until the end of the day's recording, and it seems that enjoying the dinner treat from Director Wen is not as easy as it sounds.

The first person to roll the dice is Ruan Jinghong. In Director Wen's exact words, "Since your VCR for the cat café received the most likes within 24 hours, you will have the privilege of rolling the dice twice in this game."

Wow, what a great privilege!

Ruan Jinghong rolled the dice to a three for the first time, event square: take three steps back.

Ruan Jinghong: …

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This privilege is really like a flash in the pan, fleeting.

Ruan Jinghong handed the dice to Wen Jin, and said involuntarily, "Teacher Wen, how about you play?"

"It's okay. We are in the same team anyway, so when you roll, it's like I'm rolling. I believe in you," Wen Jin reassured her, patting Ruan Jinghong's head.

Ruan Jinghong was deeply moved, and this time she rolled a six on the dice. 

However, before she could enjoy the moment of happiness, the familiar voice of Wen Duoduo came floating over.

"Event square: With Hands behind your back, make 'ribbit' sounds and jump five steps like a frog."

Ruan Jinghong was speechless: I rolled a six, how is it still so unlucky? 

She then carefully looked at the events in the first five squares:

1. Bark like a wolf dog; 2. Share your first love experience; 3. Take three steps backward; 4. Laugh out loud for ten seconds; 5. Drink mustard water 

None of them were safe or normal events. So, was she a bit too early to feel moved? 

Compared to the others, jumping like a frog for five steps seemed relatively better.

She didn't make a fuss and completed the task promptly. 

Next, it was the turn for the other two groups to roll the dice. Coincidentally, Zhong Manyun also rolled a "move back three spaces" but she didn't have the privilege to roll again.

Finally, Ruan Jinghong began to feel a glimpse of the joy of being the top-ranked VCR.

In the previous rounds of events, most of them were running and jumping like animals. Ruan Jinghong felt that the physical activity she had throughout the day couldn't compare to the past half an hour

What was supposed to be a pleasant bonfire party on the mountaintop almost turned into a zoo cosplay under Wen Duoduo's influence.

Ruan Jinghong yawned in her mind as she rolled the dice: When will this childish animal cosplay game end? I just want to go back to my room and sleep.

However, her spirits quickly lifted. If time could turn back, she would gladly spend the entire evening cosplaying as animals here.

"Event square: Choose any guest present and make a heartfelt confession to them."

Wen Duoduo continued to read the events meticulously, but everyone could hear the mischievous smirk in her voice.

A chorus of "shush" sounds came from all around, with everyone eagerly anticipating the upcoming scene. Ruan Jinghong, who had just finished imitating a chimpanzee, was completely bewildered.

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Wen Duoduo saw Ruan Jinghong's dumbfounded look, as if hesitating who to confess to and she continued to stoke the fire mischievously.

"Xiao Ruan, you have to seize the opportunity. All the guests are handsome and beautiful. Is there any one that particularly captures your heart?"

Originally it was just a game punishment, but after Wen Duoduo messed it up like this, it made it seem like a real situation.

If it were before, Ruan Jinghong would naturally choose Jin Ziyi. They could play along, laugh it off, and move on.

But with what happened between Jin Ziyi and Huo Yitong, they are currently trapped in a complicated and unresolved entanglement. 

Ruan Jinghong believes that during such a sensitive period, Jin Ziyi should not be dragged into any strange and complicated conflicts. 

She has a strong intuition that if she were to confess to Jin Ziyi tonight, Jin Ziyi would be severely dealt with by Huo Yitong afterwards.

Although Huo Yitong appears gentle and refined in her eyes, not someone who would seek revenge, her intuition remains inexplicably strong. 

Ruan Jinghong, considering herself a loyal friend, decides not to involve her sister in this situation. 

The other guests present, Yin Xiang and Zhong Manyun, are also around the same age as her, but they are a popular CP, and anyone normal would not want to intervene with them

In terms of familiarity and safety, the only suitable guest to confess to at the moment would be Teacher Wen. 

However, given Teacher Wen's personality, confessing to her casually because of a game might be too offensive.

Ruan Jinghong sneakily glanced at Wen Jin several times, hoping to catch a glimpse of any emotion on her face.

Wen Jin has been sizing up Ruan Jinghong calmly ever since she got the confession event.

She had expected the little thing would choose to confess to her without hesitation, as there seemed to be no other more suitable option both emotionally and logically.

However, she noticed the myriad of expressions flickering on Ruan Jinghong's face, as if she was contemplating a major life decision.

This made Wen Jin inexplicably nervous: With her seriousness, could it be...

Ruan Jinghong locked eyes with Wen Jin and finally gathered the courage to lean in and ask her.

"Teacher Wen, may I confess to you?"

Look, how polite it is to ask for the consent of the person involved before even confessing.

Wen Jin took a deep breath, "No."

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Ruan Jinghong: Ah.

Indeed, people like Teacher Wen, who take relationships seriously, cannot accept confessions that are part of a game.

Ruan Jinghong sighed.

At this moment, Wen Jin was unaware of Ruan Jinghong's thoughts. All she knew was that her heart was pounding, and she wasn't ready yet.

If she allowed the little thing to confess to her in front of everyone, she was afraid she would lose control of herself.

Wen Duoduo, seeing Wen Jin's resolute rejection of Ruan Jinghong, joked, "Old Wen, you're being a bit heartless. Can't you see the poor girl is about to cry?"

Wen Jin glanced at Ruan Jinghong's pitiful expression but quickly averted her gaze.

She confirmed with Wen Duoduo, "You mentioned earlier that we are playing as a team on this game board, so these events on it are also considered team events, right?"

Wen Duoduo followed her statement and replied, "Yes, so this is your team task, and as team members, you have the obligation to cooperate and complete the tasks together."

Wen Duo had put a lot of effort into creating some benefits for the CP fans.

Wen Jin nodded and said, "Since that's the case, it's still the same if I do the confession for this team task, right?"

Wen Duo responded, "Ah, yes…yes?"

So, after all that, instead of letting others confess to you, are you planning to do it yourself? Is it because you don't like to be passive?

Wen Jin ignored the questioning tone from Wen Duoduo and took her previous response as an affirmative answer.

She turned around and held one of Ruan Jinghong's hands, gazing into her slightly bewildered eyes, which resembled a pool of stars shimmering in the moonlight.

Just a second ago, Ruan Jinghong was listening to the conversation between Wen Duoduo and Wen Jin, feeling relieved that she had finally escaped a big predicament.

 In the next moment, Ruan Jinghong's hand was unexpectedly held by Wen Jin, and she felt a surge of emotions in her heart. Wen Jin gazed at Ruan Jinghong with a serene expression, her voice as gentle as a mountain spring, soothing to the soul.

"The first time I saw you, you had a dazed look, yet you managed to overshadow everything around you.

"Every time I meet you, it's a pleasant surprise, filled with joy."

"We may not have known each other for long, but I always look forward to seeing you."

"We haven't even had a chance to say goodbye, yet I'm already anticipating our next meeting.

"If possible, my greatest wish is to have you by my side for the rest of my life."

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