Chapter 57: Life's Ups And Downs Come Too Quickly, Just Like A Tornado

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Ruan Jinghong was interrupted by a violent cough. 

When she saw Wen Jin just now, perhaps she tried to hide her hidden sense of unease, and she exaggerated her seven-point admiration into ten points. Her appearance could be described as that of an enthusiastic fan, and no one would object to it.

When she just said those words, her eyes didn't directly meet Wen Jin's.

There's no way around it, Teacher Wen is too enchanting. Her gaze completely captivates me, I can't even utter a word.

Until the moment Wen Jin's continuous and rapid coughing reached her ears, Ruan Jinghong's overflowing admiration was abruptly interrupted.

She looked up and saw Wen Jin, one hand clutching her chest and the other supporting herself against the wall, appearing to be in great discomfort, struggling to catch her breath.

This deeply worried Ruan Jinghong, and she hurriedly approached to support Wen Jin, genuinely concerned. "Teacher Wen, did you eat something bad tonight?"

"Cough...cough cough!"

Wen Jin's coughing became more severe. Unlike the previous time when she pretended to cough in front of Jin Ziyi, this time it was genuine frustration, everything was going wrong for her!

With each word Ruan Jinghong spoke now, Wen Jin felt the tightness in her heart deepen. If she didn't cough it out immediately, she would soon find herself completely out of breath.

Ruan Jinghong naturally couldn't imagine that she herself was the main cause of Wen Jin's relentless coughing.

She frantically searched for a bottle of mineral water and struggled to unscrew the cap... but couldn't open it.

"Teacher Wen, why don't you try opening the cap yourself?"

At this moment, Ruan Jinghong couldn't care about politeness anymore. She sincerely suggested that Wen Jin take matters into her own hands.

Wen Jin looked at Ruan Jinghong's innocent and sincere offering of the mineral water, tears streaming down her face from coughing.

Though Wen Jin was angry, she also knew that continuing to cough like this wouldn't do.

She took the water bottle, gathering her breath, and almost twisted off the cap in one go.

Fortunately, she was only holding a bottle of mineral water at that moment. If it had been sparkling water, she might have sprayed water all over the room.

Ruan Jinghong stared as Wen Jin tilted her neck and gulped down more than half of the bottle of water, finally ceasing the incessant coughing. Only then did Ruan Jinghong feel a slight sense of relief.

With this interruption, all the emotions that Wen Jin had been brewing in her heart earlier had vanished.

All that remained was a stomach full of water and frustration, reminding her that everything that had just happened was real.

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Ruan Jinghong took the half-empty bottle from Wen Jin's hand, her admiration turning into sympathy.

Teacher Wen, your body is really weak. How could you feel so uncomfortable just from eating barbecue?

Fortunately, Wen Jin didn't possess mind-reading abilities. Otherwise, if she knew what Ruan Jinghong was thinking at the moment, she might have started coughing again.

At this moment, Wen Jin was seated on the sofa with Ruan Jinghong supporting her. Due to the previous bout of coughing, there were tears in the corners of her eyes, giving her a delicate and sickly appearance that evoked pity.

Ruan Jinghong patted Wen Jin's back to help her catch her breath and expressed concern, "Teacher Wen, it's getting late. Why don't you go back and rest for a while? Lying down should make you feel better. It's my fault. Next time, I won't make you barbecue."

Upon hearing this, Wen Jin couldn't help but feel sorrowful.

I opened up my heart and spoke my true feelings to you, but you treated it as if I were acting. And now you're asking me to leave.

We've known each other for so many days, and you've only grilled barbecue for me once. Now you're saying you won't even do that anymore. Am I really that unwelcome to you?




This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too.

Sick people are always more fragile, even though her current condition can't be considered an illness, at most just feeling uncomfortable. But that doesn't change the fact that she is fragile.

Wen Jin, who was experiencing the aftermath of her first confession, was now immersed in her own thoughts, becoming more and more unhappy as she dwelled on them.

"Alright, then I'll go." Wen Jin's tone was stiff, as if she could have written "I'm unhappy" on her face.

Ruan Jinghong didn't take offense to Wen Jin's attitude, thinking that she was just feeling unwell at the moment. She waved goodbye to Wen Jin with a smiling face.

 Wen Jin took step by step towards the door, and with each step, her mood plummeted a little further.


Just as Wen Jin reached out her hand, struggling to reach the doorknob, Ruan Jinghong suddenly remembered something. She quickly rushed into her own bedroom and, before long, hurried back towards Wen Jin at the door.

Ruan Jinghong placed her colorful knitted hat on Wen Jin's head and reached inside the hat to pull out two pom-poms.

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 Wen Jin reached out and pinched the pom-pom on the hat, but her face showed no expression.

Ruan Jinghong thought Wen Jin disliked the childishness of the hat, so she earnestly advised, "Teacher Wen, don't judge this hat as... as too cute. But it's really warm. When you're outside, please don't take it off. Protect your head from the wind, and many problems naturally won't bother you."

The fluffy hat wrapped around her head was indeed very warm. Wen Jin looked at the smiling little thing in front of her, and could imagine her cute appearance on regular days wearing a knitted hat.

But at this moment, she really couldn't bear to return the hat to her.

Seeing that Wen Jin didn't resist the hat, Ruan Jinghong also handed her a warm baby* she had just taken out from the bedroom.

*heat pack/hand warmer. 暖暖宝宝 (nuan nuan bao bao)

"I thought we wouldn't need it considering the weather these past two days, but it looks like it will come in handy now. Teacher Wen, keep this in your pocket as well, the warm baby will make the sickness will disappear."

Ruanruan baby*, the sickness disappears?

*ruan ruan bao bao, Wen Jin hearing things

Wen Jin held the warm baby in her hands, and the corners of her mouth were raised unconsciously. The little emotions in her heart just now were all swept away at this moment.

Ah, she truly is someone who is very easy to talk to.

"Then, Teacher Wen, see you tomorrow?" After ensuring that Wen Jin is fully equipped and won't catch a cold on the way, Ruan Jinghong bids her farewell once again.

"See you tomorrow."

Ruan Jinghong watches as Wen Jin, wearing the knitted hat she gave her, disappears down the corridor, her eyes sparkling with a bright smile.

How wonderful! Her ideal type is now wearing the fluffy hat she gave her and holding the warm baby she gave her.

After Wen Jin leaves, Ruan Jinghong still feels excited. She takes out her phone again, determined to share her "ideal type" with her friend without forgetting her initial intention.

The profile picture of the white jade carving is still shining, so Ruan Jinghong opens the chat and greet straight to the point.

Ruanruan: Friend, are you asleep?

Ruanruan: I've been alive for over twenty years, and it feels like today is the first time I truly know what my ideal type looks like.

Ruanruan: It turns out there really are people like her in the world. Just by listening to her voice, I can't help but be captivated.

Ruanruan: When I used to write like this before, I didn't even believe it myself. Art really does come from life.

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Ruanruan: If it weren't for her poor health, I wouldn't even dare to believe that such a perfect existence truly exists.

Ruan Jinghong said several sentences in a row, but there was no response from the other side.

At that moment, she noticed an object lying on the sofa, emitting a faint light.

Ruan Jinghong went over to pick it up and saw that it was Wen Jin's phone.

Teacher Wen, how did you leave your phone here?

The indicator light on the phone was faintly glowing, indicating that there were incoming messages.

Ruan Jinghong didn't attempt to unlock the screen and invade someone's privacy. She just wanted to return the phone quickly and not delay Wen Jin's matters.

She held the phone and opened the door, only to see a familiar figure standing at the entrance once again.

Wen Jin followed Ruan Jinghong's instructions and wore the knitted hat properly, with the warm baby in her hand. She looked cute and warm in that appearance.

Ruan Jinghong frowned and handed the phone to Wen Jin. "Teacher Wen, how did you leave such an important thing here?"

Well, there are even more important things left here, anyway.

Wen Jin took the phone and sighed silently in her heart.

Ruan Jinghong noticed Wen Jin's silence for a while and reminded her, "I just saw the notification light on your phone, it seems like there might be an important message. Why don't you check if there's anything significant? Don't worry, I haven't seen anything."

Wen Jin lowered her head and unlocked the phone screen to take a look. The first message at the top was sent by "Ruan Ruan."

She believed that Ruan Jinghong hadn't seen anything, otherwise, the little thing wouldn't be able to remain so calm with such acting skills.

Actually, sometimes Wen Jin is quite curious. If she were to let Ruan Jinghong know that she is Huai Jin Holds Yu, what kind of expression would she have?

But the little thing herself seems to have never thought in that direction.

In her mind, Huai Jin Holds Yu and the actress Wen Jin are two completely different people, but both are people she trusts deeply.

This kind of relationship allowed Wen Jin to have the upper hand in their interactions and also experience some unprecedented enjoyment.

So she didn't rush to reveal anything and thought that everything should just unfold naturally.

Wen Jin took the phone this time but didn't linger. She simply reached out and ruffled Ruan Jinghong's fluffy head.

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"Get some rest. We'll truly see each other tomorrow."

She couldn't continue this lingering attachment, making the child feel like she couldn't be without her.

Wen Jin returned to her room and opened her phone. Among a series of messages, she immediately saw the words "ideal type."

It made her heart skip a beat: Who the hell is this jerk trying to deceive the little fool?

'Just by listening to her voice, one would be completely captivated.'

In Wen Jin's mind, the image of Xiao Qingming playing and singing at the St. Peiro Grand Theater during the day surfaced.

I had a bad feeling about that person during the day, but I didn't expect... How infuriating!

Wen Jin quickly opened the chat box and her fingers danced rapidly on the small keyboard.

Huai Jin Holds Yu: Just saw the message, Dada, you must not let your ears be deceived by the voice.

Huai Jin Holds Yu: Nowadays, the more charming and persuasive someone is, the less reliable they tend to be. A true ideal type should be someone of action, not just empty words.

Huai Jin Holds Yu: Dada, please don't let yourself be easily swayed by momentary emotions. There are so many scammers and deceivers out there, especially skilled at sweet-talking young girls!

Huai Jin Holds Yu: How long have you known this person? Do you know who they really are? Where they live and what they do? Stay rational, Dada!

When Ruan Jinghong finished brushing her teeth and returned, she saw a series of messages suddenly appearing on her phone. After reading them all, she was utterly confused.

Ruanruan: Friend, you seem to have misunderstood something. I only said I found my ideal type, I didn't say I want to fall in love with her.

Ruanruan: Besides, she's not a scammer or a deceiving person. We've known each other for quite a few days now, she's the same person I told you about, the Senior Bingshan.

Ruanruan: But you're right, I shouldn't let myself be swayed easily by fleeting emotions. I was just expressing my admiration for her, that's all.

Wen Jin looked at the latest messages on her phone and took a while to snap out of her thoughts.

Wait a moment, did the little fool just say her ideal type is actually me?

Life's ups and downs come too quickly, like a tornado.

Huai Jin Holds Yu: Dada, so your ideal type is actually your senior? I got a bit excited earlier, and even if there is something, I can't guarantee it. But it's possible to be attracted to a senior whom you've known for a long time!

Ruan Jinghong: ?

Is there something wrong with you?

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