Chapter 75: Ruan Meow Meow, Who Was Sold And Helped Count The Money

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Perhaps it was the imposing aura when Wen Jin said those words, and even the intoxicated cat had a sense of crisis. Suddenly, it stopped causing trouble.

Just a moment ago, its little paws were quite restless, but now it doesn't roam around touching and squeezing anymore. Instead, it held one of Wen Jin's arms and embraced her.

Wen Jin's arm was forced to lie between the soft pieces. 

The little tipsy cat that had been causing havoc now had a cute, rosy face, sleeping comfortably with its eyes closed.

Its little mouth even made a couple of smacking sounds. It was incredibly adorable.

Do you think that by acting cute and well-behaved now, I will let you off the hook?

Wen Jin leaned over the little drunk cat, knelt on the bed on both sides of the person, to avoid pressing her down, lowered her head, hands and mouth to ask for interest.

Wen Jin leaned over and propped herself on top of the little tipsy cat, with her knees on either side of the bed to avoid putting too much weight on her. She lowered her head and skillfully used both her hand and mouth to claim her "interests."

The girl's enticing body fragrance filled the air, her snow-white skin carrying a warm spring-like touch, adorned with blooming plum blossoms.

The soft hum and the kitten's breath still carried a fruity scent of alcohol, faint yet intoxicating.

The kitten's body was fragrant and soft, but its claws were a bit sharp, pinching Wen Jin's shoulders, causing a slight discomfort.

The quality of the single bed in the apartment was not very good, and as the two on the bed moved, it made creaking sounds.

After a whole hour of claiming her "interests," Wen Jin straightened up and looked at the fresh red nail marks on her shoulder.

She then glanced at the little tipsy cat lying on the bed, her eyelashes dampened with tears, wearing a smile that was both helpless and sweet.

"You mischievous little devil."




This translation is originally posted on

When Ruan Jinghong woke up, it was already dark outside.

She instinctively stretched her arms, intending to flop around on the bed, but her hand touched warmth instead.

There was someone else in the bed!

This realization instantly sobered Ruan Jinghong, who was still bidding a reluctant farewell to Duke Zhou a second ago. She hurriedly propped herself up on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

The brightness dispelled the darkness, and Wen Jin, who was beside her, also woke up at this moment. Her jet-black long hair was slightly disheveled, lacking a few degrees of cool detachment compared to usual, but gaining a touch of liveliness, as if an immortal from the Heavenly Palace had stepped into the mortal world.

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However, this was not the right moment to be infatuated with beauties. 

Ruan Jinghong caught a glimpse of Wen Jin's face, but before she could even breathe a sigh of relief, she was stimulated by the half-undone blouse that revealed her entire shoulder.

The round and fair skin of her shoulder was as smooth as snow, and the few fresh red nail marks on it became particularly noticeable under the illumination of the lamp.

"Wen... Teacher Wen, how did we... end up sleeping together?"

Ruan Jinghong asked the question with a guilty conscience, not daring to mention Wen Jin's clothes.

A woman's sixth sense told her that this might have something to do with herself.

"What do you think?"

Wen Jin's expression didn't reveal any emotions. Instead of directly answering Ruan Jinghong's question, she calmly pulled up the half-undone sleeve of her blouse and rebuttoned the loosened buttons.

The simple act of getting dressed seemed to slow down as if in slow motion.

Ruan Jinghong's gaze followed Wen Jin's fingers as they moved. In just a few seconds, countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

Teacher Wen guided me in acting before. I think I drank a few bottles of alcohol, and after the performance, I felt tired. It seems like the alcohol kicked in.

The red marks on Teacher Wen's shoulder were most likely my handiwork. It couldn't possibly be something she did to herself.

Could it be that the alcohol triggered my beastly instincts and I made advances towards Teacher Wen?

Ruan Jinghong was frightened by her outrageous yet plausible speculation and continued to cautiously inquire.

"Teacher Wen, after I got drunk, did I do anything inappropriate?"

Wen Jin glanced at Ruan Jinghong, her expression seemingly a bit resentful.

"Don't you know how well you handle alcohol? Isn't it clear to you?"

How well she handles alcohol?

Ruan Jinghong recalled a childhood memory of curiosity when she drank a large glass of white liquor prepared by her grandmother for guests and got drunk for the whole night

Later, her grandmother told her that during that time, she sang songs about the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on the balcony, running and singing, insisting she was a wild horse on the grassland that no one could stop.

Indeed, her tolerance for alcohol was not great.

Since then, Ruan Jinghong had been careful to avoid drinking too much and not let herself get drunk.

If it weren't for the fact that it was just an alcoholic beverage, and if it weren't for the rare opportunity to learn, she wouldn't have easily allowed herself to get drunk.

But she never expected that the older someone gets, the more reckless they become when drunk.

Even if it's drunken madness, she shouldn't have let it go as far as being inappropriate with Teacher Wen!

It would have been better to sing "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" all night.

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Ruan Jinghong felt overwhelmed, but she still held onto a glimmer of hope and asked for confirmation.

"Teacher Wen, I have a poor memory. After I got drunk, did I just go to bed on my own without causing any trouble?"

Wen Jin's gaze lingered on Ruan Jinghong's anxious face for a moment, and her tone was casual.

"You didn't cause any trouble, you just kept holding onto me and wouldn't let go."

Ruan Jinghong widened her eyes.

"You pulled me down onto the bed and wouldn't let me leave."

Ruan Jinghong stirred her fingers.

"You touched and kissed me as if I was an object."

Ruan Jinghong bit her lip tightly.

"The marks on my shoulder, you left them there."

Ruan Jinghong felt like crying but had no tears.

It's over. I used alcohol as an excuse to act inappropriately with Teacher Wen. How could I have become such a beast?

Even if I find Teacher Wen attractive and my ideal type, I shouldn't have done something like this!

Ruan Jinghong felt immense guilt in her heart. She kept her head low, unsure of how to face Wen Jin.

Wen Jin had originally intended to tease her, mischievously wanting to see the shy look on the little thing's face.

But she never expected her teasing to go too far, almost making the girl cry.

So she quickly decided to stop and comforted her in a gentle voice.

"It's actually nothing. You got drunk unintentionally, and besides, we're all adults. It's normal for things to escalate sometimes, and I don't mind."

The latter half of her sentence, rather than comforting Ruan Jinghong, seemed more like consoling her own fading conscience.

Wen Jin managed to soothe her conscience, but Ruan Jinghong didn't feel the same way.

How could it be nothing? How could she not mind?

If this were ancient times, only married couples would engage in such acts.

Even in modern times, if you do something like this to someone, a decent person would take responsibility.

But considering Teacher Wen's status and conditions, it seems unlikely for me to take responsibility.

The more Ruan Jinghong thought about it, the more discouraged she felt.

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Once a person falls into despair, it's easy to feel hungry.

Ruan Jinghong's gloomy thoughts were interrupted by the grumbling sound of her stomach.

Seeing the pitiful look on the young girl's face, Wen Jin's heart softened, and she reached out to stroke her soft hair.

"You must be hungry. Go wash up, I'll order some takeout. Don't cook tonight."

Ruan Jinghong didn't refuse Wen Jin's suggestion. She indeed needed some time alone to calm down.

She took a deep breath in the bathroom and hesitated to come out so early. After a moment's thought, she decided to take a shower.

While undressing, she realized that the clothes she was currently wearing didn't seem to be the same ones she had on when she came home earlier.

Even her intimate bra had been switched from a yellow dog pattern to a pink cat pattern.

The pants inside remained unchanged, but they felt sticky and uncomfortable.

As Ruan Jinghong realized what had happened, a visible blush spread across her body, and she turned into a little red shrimp.

Thankfully, there was no one around at that moment. If someone had seen her in this state, it would have been quite... appetizing, to say the least.

Ruan Jinghong covered her eyes with one hand, wishing she could just run away to the moon by herself.

So, how crazy did I go earlier when I was drunk?

Avoiding the problem won't solve anything. Life is about overcoming one hurdle after another on your own.

Ruan Jinghong turned on the showerhead, allowing the water to wet her entire body, filling the bathroom with a misty haze. Standing amidst the mist, she spread shower gel on her skin while contemplating how to face the situation outside.

As she continued washing, she started feeling something was off.

Why are the pair of little bunnies on her body feel swollen and sore, as if they had been repeatedly crushed and kneaded?

Ruan Jinghong lowered her head to examine herself and was startled by the various shades of red marks on her snow-white skin.

Oh no, could I be allergic to alcohol again?

Ruan Jinghong had reasons to be concerned. When she had secretly drunk white wine as a child, she had developed rashes all over her body.

However, she hadn't expected the reaction to come so quickly this time.

Ruan Jinghong stood under the showerhead and let out a deep sigh.

Drinking alcohol harms the body and leads to trouble. It's better to avoid drinking as much as possible in the future.

After Ruan Jinghong finished showering and changed into her pajamas, she entered the living room to find that Wen Jin's ordered takeout had already been delivered.

Wen Jin took each takeout box out of the bag and placed them on the coffee table. Then she turned her head and noticed the little thing standing by the hallway.

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With her recently bathed skin, reddish and fair, and wearing a sleeveless mid-length dress-style pajama, her adorable little arms and legs were exposed, tempting enough to take a bite.

The little thing probably hadn't fully recovered from her drunken state earlier, still wearing a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.

Wen Jin beckoned to her with a familiar and natural tone: "Come here."

In this house, the owner didn't act like the owner, and the guest didn't act like the guest.

Ruan Jinghong obediently walked to the coffee table, taking small steps.

She had always admired and respected Wen Jin in her heart. Now that she realized the mistake she had made, she felt guilty, and she listened attentively to Wen Jin's words.

Although Ruan Jinghong's stomach was growling with hunger, she didn't rush to eat the takeout Wen Jin had ordered. Instead, she sat on the sofa, lowered her head, and spoke the prepared script she had been rehearsing in her mind.

"Teacher Wen, I know that something happened between us when I was drunk earlier."

"Mm." Wen Jin nodded, signaling Ruan Jinghong to continue.

Ruan Jinghong had taken the risk of doing those things earlier, but now that it had come to this point, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

She dared to do those things before, so she also had the determination not to be afraid of being discovered, but when things came to an end, she still felt a little nervous.

"I don't know how you think about it, but in the education I received since childhood, when you do these things to someone, you should take responsibility." 

Upon hearing these words, Wen Jin's eyes lit up.

Taking responsibility? I am more than willing!

If I had known this little thing had such traditional values, I should have gotten her drunk earlier. 

No, wait, what kind of wicked thought is this?

Wen Jin's usual calm demeanor couldn't contain her excitement any longer.

In the blink of an eye, she had already considered where the two of them should hold their wedding and how their marital home should be arranged.

Ruan Jinghong, speaking with her head down the entire time, dared not look into Wen Jin's eyes.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity without a response, she finally gathered the courage to utter the most responsible words of her life.

"So, if Teacher Wen is willing, I hope to take responsibility for you."

"Willing..." Wen Jin began to respond but suddenly sensed something amiss.

Wait a minute, does this little fool think she took advantage of me?

Author's Note:


My dear little cuties, when you encounter a girl you have a crush on, you shouldn't imitate the actions of Teacher Wen here, unless the person feels the same way about you and trusts you unconditionally like Ruan Meow Meow does to Teacher Wen. Otherwise, if you do something like that, you'll definitely get beaten.

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