Chapter 81: The Hunter Who Planned Meticulously, Patiently Waited For The Prey To Fall Into Her Carefully Laid Trap

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It was evident from Wen Jin's expression that she had some clear intentions. With professionals willing to offer advice, Ruan Jinghong was more than happy to receive it.

She practically ran back to her bedroom and retrieved the three scripts she had brought home from the company. Just as she was about to take them to the living room for Wen Jin to review, she noticed that Wen Jin was already by her side.

Ruan Jinghong handed the scripts to Wen Jin without saying a word, not wanting to interfere with her judgment. She quietly waited for Wen Jin to flip through them.

Wen Jin's order of reading the scripts was different from Ruan Jinghong's. She started with the script for "Adorable Cat" and only read a few pages. Her lips curved slightly, indicating that she hadn't made her stance clear yet.

Then came "Breaking Heaven," the script with the richest content. She spent quite some time reading it, her expression thoughtful but without much visible reaction.

It was when she opened the script for "School Flower" that Ruan Jinghong could sense a noticeable shift in the person beside her.

Ruan Jinghong never expected that the script that captivated Wen Jin the longest would be the cheesy and cliché "Fragile School Flower Falls In Love With Me." That soap opera with its elementary school logic and a desire for five kisses per episode—she couldn't believe Wen Jin would spend so much time on a single page of that script.

Ruan Jinghong couldn't understand: What was it about that cringeworthy drama that attracted Teacher Wen?

Finally, Wen Jin closed the script and looked at Ruan Jinghong, who wore a perplexed expression. She asked, "Ruanruan, what do you think of these three scripts?"

Ruan Jinghong, like a well-behaved student called upon to answer a question, earnestly recited her thoughts and choices from earlier in the morning.

"Breaking Heaven" is the first choice, and "Adorable Cat" is the backup.

After listening, a seductive smile formed at the corner of Wen Jin's mouth.

"Oh, in that case, Ruanruan has completely lost interest in the script for "School Flower." Why? I think the character of the female lead is quite cute."

"No interest at all. If it weren't for Sister Yun's instructions, I wouldn't have planned to bring it back at all."

Ruan Jinghong expressed her determination, shaking her little head like a rattle.

And she couldn't help but complain in her heart: This school flower faints at every opportunity and is always demanding kisses. What's so cute about that?

Why did Teacher Wen's gaze suddenly become so strange?

Observing Ruan Jinghong's determined appearance of wanting to distance herself from this script, Wen Jin deliberately pursued further.

"Is Ruanruan resisting this script because of the many kissing scenes?"

Blushing, Ruan Jinghong hesitated and said, "It's not solely because of that. The plot is also very childish. It feels like everything is designed just to make the protagonist kiss."




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This translation is originally posted on

Wen Jin smiled and said, "It's not surprising for young people to enjoy this kind of sweet romance drama with plenty of kissing scenes.

"Young people like this one."

"Well, I don't like it!" Ruan Jinghong replied earnestly, her big watery eyes expressing determination.

Wen Jin leaned closer to Ruan Jinghong, placing a hand on her waist. She leaned in, her voice ambiguous and enticing, near Ruan Jinghong's ear.

"Is it that you're not fond of it, or is it that Ruanruan doesn't know how to do kissing scenes at all?"

Ruan Jinghong's face turned red, unable to argue against this sharp question.

She really didn't know how to do kissing scenes.

Seeing the little thing shyly lowering her head without a word, Wen Jin continued teasing her.

"This won't do, you know. Kissing scenes are a mandatory course for every professional actor. How about I teach you?"

Ruan Jinghong remained silent, her eyes watching as Wen Jin's exquisite face gradually approached her own.

She was fully conscious at this moment, and her limbs were agile. The hand placed on her waist by Wen Jin was merely lightly resting, not exerting any force.

She had ample opportunity to dodge, but she didn't.

In Ruan Jinghong's heart, the little deer seemed to have caught fire behind its butt, running wild.

But she herself remained unusually calm, standing still in her place, as if waiting for something.

The tips of Wen Jin's and Ruan Jinghong's noses gently touched, but she stopped getting any closer. The distance between their lips was only about an inch wide.

At such a close distance, Ruan Jinghong could even see her own reflection clearly in Wen Jin's eyes.

Her shallow breath tickled her, making her feel a bit itchy. She blinked her eyes and tilted her head, intending to create some distance.

However, they were too close, and this movement inadvertently placed her own lips between another piece of fragrance.

What am I doing? Actively asking for a kiss?

In the moment of contact between softness and softness, Ruan Jinghong struggled in her mind, trying to figure out how to explain her unexpected behavior just now.

But she sadly realized that her not-so-bright brain had shut down.

Wen Jin, like a hunter who had planned meticulously, patiently waited for the prey to fall into her carefully laid trap.

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And now, she got her wish.

The hand resting on Ruan Jinghong's slender waist exerted a bit more strength, preventing the little thing from slipping at such a crucial moment when her legs tended to go weak.

The other hand supported the back of Ruan Jinghong's head, deepening the intimacy brought about by this unexpected kiss.

Wen Jin's lips gently brushed against Ruan Jinghong's, sending electric shivers through her body.

Ruan Jinghong had never known before that when two people's lips meet, it could create such a soul-stirring reaction.

In her first kiss, she didn't know she was supposed to close her eyes. Instead, she widened her eyes, watching how Wen Jin's lips delicately teased and tantalized hers. Her face flushed like a burning cloud.

Teacher Wen's temperament is completely different from usual.

Ruan Jinghong's stimulated little brain couldn't come up with suitable words to describe it, and she felt a dizzying sensation of suffocation creeping in.

Closely observing the reactions of those around her, Wen Jin immediately noticed that Ruan Jinghong was having difficulty breathing.

She stopped the gentle caressing motion and slightly moved her head back, reminding her, "You're not diving, you don't have to hold your breath all the time. You can breathe through your nose."

Wen Jin's intention was to offer a kind reminder, but upon hearing it, Ruan Jinghong's face blushed even more intensely.

She stammered a response and took advantage of the momentary freedom to take a few deep breaths of fresh air.

Even the surrounding air seemed to carry Wen Jin's scent.

Seeing that the little thing beside her had regained her composure, Wen Jin placed her hand back on her head and resumed the unfinished lesson.

The soft sensation, tingling like an electric shock, approached once again. Ruan Jinghong's long and dense eyelashes trembled intensely, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Why is it happening again?

Wen Jin was a patient and responsible teacher, and Ruan Jinghong was considered a good student.

This time, although she was still nervous, she didn't forget to breathe.

Wen Jin looked at the adorable and obedient appearance of the little thing in front of her, and with great self-control, she only kept the "lesson" at a basic level.

The two of them continued this intimate interaction for quite a while until Wen Jin, who was supporting most of Ruan Jinghong's weight with one hand, started to feel a bit overwhelmed and finally let go, ending this long lesson.

Wen Jin looked at the lips that she had tasted for so long, now disheveled and lacking the usual cuteness, replaced by a hint of desire.

Fortunately, they were only standing in front of the computer desk and not sitting on a bed...

As Ruan Jinghong regained her freedom, she quickly pulled out a chair and sat down, afraid that if she was a second too slow, her legs would go numb and she would fall.

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She sat in the chair, looking up at Wen Jin, who still maintained her composure and elegance. If it weren't for the slight blush at the corners of her eyes and brows, even Ruan Jinghong herself wouldn't believe that the seemingly serious Teacher Wen could... 

Ruan Jinghong stared at Wen Jin for several seconds, and in her innocent and provocative expression, there seemed to be a hint of accusation.

She cleared her throat and casually picked up the script next to her, rolling it into a tube, and said in a serious tone.

"Kissing scenes are generally like this. You did well just now. There's no need to act too much. Just let the feeling flow naturally. When you join the crew later, you'll have a chance to practice. You can figure it out on your own. I'll go cut a watermelon."

Ruan Jinghong watched as Wen Jin hurriedly left, her face still flushed, and she was very puzzled and confused.

A chance to practice when I join the crew?

I said I like "Breaking Heaven" and "Adorable Cat" as options. One is about a spirit pet and the other is about a cat. Where will the kissing scene practice come from?

Ruan Jinghong realized that she had been fooled, and she realized it a little late.

Teacher Wen talks about kissing scenes so seriously, but I've never seen her do a kissing scene in the movies she's been in before. So where did she practice?

Ruan Jinghong bit her lip and decided not to think about that heart-pounding kissing scene teaching anymore. She opened her tablet and prepared to watch some random videos to distract herself.

That's when she realized that "Holiday Saturday" has been updated.

Right, today is also Saturday, the time for the third episode of the variety show.

Ruan Jinghong was still concerned about her first regular variety show. Even though there was no director holding a megaphone demanding it, she voluntarily started following the show.

The familiar opening theme song played, and the familiar opening scene unfolded.

As Ruan Jinghong watched, she realized that her mindset seemed to be different from before.

Previously, she would pay attention to the progress of the variety show, the script, and the audience's barrage. But at this moment, her gaze involuntarily kept searching for Wen Jin's figure on the screen.

Since that was the case...

Ruan Jinghong glanced at the bottom right corner of the video and clicked on "Only Watch TA."

With the absence of other guests' shots, the video quickly switched to the amusement park.

Ruan Jinghong initially thought the footage would start from meeting Xiao Ming at noon, but she didn't expect the first scene at the amusement park to be the Halloween-themed house, the place that left a psychological shadow on her.

There was actually a camera there?

Ruan Jinghong was greatly shocked. She wanted to skip this part, but she couldn't bear to miss the cool and composed appearance of Wen Jin in the video.

So she could only watch it with an incredibly conflicted mood.

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Because she was in the same group as Wen Jin, the camera was too close, so even with "Only Watch TA," her trembling and frightened state in that little dark room was fully exposed.

This is broadcasting nationwide!

Some people are still alive, but she has already died.

But human emotions are not the same. The barrage was filled with joy and excitement, with no one sympathizing with Ruan Jinghong's current state of anxiety.

There were people taking the opportunity to show affection for cats, those being immoral by shipping CP, and even those laughing with glee.

The colorful barrage filled the dark scene with an atmosphere of happiness.

I'm just a little scared of the dark, is there a need to laugh so gleefully?

These people are so mean!

Ruan Jinghong pouted her face in anger and quietly gave a downvote to the barrage comments cheering for "the production team to scare Ruan Meow Meow more."

At this moment, Wen Jin entered the room with a plate of freshly cut watermelon and handed a piece to Ruan Jinghong's mouth.

Ruan Jinghong's eyes were still fixed on the variety show, and she opened her mouth and bit into a piece of juicy red fruit.

"What are you watching? Why are you so angry?"

A cool voice tinged with indulgence sounded, and Ruan Jinghong realized that she wasn't the only one in the room.

She remembered that she had selected "Only Watch TA" and inexplicably felt a bit guilty. She subtly tilted the tablet towards herself, as if to hide her ears and steal the bell*.

*掩耳盗铃" (yǎn ěr dào líng)  used to describe someone who, out of foolishness tries to deceive themselves or ignore an obvious truth, but in doing so, only exposes their own ignorance or deception.

"So, you're watching "Holiday Saturday" huh? Go ahead and watch it, I'll go take a shower." 

Saying this, she placed the watermelon on the computer desk and turned away once again. 

Seeing Wen Jin leaving, Ruan Jinghong breathed a sigh of relief, glad that her secret thoughts weren't discovered. 

Dangerous, so dangerous, fortunately, Teacher Wen didn't notice. 

Feeling like she had narrowly escaped a disaster, Ruan Jinghong had no more brain cells left to ponder why Wen Jin would take a shower at her place. 

She gnawed on two slices of watermelon, wiped her hands, and brought the tablet to the bed. 

This time she was being clever, positioning the bed to face the bedroom door so that she could see if anyone came in first. 

The tablet was facing away from the door, so if she noticed someone entering, she could quickly cancel the "Only Watch TA" mode in time. 

It was such a simple matter, but she made it feel like she was playing spy games.

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