Chapter 1131: Of No Concern to Me

“Even if it is not possible, make it possible!” Mu Boming roared, and he promptly summoned his flying mount.

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However, upon appearing, that large fellow immediately bumped into the broken branches overhead. It flapped its wings but was unable to fly up. All sorts of overgrown branches even scraped it so that it almost dropped lopsidedly into the voracious zombie rat pack.

This freaked Mu Boming out so much that he decisively recalled his flying mystic beast and stammered in cold sweat, “You-You really can’t summon them out.”

“Family Head Mu, if this continues, we will soon exhaust our energies and become the rat pack’s dinner,” a middle-aged man stated tepidly.

He wore a scholar’s headcovering and seemed to possess a scholarly air. Furthermore, he held a moderately-sized iron dagger-axe and moved with the power of a thunderbolt and the speed of lightning. A sweep of his iron dagger-axe would kill a dozen large rats at once.

“Esteemed High Priest, do you have a way to help us escape this predicament?” It turned out that after the people from the Qin Estate left, Mu Boming and Dou Heping’s parties had encountered the people from Siming Manor and Beijing Manor.

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This scholar was precisely that renowned high priest of Siming Manor.

The scramble over the phoenix egg this time was because he divined an anomaly in the heavens and then announced his findings to everyone.

A female wearing a white veil was standing beside the high priest. She was the eldest heavenly maiden of Siming Manor, and she emanated the awe-inspiring and inviolable presence of a heavenly maiden.

This filthy rat pack made her scrunch up her long and curved brows, and she snapped, “Encountering you people is our bad luck.”

Previously, their two manors’ parties had a smooth and easy journey, and she didn’t expect that they would meet with this rat pack upon encountering Dou Heping and Mu Boming’s parties. Who knew if this rat pack was coming for those people instead.

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Mu Boming could only suffer in silence, unable to respond to that. He also dared not offend the eldest heavenly maiden, so he could only turn back to look at the high priest. “Esteemed High Priest, how about we try a fire offensive?”

However, the high priest shook his head. “Normal fire is simply unable to burn inside this damp Mystic Beast Forest. Unless we have that kind of destructive explosive that blasted out the deep pits we saw earlier.”

Upon hearing this, Dou Heping looked up at the tree branch where Qiao Mu was squatting, and he couldn’t help twitching his mouth when he saw her.

He saw Miss Qiao sitting on a tree branch with the thickness of an arm, while a handsome young man, who was cradling a phoenix egg as he squatted beside her, was feeding her from a jar of plums or some other kind of snack.

Qingluan felt that his little master was truly too miserable right now.

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She went half-hungry every day, even slimming down a size.

If her stomach didn’t protest, she would simply not remember to eat. But even if her stomach did grumble, she did not know to eat either.

In the past, his little master would feast on delicious food and fruits every day!

Yet she really was too tragic during this period of time. After all, anything that she ate was like chewing on wax, without any flavor at all.

That’s why, while they were still idle, Qingluan took out his secret stash of snacks to feed his little master.

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“Miss Qiao, you have explosives on you, correct?” Dou Heping forcibly suppressed his bellyful of anger as he tugged an artificial smile at Qiao Mu.

There was no doubt that the pits caused by destructive explosives previously were this Miss Qiao’s doing.

Only she had a good relationship with that young sir from the Duan Clan. Perhaps he was the one who gave her the explosives.

“That’s right, it’s her. Just before we left the Mo Kingdom capital and headed for the secret realm…”

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