Chapter 1139: Yet Is Actually Heartless

“What did you come for.” Ding Yun subconsciously stepped back, actually cowering behind Qiao Mu.

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Meanwhile, Qiao Mu was expressionless. She only “saw” a human-shaped stake sticking upright in front of her, yet she couldn’t comprehend what they were doing at all.

“Big Brother Ding, you promised Mom that you would go back to the manor this month.” Xin Yu’er frowned faintly while inadvertently clenching her fists.

“I did promise, but this month hasn’t passed yet! Going back at the end of the month is the same!” Ding Yun waved his hand impatiently. “Alright, alright, stop lecturing all the time. Hurry up and return to the manor. This isn’t a place you can come to! There is danger at every turn here. With your capability, you truly aren’t qualified to stay here for long .”

Qiao Mu suddenly turned around. She wrinkled her slender brows and yanked at Ding Yun’s sleeve with her small paw.

Hurry up!! Going cultivating! So long-winded like an old geezer.

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“Okay, okay, okay. We’ll be going now.” Cult Master Ding immediately swept away his sullen and impatient mood, grabbing at her small hand in passing with a grin.

Yet, *slap!*

Qiao Mu maintained her taut, expressionless face. She once again proved her dislike of him deep in her heart.

Cult Master Ding’s mouth twitched, and he settled for second best, which was clutching her sleeve. “I’ll pull you along. This will make it faster.”

“Big Brother Ding.” Xin Yu’er’s entire body shook as she looked at Ding Yun and Qiao Mu in disbelief.

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“Could it be that you forgot what Mom told you? Have you tossed Mom’s teachings into outer space?” Xin Yu’er questioned with a shaking voice.

“Xin Yu’er.” Ding Yun suppressed his anger and asserted with agitation in his voice, “I have never forgotten a word of what Mom has said. Please don’t lecture me again, alright.”

Was this lecturing? This concerned your life and death! She was worried about him!!

Feeling her tears welling up, Xin Yu’er closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her gaze was steadfast. “Bring the young master back to the manor!”

“Yes!” Two black-clothed men appeared behind Xin Yu’er and cupped their fists at Ding Yun. “Young Master, please come back to the manor with us.”

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Ding Yun scoffed. “You want to keep me here with just the lot of you?”

“Big Brother Ding, if Mom knows that you have intentions toward this little lady, she will certainly bring you back at all costs!”

“What nonsense are you spouting!” Cult Master Ding’s expression changed as he declared while staring at Xin Yu’er, “When have I had strange intentions toward her? This is all your baseless assumption!”

“Go back!” Ding Yun berated.

“Okay, since you said that you don’t have any intentions, then kill her right now.” Xin Yu’er sent a look to those two manor guards, who immediately stepped forward.

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Cult Master Ding was alarmed and livid, and he automatically shielded Qiao Mu. “You dare!”

Even so, Xin Yu’er fiercely stepped close, practically bumping into Ding Yun. “Don’t have any intentions? For sure? You think if Mom were to know, would she leave this scourge alive? Everything that Mom does will only be the most beneficial for you. This has never changed from beginning to end during these twenty years. Why can’t you just listen to what she says?”

“Big Brother Ding, don’t be so willful anymore.” Xin Yu’er commanded coldly, “Bring the young master back!”

“Yes!” Yet before the two manor guards could step up, Ding Yun suddenly launched an attack.

Two pulses of mystic energy promptly flew out of thin air. While forcing the two people back, he had no time to consider anything else, fleeing with a whoosh while dragging Qiao Mu along.

“Young Sir!!” A young girl in a pink dress that came in his direction shouted in surprise.

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