Chapter 1141: Lead the Way!

“Why are you being so unreasonable! Should I die just because I haven’t seen this little lady?” Sikong Fuling fumed with anger as she glared at Mo Lian. Her eyeballs turned as she remarked, “Seeing as you look quite presentable, why is your heart so vicious? You don’t even show the slightest bit of pity and tender feelings for the fairer sex.”

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The hidden guards nearby twitched their mouths.

“Do it.” Mo Lian commanded icily.

Seeing that the hidden guard’s blade was about to leave a bloody gash on her face, Sikong Fuling became frantic as she hollered hurriedly, “Hey, hey, hey! Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! Hey, I say, Lord Pretty Boy, what exactly do you want to know. I already told you that I really don’t know her, I’ve never seen her before.”

What a joke! She already knew that her old bro felt something for the little lady, so of course she wouldn’t make it difficult for her old bro by helping an outsider.

Humph, humph, she wouldn’t say anything even if she did know!

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“You’re lying.” Mo Lian’s voice was unusually cold, as if it had been dredged up from the deepest pit of hell. “Her scent is on your body.”

His extremely frigid and sullen gaze landed on this young lady before him.

This female didn’t seem to be from an orthodox sect. After rubbing and scraping against the overgrown branches in the forest, her thin muslin clothes had already turned into a mess by this time.

Even after she covered herself with a jacket, it couldn’t cover up the fair skin within.

Sikong Fuling: …

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“Shoo, shoo!” Sikong Fuling pursed her small lips and swatted the two hidden guards’ hands away. She stretched her body and straightened her collar, mumbling, “It’s not like you have the nose of a dog. How is it so sharp.”

“Insolent!” The hidden guards glowered at her while berating in concert.

Sikong Fuling jolted in fright, and she promptly patted her chest with her small hand as she whined delicately, “Why are you being so mean? Alright, alright, I’ll tell you, okay!”

Her eyeballs turned again, and she suppressed the crafty glint in her eyes as she answered reluctantly, “Yes, I have seen that little lady. However, we separated a long time ago! As you’ve seen now, I’m by myself.”

“Where did she go?” Mo Lian questioned closely.

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“How do I know where she went!” Sikong Fuling rolled her eyes as she grumbled, “That little lady was so icy and didn’t even say a word after half a day. She didn’t even tell me when she left, so how do I know where she went.”

That d*mn lass caused her to circle around randomly inside the forest to search for her all this time, afraid that she had starved herself to death…

She was angry just thinking about it. When had she, Sikong Fuling, been so kind-hearted?

Mo Lian raised his hand, and several hidden guards immediately rushed up and detained Sikong Fuling again. “Go!”

Go my freakin’ ass!

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Sikong Fuling screeched in a huff, “What are you guys doing? What will capturing me do for you? Even if you capture me, I can’t make the little lady appear! Hey, hey, hey, hey, ow, ow! My arms hurt! Stop yanking!”

F*ck this madman! Capturing someone just because she had encountered the little lady before. How crazy was he!

“Lead the way!”

“What lead the way! Big Brothers! I really don’t know where she is!” Sikong Fuling yelled in a fluster, “Let go! I’m warning you all! If you don’t let go, I won’t hold back!”

However, a hidden guard simply smacked the back of her head without holding back. “Go!”

Because Sikong Fuling still wanted to resist, the several hidden guards dragged her along aggressively and snapped on handcuffs that locked away her mystic energy.

Her: …

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