Chapter 1203: That Would Be a Wonder

“Stop keeping us guessing! Remove the red cloth!”

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“Let this lord see what exactly is this item that is out of expectations!”

“Will everyone quiet down.” With a smile, the auctioneer raised his hands and pressed down, gesturing for solemn silence.

“Tonight, the House of Treasures’ Auction is now starting!”

After the clash of a gong, the atmosphere in the room reached a fever pitch.

“The first auction lot, an item out of expectations.” The auctioneer maintained an enigmatic smile before saying, “Everyone can first take a guess as to what is inside this cage.”

“Stop guessing, quickly remove the red cloth!”

“Not guessing, not guessing!”

“This old man bids one hundred mystic currency.”

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The auction hadn’t even started, yet someone already bid. This immediately attracted many sidelong glances and incurred roars of laughter.

“You lad, you’re not afraid there would just be bird sh*t inside this cage. At that time, you would have spent one hundred mystic currency to buy a pile of bird sh*t.”


Everyone started jeering in laughter.

“This lord will swallow the pill if it’s bird sh*t!” That person roared while stiffening his neck. “Who can fault this lord for having money!”

“Aiyo, you’re here pretending to be a lord with just one hundred mystic currency! Then I’ll bid two hundred! Two hundred mystic currency! So that you can call me dad!”

“Hahaha!” All kinds of laughter filled the hall.

At this time, the auctioneer pressed his hands down and maintained an enigmatic smile, placating, “Will everyone first calm down! I will be talking about the detailed rules and regulations of the first auction lot.”

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“The first auction lot’s starting bid is one thousand mystic currency. Each time’s bid increase must be one hundred. There is no upper limit!”

“We can start now,” the auctioneer announced with a simpering smile.

“You’re not removing the red cloth?” Someone voiced their query.

However, the auctioneer shook his head. “Not removing! It won’t be too late to remove the red cloth after someone bids on it.”

Everyone: “…”

Why did they feel that this wasn’t so reliable?

If the red cloth wasn’t removed, then who would know exactly what was inside there?

What if it was just as other people said and there was a pile of bird sh*t inside. Then wouldn’t that mean that they had squandered their mystic currency for nothing!

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Momentarily, the originally lively atmosphere calmed them.

One thousand mystic currency wasn’t any small amount. It was enough to buy a lot of food!

They still had to contemplate before deciding.

At this time, a pot-bellied landlord in the room raised his hand. “One thousand mystic currency. I request to see what is underneath the red cloth right now.”

Nouveau riche!

Everyone’s gazes shifted to that landlord, who had on a worshipping gaze.

That person immediately supported his pot belly and chuckled while waving his hand. “You can remove the red cloth now!”

He was just curious as to what was under this red cloth.

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“Of course, of course.” The auctioneer immediately nodded. He slid his finger, and the two burly men standing outside the iron cage immediately took the hint and removed the red cloth.

“Wha—” The whole audience was in an uproar.

Where was the huge mystic beast inside the iron cage? It was just a naked woman curled into a ball.

After bursting into an uproar, everyone revealed disappointed gazes.

Of course, this item that was out of expectations was just a gimmick to swindle money.

How was a frail woman worth one thousand mystic currency?

However, that landlord chortled and exclaimed with repeated nods, “Good, good. Excellent, excellent.”

Although this woman had curled herself up, he could make out her glossy skin and her fine looks. This one thousand mystic currency could be considered worth it. He would just treat it as giving himself a concubine.

The landlord laughed out loud. Because he expected no one to compete with him for a female slave, he sat there smugly, thinking that this first auction lot was his.

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