Chapter 1337: Premonition

“Captain, it’s awful, hundreds, almost a thousand zombies have come again outside!”

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“They are pressing on towards us in this direction!”

The leader of the Rice City team was alarmed when he heard this. He quickly grabbed Kali’s wrist and took the token from her hand before flourishing it before Mo Lian and the others. “I do not want to do this, but this is the token of Rice City Base, which is as if seeing the city lord himself. Right now, I order you to hand over all the supplies you have collected.”

Together, everyone rolled their eyes at him.

“Hey, are you here to make us laugh?” Brother Axe snorted contemptuously at this level-10 mystic cultivator.

This person was absolutely sick in the head. Otherwise, how could he still be thinking of snatching the supplies in their hands when the enemy was upon them?

Exactly who gave these small fry the courage to talk so pompously to their team of one hundred great mystic cultivators?

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Mo Lian did not waste his breath on him and directly took out a black token from his sleeve, flourishing that in front of the leader in return. “Mo Capital Fortification has confiscated all of Jiaozhong Base’s supplies. If you have a problem, have your city lord discuss it with me.”

The eyes of Rice City’s team leader were about to pop out.

Of course he recognized the token in Mo Lian’s hand that was imprinted with a dragon’s claw. That was the token of the highest-level Mo Capital Base, uh…

The sounds of cracking and breaking came from the bursting earthen walls, and around a dozen zombies appeared before them at the same time.

“Go, go, go, go! Go!”

The leader of the Rice City team could only temporarily give up on collecting supplies and started running along with his team.

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Liang Qingqing couldn’t resist sniggering as she shook her head. “Where did this crackpot come from. He can be a captain like this? No wonder the entire team is basically wiped out.”

“Let’s go!” Mo Lian led Qiao Mu along by the hand as their team ran out of the collapsing City Lord’s Estate.

The entire way, everyone continuously turned back and struck out mystic energy to exterminate the zombies that wanted to draw near.

They had already experienced getting chased by more than ten thousand zombies, so this mere thousand was simply a piece of cake to them.

To finish off the zombies as soon as possible, the hundred-person team automatically split into 20 smaller teams consisting of five people each to cooperate in killing the remaining zombies.

They ran as they fought, soon leaving the City Lord’s Estate’s grounds.

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“Since that woman called Kali has been affected by the corpse poison, we still need to find a chance to resolve that.” After exterminating a zombie behind Situ Yi with a strike of mystic energy, Liang Qingqing swept another zombie flying with a roundhouse kick.

Around a dozen waves of mystic energy struck the head of that zombie that had fallen to the ground, turning it into a sieve.

*Rumble!* A bolt of lightning flashed past the sky.

Everyone looked upwards.

“It’s about to rain.” As Qiao Mu squeezed Mo Lian’s palm, an inexplicably bad premonition rose up in her heart. “Say, will they attack again?”

“It’s very possible.”

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“We have to hurry to Rice City Base before the rainstorm.” Mo Lian gave a shout, summoning the golden dragon Seventh Yan out.

The hundred team members immediately lined up and jumped onto the golden dragon’s back simultaneously.

Several team members from Rice City even squealed excitedly, “Wow, th-their mystic beast. It’s actually the dragon of legends!”

“My heavens, you’re wrong! It isn’t some mystic beast but should be the sacred beast golden dragon.”

“Quick, quick, let’s follow them too! This golden dragon’s speed must be super quick. We must be able to return to the city before dark.”

Just as the members of the Rice City team were about to walk forward, they heard the golden dragon’s cry as they saw it leave with a whisk of its tail.

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