Chapter 1414: Turning a Blind Eye

She was mainly going to see Xiao Mi, that dolt. Everyone else was simply not on Qiao Mu’s radar.

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On the other end, Haitang was taken aback.

She had only waited on the crown prince consort for two to three days, but she had always heard her companions enthuse over how awesome the crown prince consort was. She had finally seen with her own eyes today the crown prince consort summoning a heavenly bird Qingluan.

The trio leapt up, departing the palace without any obstructions.

The royal guard commander Hui Feng who was guarding the gate merely lifted his eyelids. He then rolled his eyes and turned a blind eye to the sight.

Hui Fan, who had just been assigned to a post, looked up at the sky and could not help but ask curiously, “Eldest Brother, is that the crown prince consort? The crown prince consort just goes out this casually?”

“Yeah, so when you see this heavenly bird in the future, just leave it be…” Hui Feng gulped uncontrollably upon thinking of the young crown prince consort’s viciousness.

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If by any chance a fool without brains happened to flag down the young crown prince consort, then he, as the royal guard commander, would most certainly be out of luck!

“Alright, Eldest Brother. I’ll listen to you.” Hui Fan nodded.

After Qiao Mu and company exited the palace, they flew toward the north city gate with Shaoyao pointing out the way.

“My lady, these streets at the north city gate have been put under surveillance for these couple of days. You are wise for choosing to come here by air since no one will be stopping us.” Shaoyao giggled before pointing down below. “Let’s go to the teahouse across from Fortune Pavilion. Right, right, it’s that Fubei Teahouse.”

Suddenly, on the bustling main street, the civilians all saw a large cyan bird flying in their direction, the city gate.

However, the large bird was especially swift, swooping toward the entrance of Fubei Restaurant in the blink of an eye. After three slender figures flashed past, that large bird vanished into thin air.

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Meanwhile, Qiao Mu and company had already set foot into the first floor of Fubei Teahouse.

“Guests, please, come inside.” During these past days while the royal court was receiving the guests from other kingdoms at the north city gate, business had been so unprecedentedly good at his small teahouse that he was beaming all day long.

His teahouse was the only one on North Main Street that was more upscale, so any noble figures who wanted to come watch the excitement would definitely enter his teahouse.

Across from Fubei Teahouse, a figure leaned against Fortune Pavilion’s window, a cold glint peeking out from his swollen eyes.

“I didn’t expect the crown prince consort to also be here for the excitement.”

“Second Prince.” A 16 to 17-year-old woman wearing a thin red shawl walked out lissomely from the inner room. She nestled against the second prince and automatically sniffed the ambergris scent about him.

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“Heh heh, Lili.” The second prince rubbed the woman’s head as if stroking his pet. “You’ve finished picking your jewelry?”

“I have.” Wei Mingli nodded and said with smiling eyes, “Thank you for the second prince’s reward.”

“Aye, this is what you deserve. As long as you complete your tasks well, these rewards will keep on coming.” Did Royal Father think that he would starve to death after revoking three months of his monthly stipend?

His Second Prince’s Estate still controlled some properties, at the very least. This Fortune Pavilion was considered a money earner even in the past.

It was impossible to make him tread on with difficulty. A cold light flitted across the second prince Mo Lu’s eyes.

After being toyed with into being down on his luck, how could he take this lying down?

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“Lili, have you prepared yourself?” Mo Lu looked down and gazed lustfully at the woman in his arms.

When he thought of how he would have to send such a charming beauty to that person, he felt reluctant.

Fortunately, he had already enjoyed her tenderness.

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