Chapter 1476: It Was Orchestrated

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Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Queen Zhao glanced at Consort Cheng coldly before stopping her with a light wave of her hand. She then looked at the kneeling Manager Hu again. “You wicked servant, you had better think clearly before talking! Exactly who directed you to embezzle the spiritual bamboo shoots and smuggle them for private goods?”

“It is His Highness the Eldest Prince!” Manager Hu insisted emphatically that it was the eldest prince. It was as if he had bit onto a piece of fatty meat, he simply did not relent in his statement.

However, Consort Cheng was flushed with agitation, and she suddenly ran over uncontrollably to claw this Manager Hu to death. “Don’t you spout nonsense! And frame my son!”

“After we return to the palace, I will personally report this incident to the king.” Queen Zhao smiled mirthlessly, “At that time, Consort Cheng must make sure to be present to thoroughly explain the situation. Don’t blame this queen for not giving you the opportunity to argue your case!”

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please listen to me! This affair has nothing to do with my Jiao’er! Your Majesty!” With her head covered in sweat, Consort Cheng wanted to continue arguing, but Queen Zhao was unwilling to keep listening to her. She waved her hand and declared, “This queen is tired. Nanny Qing, you will temporarily take charge of managing everything in this Yating Court.”

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“Yes, this servant will do as you bid.” Nanny Qing cracked a smile and swept a contemptuous look at Consort Cheng and the eldest prince consort, Shu Quan. Like a victorious gamecock, she left first with a group of people to arrange everyone’s food and lodgings.

After dealing with the morning’s trouble, Queen Zhao felt so hungry that it felt like her stomach had turned flat. Afterall, she had merely drank a mouthful of soup and two bunches of noodles, so she only wanted to rest as soon as possible.

With such a bountiful harvest, Qiao Mu did not care about this boisterous crowd of damsels anymore and walked into the court along with Princess Mi.

Soon, the courtyards were distributed.

Because this was only a recreational residence, it was impossible to assign one person to each courtyard. Each courtyard was randomly assigned with two to three people.

Since the young crown prince consort and Xiao Mi got assigned to the same courtyard, they were both happy.

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However, Baili Zhen and Mo Shuang had sour moods when they found out that they had gotten assigned together…

After returning to her own courtyard, Qiao Mu had Haitang cook another pot of noodles with spiritual bamboo shoots and shredded meat. Since only the three of them were sharing this one pot, they could naturally eat to their fill.

Princess Mi was very satisfied from the meal and asked while rubbing her belly, “Younger Sis, do you say that that mother-in-law of yours truly was unaware, or pretended to be unaware to use this as a pretext to make a statement?”

Princess Mi was naturally talking about this incident with the spiritual bamboo shoots.

Qiao Mu sighed. “Why do you think she brought us to this Yating Court on Jun Mountain for no reason? Could it truly just be to entertain you noble ladies from the other kingdoms?”

That was because Queen Zhao had collected enough evidence to use entertaining the noble ladies as a pretext to directly clash with Consort Cheng.

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Princess Mi widened her eyes in shock. “You? How do you know.”

“Guessed it.” After drinking the last bit of noodle soup, Qiao Mu tossed her bowl over to Haitang for her to wash. She then put her petite hands behind her back and walked into her room.

Taking a pleasant afternoon nap after drinking and eating her fill—now this was life!

Who cares how chaotic and earth-shaking things get outside! It had nothing to do with her anyway…

“Masta, I’ve planted the spiritual bamboo shoots.” Qiuqiu’s delighted voice rang out in her conscious pool. “From now on you will also have spiritual bamboo shoots.”

“Can that bamboo grove beside Qingxi still produce spiritual bamboo shoots?” Qiao Mu suddenly thought of a problem.

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Qiuqiu was startled, and then it said feebly, “You people had cooked and eaten the last spiritual bamboo shoot earlier!”

That was to say that spiritual bamboo shoots had truly become extinct in this Yating Court! Ha, what a troublemaker…

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