Chapter 1815 Confidence!

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“Master Wuyan.” Yun Cong cupped his hands toward the elder.

The elder stood up with a smile and returned the greeting. “Dean Yun, it’s been almost half a year since we last met. This old man heard that Apex Academy accepted several rather outstanding students this year? I have to congratulate Dean Yun.”

Yun Cong waved it off with a smile. “They’re all worrisome children.”

“Has Master found the required medicinal enhancer during your trip this time?”

The elder brooded. “This old man traveled day and night upon hearing news of the blood vermilion fruit. But unfortunately, I could not even catch a glimpse of it.”

Yun Cong sighed. “Do you absolutely require the blood vermilion fruit as a medicinal enhancer for that pill? Can you substitute it for something else?” “Something else?” Master Wuyan heaved a long sigh. “The alternatives are even harder to acquire. The longeval fruit, phoenix blood, or a naga pearl would certainly improve the effect, but where would I find these things?”

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Yun Cong was struck speechless, and it took him some time to react with a nod. “Master, could you please examine those four spiritual medicines on Blazing Vigor Peak.”

“Okay.” After returning from his search for sacred medicine, Master Wuyan was also thinking of those four stalks of spiritual medicine.

When Qiao Mu returned to the training grounds, Zhou Danjin was in the middle of a passionate speech.

“Students, an opportunity has presented itself! Whether our academy rises to the top or continues to be dormant is all in your hands.”

“There is some distance between Polan Prefecture and our Shuntian Prefecture, so it will take seven or eight days even by boat. Hence, we mentors have unanimously set our departure for three days later! Go and prepare yourselves well for this journey.”

“There are unfathomable dangers on the sea, so make sure to bring ample food and water.”

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Zhou Danjin dismissed everyone after finishing his spiel.

Qi Xuanxuan asked Qiao Mu while holding on to the latter’s arm, “Qiaoqiao, say, what do you think is up with this academy ranking competition? Why do they want us to go to Polan Prefecture and do such a dangerous thing as eradicating zombies?”

“What else could it be? They want to pocket that one million spirit currency themselves.” Ma Ta scowled, “Not only will they have handy student labor by doing this, but they can even save on wages. How good is that.”

“After we students finish eliminating those zombies, they can also enter the mountains to harvest herbs and hunt beasts. How is that for killing two birds with one stone?”

Qiao Mu remained collected. “Then let’s think of a way to plunder all the resources on that whatever Mount Tai. It’ll be fine as long as we don’t leave them even a single straw.”

Qi Xuanxuan and the others exchanged glances. They really wanted to ask Qiaoqiao where her confidence came from.

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She didn’t even know how big that mountain was, yet she was already talking of plundering the whole lot. It was kind of comical!

Duanmu Qing coughed lightly and also put in his two cents. “Actually, I feel that Qiaoqiao’s proposal is feasible. Qiaoqiao has summoning talismans, so…”

Suddenly, Qiao Mu’s eyes lit up. She hastily fished out several summoning talismans from her pocket and passed them out. “You guys try and see if you can summon anything.”

Qi Xuanxuan was excited. “We can summon another beast?”

Qiao Mu nodded. “You should be able to.”

Speaking of which, she hadn’t tried summoning in a long time. She suspected that she wouldn’t be able to before advancing past yellow-level great talisman practitioner.

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As she was pondering, a bright light shone from Qi Xuanxuan’s hands.

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