In that instant, he truly did sense Qiaoqiao’s presence. However, it came and left quickly.

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Crown Prince Mo squinted at the sky. He hesitated before making up his mind. “I’ll go take a look first.”

Dao Wuji immediately followed him. “Boss, we’ll leave together!”

To them, getting past the lockdown in this city was simply a piece of cake.

It was too easy for them if they really wanted to leave this city!

However, Crown Prince Mo had originally been planning to make some inquiries in the city first.

But it looked like Boss Mo wanted to leave now? Then naturally, they also didn’t want to stay in this god-forsaken place.

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Even though this harbor city was said to be the largest city along the coast, it was still pitifully tiny in the eyes of Dao Wuji and the others.

The Little Despot cast Dao Wuji a look and harrumphed, “If it wasn’t because a certain person alarmed the city lord, would the entire city be hunting us down?”

Dao Wuji frowned unhappily and protested, “I didn’t do it on purpose!”

“I just dropped into a bad location after we left the tunnel. If not for that, would I have crashed the city lord’s scandal in his room?”

Dao Wuji rolled his eyes at the Little Despot. “Say, how can you blame this on me?”

“How would I know our routes would deviate so much upon getting transferred out?” Dao Wuji harrumphed.

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“You guys got transferred some place else in the City Lord’s Estate, while I landed inside the city lord’s room! This isn’t something I can control, right? If it were any of you who were in my place and witnessed that kind of thing, wouldn’t you shout? This is a human’s instinctual response, alright?”

The Little Despot glared at him and rebutted, “That punk didn’t make a racket like you even though he fell into a crocodile swamp.”

Dao Wuji snorted at this. “Can that be the same? I’d rather have dropped into the crocodile swamp!”

Falling into a crocodile swamp was much better than falling into the city lord’s room!

The Little Despot gave him a look of contempt before ignoring him.

On the other hand, Mo Lian naturally did not have the mind to listen to their argument. He waved his hand, and Seventh Yan appeared next to him.

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“Little Seven, catch up to them for me,” Mo Lian instructed solemnly.

Seventh Yan nodded. However, just as he was about to transform into a dragon, he suddenly heard a furious shout from the street corner. “Surround them!!”

Crown Prince Mo knitted his brows as he turned around. A fat middle-aged man had directed several hundred level-seven and level-eight mystic cultivators to surround them.

This kind of situation with so many mystic cultivators appearing at once would naturally scare people out of their wits on Sikong Planet.

But this wasn’t anything much in the Middle Six Prefectures.

The city lord of a minor coastal city might not have spiritual cultivators under his command, but he would have many mystic cultivators.

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The Little Despot cast Dao Wuji a look. His meaning was clear: Take care of the problem you caused yourself!

Dao Wuji did not need the Little Despot to say anything more. He immediately stood out in front of everyone and met the gaze of that scowling city lord. “Sir City Lord, what a coincidence for us to meet again!”

“Go!” The fat city lord loathed to speak nonsense with him. He merely pointed two fingers forward, and the large batch of mystic cultivators behind him swarmed toward the group.

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