Chapter 2054: A Living Hell (1)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Bring me to your experiment room!” Qiao Mu walked forward while yanking on the spirit binding rope and dragging Fan Qiuhe along like trash. She turned to glower at him. “Or do you want my Lian to search your soul? And turn you into an idiot like that Mentor He?”

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He Jiao turned into an idiot?

Fan Qiuhe’s heart sank with a thud.?No wonder there was no response from the jade messenger talisman! It turned out that they had already eliminated this pawn!


“You, what exactly do you want to do?”

Qiao Mu arched her eyebrows and slapped Fan Qiuhe without room for objection. “Stop spouting so much nonsense! Go when I tell you to!”

“Phooey!” Fan Qiuhe was both furious and agitated. He couldn’t exert any strength with both hands bound. All he could do was spit out a mouthful of blood.

Qiao Mu struck his abdomen with her rod.

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“OW!” Fan Qiuhe’s whole body curled up like a shrimp as fear slipped past his eyes.

This lass really was a lunatic!

From her mentally deranged methods, it was evident that this wench would do unimaginable things to him.

Why hadn’t his auntie come to rescue him yet? They had already made such a big commotion.

*Boom!* A pillar of fire shot out from the Clear Sky Faction disciples’ courtyard in the distance.

Fan Qiuhe abruptly turned his head and stared into the distance in shock. “What, what happened? You she-devil! What did you do to them?”

“Do you think the people from Clear Sky Faction still have the need to exist after repeated attempts to assassinate me?” Qiao Mu gave Fan Qiuhe a cold, mocking gaze. “Why are you pretending to be so guileless at this point in time? You think you all are very innocent?”

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“Qiao Mu! You!”

“Shut up!” Qiao Mu didn’t want to listen to his nonsense anymore, so she again struck his back and the back of his head.

These two strikes were extremely fierce. Fan Qiuhe was unable to stomach it, and he immediately spewed blood. He tumbled on the ground and curled up into a ball, whimpering.

“What are you playing dead for. Get up! You coward.” There was no ripple of emotion in Qiao Mu’s eyes. She continued to kick the man’s back apathetically without a shred of sympathy. “Get up! You coward, get up!”

“Qiaoqiao.” Feng Chen, who had been hiding and watching for a good while, quickly ran over. He stopped Qiao Mu, whose emotions were running wild, and placated, “What are you getting angry with this small fry for? Just directly kill him.”

“How can there be such a bargain.” Qiao Mu’s icy eyes were fixed on Fan Qiuhe’s face. “I want him in a living hell!”

Fan Qiuhe suddenly turned around and opened his mouth. The spiritual sword he used as his life-saving ace immediately shot out from his mouth and flew like lightning toward Qiao Mu’s face.

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Feng Chen’s gaze turned stern, and he flicked his sleeve without another word.

*Clang!* He swept away that flying sword like trash, and it stabbed into the dirt.

Fan Qiuhe also sprawled on the ground like a deflated and dying dog. He didn’t even have the strength to retaliate!

The white snakelet that was originally lying dormant around Qiao Mu’s wrist also raised its head abruptly. Its large, round eyes were glaring at Fan Qiuhe with wrath.


Qiao Mu placated the white snakelet by stroking its head, and then she kicked Fan Qiuhe’s chest heavily.

“Ah!” Fan Qiuhe let out a painful cry. Qiao Mu had probably broken two of his ribs with that kick.

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