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“It’s underneath that doggy’s paw!” The bloodfire phoenix screamed, “Quickly!”

Qiao Mu’s scalp tingled from his flustered scream. She hastily darted over and brushed aside a little doggy. Sure enough, she saw it under its paw. She rescued the black pigeon egg.

She put the two eggs togehter. One shimmered faint purple, while the other was black.

The bloodfire phoenix flapped his small wings and hovered over the two eggs for a while. Only then did he land firmly on Qiao Mu’s shoulder and look at his little master like he expected better from her. “You nearly lost two sacred beast eggs!”

Qiao Mu: …

How would she know that these two things that looked like pigeon eggs were sacred beast eggs!

Truthfully speaking, she had just been thinking whether she should roast that faint purple egg and see if she could eat it…

“You’re thinking of roasting phoenixes again!!” This utterly heartless little fellow! She had also wanted to roast him back when she first saw him!

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The little fire phoenix’s accusatory expression unfathomably made Qiao Mu feel a bit guilty, yet she stubbornly refuted, “Nonsense! When did I say I wanted to roast it? I can’t even finish the chicken and duck eggs in the paradise. Why would I eat such a tiny pigeon egg?”

“This is a pair of phoenix eggs, you know?”

Qiao Mu: …

Phoenix eggs are the size of pigeon eggs? You’re kidding!

Mo Lian coughed lightly and put his arm around Qiaoqiao’s shoulder. He nodded and said, “We naturally know.”

The bloodfire phoenix looked at them in contempt!

Phooey, from their expressions just now, it was obvious that they had no idea what these two eggs were.

“Our phoenix clan has many branches, like Qingluan. You know about the Qingluan, right. They are also considered a branch of our phoenix clan, just that their bloodline is a bit more distant! They have yet to meet the standard of sacred beasts!

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“This pair of Yuezhuo is also a branch bloodline of our phoenix clan. Pureblooded Yuezhuo have a pristine bloodline!!


“You were just about to feed them to little! Doggies!”

Qiao Mu: …

Cough. Qiao Mu was practically unable to meet the fire phoenix’s accusatory gaze.

The little fellow immediately looked up and glared at her hubby in a huff: Hubby is so learned and talented, possessing knowledge rare to even the most erudite man. How could you not even recognize a phoenix egg?

Mo Lian got shot while lying down again. He looked at his wifey aggrievedly: Please, he had only seen the beautiful figure of an adult Yuezhuo phoenix in ancient books. Which ancient book would depict the egg…

“Woof, woof!” Seeing that they were about to lose the phoenix eggs, the three puppies paced around Qiao Mu anxiously.

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“Scram!” Qiao Mu was filled with anger.

When she saw the little doggies’ drooling and gluttonous expressions just now, she had really just nearly… cough! Apologies, apologies.

However, speaking of which, these three little doggies were also strange!

They had been scampering to eat the double-headed flood dragon’s sacred beast core previously. Now, they wanted to eat two sacred beast phoenixes.

They were freakin’ focused on eating sacred beasts! Wasn’t this preference too exotic?

Qiao Mu silently put the eggs in her own inner world. When she looked back, she couldn’t help but yelp, “Ah, Guan Zhaotang ran off.”

Just now, everyone’s attention was on the tree pit. They had been gathering forging materials and also fumbling around with the phoenix eggs. She didn’t expect Guan Zhaotang to take this chance to escape.

Mo Lian curled his lips. “Ran off? He won’t.”

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Just as he said this, they heard the sound of hasty footsteps approaching…


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