My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!

Chapter 2272: Chapter 2272 Combination Talisman

One of them shouted in surprise when they saw the people who had barged into the woodshed.

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Mhm, quick, get up and follow us.

Zou Huan, youve come to rescue us. Another person exclaimed emotionally, These two people are?

Aiya, ask the questions after we get out of here.

Someones coming, Qiao Mu said while furrowing her brows.

The young man who had called out Zou Huans name earlier couldnt help but shudder and back away. Th-There are a dozen servants guarding this compound.

Qiao Mu glanced at him. Arent you all talisman practitioners?

How come all of them looked like scaredy-cats?

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That woman robbed us of all our defensive talismans! The group of young men couldnt help but feel indignant when talking about this.

That woman had tricked them here to be her talisman-drawing tools.

That greedy woman confiscated all the talismans they drew and sold them to the talisman shop.

Youre all level-13 and level-14 mystic cultivators. How come youre all acting like weaklings without any means of resisting? Qiao Mu swept them over with her gaze.

The young man who had spoken first couldnt help but protest, Who, whos a weakling? Its only that the enemy is stronger than us! Theyre all level-three spiritual cultivators. H-How can we be their match?

Dont deny that you are weaklings. Qiao Mu glanced at them gruffly and told Zou Huan, If your companions all have such weak character, youd be better off not following me!

Sorry, her money didnt just come out of nowhere. She wasnt going to support useless people with weak temperaments.

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After saying this, she grasped Mo Lians hand and walked to the door without looking back.

Those young men couldnt help but be a bit irritated. They asked Zou Huan, Who is she, Zou Huan.

Aiya, just stop talking for now, Qi Hua.

When Zou Huan rushed out the door with his companions, he saw a dozen servants shouting as they rushed over to surround them.

Its fine if your cultivation is not on par. Remember that you are talisman practitioners. Qiao Mu stated coldly, The talisman practitioners rely on talismans to claim victory. You use talismans to slay the enemy! You must always guarantee that you have talismans to use and talisman paper to draw with!

Practice your drawing speed if thats holding you back. Dont dawdle and not even be able to draw a single talisman in an hour! Qiao Mu squinted coldly at the dozen servants that surged over.

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She waved her fair hand, and a dozen talismans drifted out. They were like fluttering butterflies that rapidly approached the group of servants.

All the talismans activated at once, and streaks of light poured out from the talismans. When they reached the group of servants, they transformed into eight-trigram arrays that bound all the servants.

Those eight-trigram talismans tightly bound all the servants like spiderwebs.

Group binding?

Zou Huan, Qi Hua, and the others all goggled in disbelief at this grand talisman practitioner.

These really were binding talismans?

How come this binding talisman was so powerful?

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Talisman practitioners do not stay stagnant, and you should master all the talismans you learn. While immobilizing someone, you can also bind and make them dizzy or something like that. You think one talisman can only produce one effect?

I combined immobilization and binding effects in one talisman to produce this eight-trigram binding talisman. Qiao Mu felt like she hadnt shocked them enough and added, No one taught me to draw this way. After you draw more and achieve mastery, youll realize that anything is possible.

It was indeed a moment of enlightenment when she created this kind of combination talisman.


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