Chapter 361: You Still Have Master

“Master, you don’t know. When you can’t see anything clearly, when even the earth is black. In those pitch-dark and bleak, completely helpless days, I especially hoped for someone to come and help me, to help me. Even if it were to pull me along a little, that was already enough!” The little stoic spoke softly, muttering to herself.

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Even if Murong Xun didn’t understand when her youngest disciple had the time to form a team, as her youngest disciple had cultivated at the sect since she was seven years old.

But she knew her youngest disciple’s tone of voice right now was especially desolate and helpless. When her eyes were staring at you, they were empty, as if they were looking through your soul at who knew where…

She embraced her youngest disciple with an aching heart and tenderly patted her small body with her hand. “Silly child, it’s all in the past, everything is in the past now. You still have Master; Master will definitely accompany you. Don’t worry, Master will flay the skin of whoever dares to bully you! I absolutely won’t be polite with him!”

Mo Lian, who was blocked from far away, dazedly watched the small figure that was crouching by the water plants.

She was crying—he actually angered her to tears! Two streams of sparkling and translucent tears actually hung on her unchanging little stoic face right now.

As if thunderstruck, Mo Lian dumbly stood there like a wooden chicken. He didn’t even realize that his fingers were clenched so tightly that they were ashen and almost to the point of breaking.

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He was almost resenting himself to death!

Only three words were reverberating through his mind right now: All! In! Vain!

He worked and worked so hard for so long in the past and only tore open that tiny opening in the impregnable wall enclosing the little fellow’s heart.

Now, she shrunk back completely once more.

Just like a tiny quail[1], she wrapped herself up tightly again. She didn’t leave a crack nor did she allow anyone to look at her.

Just like at that time, when she was composedly and woodenly killing someone next to a quagmire, and she turned her head to glance at him apathetically…

There was no way he was accepting this result!!

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Once he recalled those indifferent eyes that didn’t contain anyone’s presence, like a pool of stagnant water, and that expression as barren as a desert, he completely couldn’t accept the reality he was about to face.

Was it not enough to say he was sorry? Why did things turn out like this? Everything was still fine a moment ago!

No, he had to speak to her! He had to clarify everything immediately! He was not that kind of prodigal like Wei Nanfeng!

She didn’t like him befriending people like Wei Nanfeng, then he just had to end the friendship!

“Qiaoqiao.” Mo Lian’s figure flashed, and he was about to rush over to Qiao Mu’s side mindlessly.

Xue Xiao was outraged, and she pointed at him with her unsheathed sword. “What are you doing? We already said not to come over! Are you thinking my little junior sister isn’t heartbroken enough?”

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“Scram! I want to speak with Qiaoqiao.” Mo Lian roared with seething anger. His pitch-black phoenix eyes lightly flashed, and several purple flames suddenly sprouted from his fingertips.

“Crown Prince!” Baili Xi flashed in front of him and stretched out his arm to obstruct him. “You do realize, if you make a move, then there’s no turning back.”

With how fiercely protective the little girl was of the people she cared about, if he really did make a move on her sect, could they really turn everything back?

Mo Lian stood there in a daze, his eyes fixated on the little face that had turned around.

A glossy teardrop still hung on her little face, and the little girl just frostily gazed at him like this. As expected, all warmth had left those pair of eyes.

He was unwilling to accept this, he was unwilling!

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How could they just revert back to the past, he had worked so hard, wanting her to accept his existence…

The purple flames on his fingertips gradually dimmed. Mo Lian blankly stared at the little girl and muttered to himself, “Qiaoqiao, you could try to understand me a little more.”

[1] In Chinese, quails are commonly described to not have much guts




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