4. Who Is Shingen?

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Translator: Serena Yang

What was this?

Lian Nuo looked at the spaceship in front of him. This was a machine that humans on the Earth could not create even in the End Days of their world. In the End Days, there were too many damaged machines. Humans were developed their technology to a rather high level, but in the End Days, it seemed that their technology had taken a large step back.

All the scientists were busy researching on drugs to suppress the virus, and the rest of the technology were no longer important.

Lian Nuo's eyes were shining. He looked at the spaceship curiously and happily, from the head of the spaceship to the tail of it, even the guards at the entrance

His joy was simply expressed on his face.

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Cardis felt that the imperial database might be wrong.

As recorded in the database, this Beta criminal had a dark personality, but the young man in front of him had clear and pure eyes.

"Do you like it?" Cardis asked, "This is the most ordinary spaceship, not even a tenth as advanced as the imperial family's spaceship."

The most ordinary spaceship?

"Who designed it?" Lian Nuo asked.

The slightly hoarse teenager's accent was a little awkward. The language of this planet was different from the Earth's language. Lian Nuo could only look for words from the memory of the original body owner.

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It was like a foreigner speaking a strange language. Thankfully, the tone and the words were accurate, but every word Lian Nuo said was a little slow.

Cardis thought that the young man should like the spaceship itself. Although it was the most ordinary spaceship of the imperial family, it was not something that ordinary people could use. He did not expect the young man to be interested in the designer of the spaceship.

"It's designed by Teyh, from the imperial family's technology department," Cardis answered.


Lian Nuo answered with a syllable and stood still.

‘This young man's personality is a little strange.’ Cardis thought.

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"Please get on the spaceship. After that, I'll tell you the reason why I take you away," Cardis made a gesture to Lian Nuo.

"Okay," Lian Nuo walked in front of Cardis and got on the spaceship.

When ordinary people saw the gifted people, they often felt nervous. However, the common tension could not be seen on Lian Nuo’s face when he saw Cardis. He didn't seem to feel the strong superpowers of this Number One Butler.

The reason why Cardis used an ordinary spaceship to carry Lian Nuo was because he didn't want anyone to know that a criminal was taken away by the imperial family.

However, this seemingly ordinary spaceship had a very gorgeous room that could meet the royal standard.

It wasn't exaggerating to describe it as glorious. However, after seeing everything here, Lian Nuo, who was accustomed to the nasty environment of the End Days, was greatly stunned.

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This kind of expression was within Cardis' expectations.

He smiled and invited Lian Nuo to sit down. Then he said, "My name is Cardis, the Number One Butler of the imperial family."

"You told me that." Lian Nuo said. He was not interested in the Number One Butler of the imperial family.

The young man's faint affection was once again beyond Cardis' expectations. He had always been famous for his calmness, but today he had been surprised for too many times.

However, he hid his surprised feelings every time.

"Do you know Shingen?" Cardis continued to ask.

Shingen? Lian Nuo searched this name in the memory of the original body owner. Unfortunately, the original body owner was an ordinary descendant of an aristocrat family. He did not care about national affairs at all. How could he know the name of the Empire’s Crown Prince? So Lian Nuo frowned and asked seriously, "Who is Shingen?"

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