7. Lian Nuo Was Suffering

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Translator: Serena Yang

The medical facilities on the spaceship were not enough to give Lian Nuo a stomach lavage. Cardis did not expect that someone would be sick as he was only going to Planet Borosin to pick up a criminal, so he did not think about bringing a doctor along.

Lian Nuo was leaning beside the bathtub, vomiting with a pale face. The taste of the shower gel was totally different from who he had read about milk from books.

"This is a shower gel! Why did you drink it?" Cardis rushed into the room, picked up Lian Nuo who was leaning by the bathtub, and then wrapped his body with a towel, then placed him onto the bed.

Lian Nuo felt nausea in his stomach, but he was also not used to others touching his body, so he immediately struggled in Cardis’ arms, "Let me go! Let me go!"

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"Stop messing around," Cardis said in a low voice. His mellow voice sounded very serious. As the Number One Butler of the imperial family, practising his voice was also part of his everyday lesson.

Lian Nuo had never been ordered by other people to do anything, so he struggled instinctively. But his body was so thin that people would only treat him as a child. Meanwhile, he was also having a severe stomach-ache while he felt he was going to vomit at any time. His body was too weak. He couldn't even use his primary Healing superpower.

Therefore, Lian Nuo was shaking his body like a worm, which was actually very cute.

"Bear with it for a while. Drink some water first, and then we’ll go to the hospital in the Capital to give you a stomach lavage," Cardis put Lian Nuo on the bed and tried to comfort him.

Lian Nuo nodded.

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"Why did you decide to drink the shower gel?" Cardis couldn't help but ask.

In the End Times on Earth when Lian Nuo was born, there was no shower gel. Everything that seemed edible would be extremely tempting to Lian Nuo.

When he smelled the fragrance of the milk shower gel, he recalled the introduction of milk on a book he had read before. He had never tasted milk before and it smelt so delicious. He even forgot about the use of shower gel in the original body owner’s memory.

Lian Nuo's pale face gradually reddened. He felt that he had made such a big fool of himself. As a scientist who had lived for more than 500 years, Lian Nuo really disliked such an embarrassment happening to himself, so he turned around and showed his back to Cardis.

In Cardis' opinion, this was a very childish move.

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"Do you think the shower gel is drinkable?" Cardis guessed a little as well. "This milk shower gel is not drinkable. If you want to drink milk, you can order the servants to prepare it when you arrive at the Capital. However…” Cardis squinted his eyes and his tone turned a little tough. Lian Nuo, who had his back to him, did not feel it. "The Lian Family is not an impressive aristocrat family, but as the only son of the Lian Family, how can you not know this common sense? Even children from the slums would know that shower gel is used for bathing. Of course, they won't use such advanced products.”

Lian Nuo's ears moved as he found Cardis' words were very sarcastic to him. Cardis said that he was inferior to the children in the slums. However, Lian Nuo was not in the mood to refute Cardis at this moment because it would make him more embarrassed.

However, Lian Nuo was never a good person. As the last person on Earth, Lian Nuo was proud, arrogant, and unbridled. As all the other people on Earth had died, no one would argue with him and he could do whatever he wanted to do. Now that a butler from another planet dared to make fun of him like this, Lian Nuo would definitely wait for the chance to take revenge.

If Cardis knew what Lian Nuo was thinking about at the moment, he would have an impulse to throw Lian Nuo out of the spaceship.

Seeing that Lian Nuo kept silent, Cardis stopped talking.

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"Lord Cardis, here is a cup of warm water," the servant walked into the room with a cup of water in his hand.

Cardis put the cup on the bedside table and said, "Drink this. Your stomach will turn warm. And it can also rinse your mouth."

At this time, Lian Nuo was smart enough not to resist. He picked up the cup and followed Cardis' words. However, as soon as the warm water reached his stomach, he felt his nausea became more serious. The smell and taste of the shower gel in his throat and mouth were even thicker.

Then, Lian Nuo lied on his belly, stretched his head out of the bed and vomited nonstop. As the shower gel in his stomach met the warm water, it turned into lots of foams. Now Lian Nuo was vomiting foams like a crab.

Poor Lian Nuo! He had never imagined his life would be so miserable!

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