My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 875: Chapter 875

Chapter 875

Ten minutes later, I had my shirt off and Miki was sitting behind me with her hand on my back. I felt somewhat uncomfortable with my bare chest exposed, especially because I had a pair of breasts. They were roughly about the same size as Mikis. Terra was looking at them with an expression that was a tad unhappy. I felt the urge to cover my chest with so many girls looking and seemingly comparing sizes.

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Ah I see so it works like that. Miki said.

What is it? I asked.

Its mostly what we thought. Its a miasmic infection.

Im in a safe room now, shouldnt the miasmic infection be forced out? I asked. On that note, why was it able to affect me at all? I have a blessing thats supposed to negate miasmic affects.

It isnt like Miasma cant be brought into a safe room. If that was the case, then She coughed, her eyes flickering to Salicia. Certain people would just disperse the second they entered the room. Rather, it is more like oil and water. Safe rooms repel miasma, so the trapped miasma in your body bubbles up together. In this state, its no longer able to affect you as long as you remain in the room. However, once you leave

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Her eyes flickered to Salicia again, and I got the message she was trying to tell me. Although Salicia was in control of herself in this room, once she left, the miasmic control would no longer be suppressed. I didnt know how long it would take for Calypsos control to return. It might have been seconds, or maybe days. Either way, neither of us were cured of our inflictions at the moment.

I see

As for why you were infected, I cant say for certain, but I believe your affinity protects you from passive miasma. If you were immune to miasmic attacks, then youd be immune to most spells from dungeon monsters, which often cast from a source of miasma. You could say the blessing worked well. You didnt face any of the negative effects of the miasma itself. Fear, paranoia, lack of energy another person would have been a wreck. You were just dealing with the physical damage it was doing to your soul.

Like how a cough medicine might cure the symptoms, but doesnt mean youre any less sick. I sighed.


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Can you cure it now?

Mm She nodded. I can flood your body with mana, and then extract the miasma from your body. Since youre a mana creature, its quite easy. If you were a miasmic creature, however, then I wouldnt be able to do this.

Naturally, the last sentence was once again aimed at Salicia. With her miasmic body, the difference between the control Salicia was exuding and her own base were too similar. Attempt to flush one would end up flushing the other.

Then heal me.

She nodded, and then began to use her spiritual techniques. It didnt take long before I felt something leaving me. I let out a breath, a black gaseous mass left from my mouth. It tasted oily and wrong. The mass quickly rose up and then disappeared through the roof, presumably reentering the dungeon.

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Is that it? I asked, almost feeling like it was too easy.

I didnt wait for Mikis conformation though. I immediately casted a healing spell on myself. As soon as I did, I felt the aching wound on my back that was still healing and slightly infected quickly cool and then fade away. Letting out a long breath of relief, I realized I was safe again.

Then, should we go? Terra asked.

Huh? Go?

Master has been healed. You can use magic once again. You have the ability to make Portals from inside a dungeon, something none of us can do. Isnt that why we did this, so we could escape?

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Apparently, the girls had thought that this was a rescue mission. While they could cast Portals, they didnt have my affinities from my blessings, so they couldnt Portal out of the dungeon like I could. Now that I healed myself, there was no reason we had to stay. We could leave and return to my army in Deeksville. As for Calypso, shed be none the wiser. It might be days before she realized we left.

No I shook my head. Were going to beat this thing.

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