My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 886: Chapter 886

Chapter 886

Six days after we entered the dungeon, we finally came to the 19th floor. Three weeks from now, I was supposed to be in Osteria to attend some princesses meeting. It was recommended we leave next week, but that was assuming we were people who traveled normally. Thanks to my Portal, we wouldnt need all of that time. It was my goal to finally take care of Lord Reign within the next three weeks. I wouldnt be comfortable leaving the country until that threat was dealt with.

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To deal with that threat, I had to amass a large enough army to deal with Lord Reigns Demonic Knights. That led us to want to make a treaty with the Bandit Hero. That hero turned out to be the exceptionally strange and dangerous Calypso, and her Bandit army turned out to be dungeon creatures that she had created after becoming the Master of her dungeon. There were still too many questions I couldnt answer.

I didnt know how someone became the Master of a dungeon. I figured it had something to do with the bosss room. Perhaps, if you got your hand on the dungeon lore, rather than destroying or absorbing it, I could claim the dungeon as my own. It was just a guess, but I thought if I injected my miasma into the dungeon lore, that I could become the Master of said dungeon.

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Ultimately, that was my current goal. I wanted to get as close to the boss room as possible, find the orb, and then inject it with my miasma. Then, Calypsos dungeon would become my dungeon. That was one option. Regrettably, the Bandits had a very limited use, and I wasnt sure if Id be able to use them in my invasion of Alerith. Therefore, the more likely scenario was that I destroyed the lore so that Calypso couldnt use it. I didnt hold any hopes that Id be completing the lore this time. After all, it was anyones guess what the goal of this dungeon was anyway.

Mast Lydia bit her tongue as she stopped me from taking a step forward.

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Right where my foot would have been, an arrow struck. Was it a trap? One thing this dungeon hadnt thrown at us were traps. Maybe they would have appeared on level 21, but why would it suddenly appear on 19? Thats when I noticed that the arrow came from someone. A moment later, we were surrounded by Bandits. The girls were on alert, but I told them to hold off their attack. That shot had been a warning shot after all. They could have aimed for my heart.

After a moment, a person walked out of the forest. Congratulations. Youve made it.

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The group all looked at each other in confusion. We were rather tired and a bit haggard after a solid week of rapidly advancing. I hadnt even had a chance to go through the girls levels and see how they had progressed. I hadnt even had a chance to see how I had progressed.

Made it? I took the lead, asking in confusion.

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The Bandit Trial. He raised his hands. You made it to and through the final floor. You are now qualified.

Qualified for what? Miki asked suspiciously.

Why to join us! Youre a Bandit now! He smirked.

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