My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 913: Chapter 913

Chapter 913

A red portal opened in the middle of a field. A young man stepped out of it. He was followed by a busty, fit blonde, a twelve-year-old red-head, and a flat-chested heroic youth. Of course, this was me and my party, having finally made our departure from Earth. As for what happened on Earth, I didnt want to think about it. It was simplest to say that it was no longer my home. This place was my home now, and my women were my family. Speaking of which, where was this place?

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Did we make it home? Bernice demanded.

I dont know. I shook my head, not recognizing the area.

Well, this isnt Alerith.

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It isnt Chalm either, Carmine said smoothly.

I opened my Map, revealing a completely black screen. I even zoomed out twice, only to see black all around us. Were still not in Aberis.

Damn it! Idiot! Bernice snapped. How could you send us to the wrong place twice!

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I dont know. Its not like I ever have done interdimensional travel before. I shot back.

Lets just find out where we are before we get too upset. Garnet offered. Honestly, itd be kind of nice to do some more adventuring. That last place gave me so many ideas!

As she said this, she pulled out a tablet, playing with it. Before we left, I had made sure to buy many things from Earth. I had even gotten a few tablets, some solar chargers, and loaded them up with all of Earths knowledge. Itd be enough to completely change the nature of this world. Naturally, a young blacksmith like that was interested. I suspected Terra would be really excited to see that stuff too. I wondered if reading up on robotics would help her with her golem research.

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I agree lets just find a place to stay the night. This could be a warzone, so keep your hoods up.

On Earth, it hadnt been much of a problem since all of these women were human or could pass as human. If we ended up somewhere else though, like some demon planet, the last thing I wanted to do was reveal that we were human. We took our cloaks and lifted our hoods. It looked suspicious, but it would be more suspicious if we were caught unaware.

Bernice had the best eyes, so she did the scouting. It was a few hours before we finally located a city. It wasnt small in size, but that might make it easier to slip in unseen. There was a large road heading into the city, and it appeared to be quite busy, so we blended in with the crowds. Once I got a closer look, I could see the people looked genuinely human. There were just two things about them that were off.

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First off, they had pointy ears. They werent long and were in the same shape and spot as a human, but the top was a point rather and rounded. The second thing about them that seemed odd was that they had very bright hair. Their hair came in as many colors as a crayon box. There were green, red, blue, pink, purple, and even other colors. Every one was vibrant in a way that one wouldnt expect to see in nature. What I didnt see was anyone with black, brown, or blonde hair.

By the time we reached the gate, I had used illusions to give us all pointy ears and colored hair. Compared to changing the entire face, this was rather easy with Mimic. I gave myself blue hair and Bernice green hair. As for Garnet and Carmine, it seemed easier to just brighten their natural color. I made Garnets red hair more vibrant, and I made Carmines blonde hair a bright yellow.

Hello, Travelers. Welcome to the city of Humans Peak.

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