My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 933: Chapter 933

Chapter 933

The one who didnt look pleased by my words was Kaia. First, I still had the blade to her sisters neck. Secondly, I wasnt the Fey she thought I was. She may have helped some humans escape, but she was ultimately still a haughty Fey noble. She likely saw us all like dogs. It was one thing to help and shelter an abused dog, but it was quite another when you found a vicious, muscular dog who had just killed someone and with a mouth full of blood was growling at you. In her mind, I wasnt the same as Demetri and the humans she rescued, and I could see that clearly in her eyes.

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So, Fey only have one life, I spoke out loud, looking down at Nerissa.

Kaia to ally yourself with these dogs! You have truly disappointed me.

To hear Nerissa voice my very thoughts, I could only shake my head. Lying on the ground, and you still act this way.

What if I do? Nerissa laughed. You wont kill me. Humans dont have the guts! Right sister?

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Kaia shook her head. Shut up, Nerissa.

Haha you know, Kaia recognized your ability to use resurrection but did not. Are you one of those White Mages? In the war, we tried to wipe them all out. Its a shame that some must have survived.

So, there were once White Mages, and they were wiped out? She seemed to speak as if she didnt know Priests could use resurrection. Unless perhaps humans lost too many white mages and couldnt replace them, and so what happened when you couldnt do something? You rely on faith. The religions of the country might have sprung up as an answer to the lack of White Mages. Priests might not have existed during the first war. Well, it would have been stranger if a bunch of monsters crawling out of dungeons did have a church.

Of course, there are no White mages here do you understand now?

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I frowned at her words as she shot me a gloating smile. Kaia gave a panicked expression, and it took me a moment to realize what was being implied. She had suggested that because I resurrected the humans, that everything was even. However, on this continent, the resurrection spell didnt exist. Since Fey couldnt be resurrected, they naturally didnt learn it. Maybe, they couldnt learn it. So, every human that had died on this continent had died permanently. When Nerissa had murdered the woman and her little girl, she had no intention of bringing them back. It was always intended to be for good!

As realization formed in my eyes, the smile grew on Nerissas face. You understand now? Your species is nothing but ants to be squashed. When I leave here, I will report to my father, and our army will find your nation and wipe it out!

Sister, stop! Kaia cried out. Please, human king, I will do everything in my power to protect you. You cannot kill her. If you do, the king will attack your island in retaliation!

Even Kaias words meant to be disarming were filled with veiled threats. This was the plight of humans on this continent. They were animals to be dealt with. I let out a sigh, lowering my blade.

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Kaia, your sister will betray you, and me as well. She thinks nothing of murdering others. Humans may have come from dungeons, but it is clear who the monsters are.

P-please She went as close to begging as her pride would allow.

I looked away. Elaya? Is it time?

Elaya walked out of the cave, causing Carmine to cry out in surprise, and everyone else to look warily. Enough mana has been absorbed. Also, I could sense an army of these so-called Fey on the way here. We have about five minutes before were overwhelmed.

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I see then I suppose its time were on our way.

There is no running! Nerissa snarled.

I looked down at her and shook my head. No. There isnt. Which is why Ive decided to fight. The war between us is inevitable. Ive considered my options carefully, and you can not be allowed to exist!

Wh-what? Her eyes flashed for the first time in surprise.

No! Kaia was only to get out a single word before I raised the sword and took Nerissas head.

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