My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 964: Chapter 964

Chapter 964

Shall we attack, sir? A knight asked.

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No. I shook my head. Ladies, lets go. The rest of you, stay back! Its not the time to attack right now!

The recently developed city of Deeksville stood in front of us, and in front of it was the imposter Deedee along with the girls who had yet to join me. They stood defiantly like they were going to keep me from entering. I didnt want to get the rest of them involved in this fight for a few reasons. First off, I didnt want the girls being unnecessarily hurt. Secondly, I didnt want the troops to get demoralized or decimated. My girls were amplified by my Slave Master and Harem Master. Even soldiers of the same level wouldnt be their match.

On the other hand, I didnt want Deeksville to see us as an invading force either. Once I defeated Deedee, then I didnt think theyd resist. After all, I was the real Deek that they named themselves after. Many of the girls they recognized were on my side. They should have no problem with me coming and returning order to the southwest.

With my group lined up in front of their group, the army was witness behind me, and the residents of Deeksville watched from over the walls behind Deedee.

Ive come to reclaim my land. I declared out loud.

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Im the one who helped build this city! Deedee shot back.

My actions are sanctioned by the King of Aberis. To defy me is to defy Aberis.

The caused some mumbling to occur behind Deedee. She didnt grow angry though. Instead, she threw back her hair and snorted.

There is only one Deek. Youre just a fake. Stand down and surrender!

Youre the one who needs to surrender! I snapped back.

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I see. It seems like there is no way to resolve this.

They havent tried very hard, Lydia whispered to Miki.

Arent those harem girls all on Lord Deeksons side? It feels like a civil war. Someone from the city mumbled out loud.

This isnt a civil war! Deedee cried out. Im Deek!

I thought you were Deedee

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Who said that?

Sir, Im confused, I thought we were fighting the demon lord. One of the barons asked.

We will! Look, the only way to defeat Aberis is through her. I explained. Just follow my plan and trust I know what Im doing.

Do you though?

Both sides seemed to be growing restless. Realizing that their resolve to attack each other was starting to diminish, I threw out my hand.

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Ladies! Attack! Slave Order!

Ahh! The girls all cried out, but as I started running forward, they followed me.

Dont be afraid of killing someone! I will resurrect them if they die in battle. Deedee yelled. Stop him! Thats an order!

Kill spoken like a true imposter! Ladies, dont hold back!

Two lines of women raced at each other, and soon a massive battle broke out as the sides fought. I ended up facing Deedee. With our swords risen, the pair of us began to battle.

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