By the time they arrived in the Dorua territory, the sky had already darkened.

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Olivia’s party decided to stop at an inn in a town located just before the town where the train terminal station is as the train is scheduled to depart tomorrow afternoon.

Perhaps tired from the long trip, Princess Florencia seems to be exhausted. Seeing how she’s being supported by her escort knight, Legion, it would be best if she can quickly get some rest.

Alan also seemed to notice the princess’s state so he instructed Bucks, his aide, to deliver food to each of their rooms instead of having dinner together.

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Since this inn is aimed at the upper class, the proprietress smoothly accepted Bucks’s request.

Olivia parted ways with Cyrus in front of her room but she can’t help but worry about Princess Florencia who’s being helped into her room by Legion. The princess has 2 maids accompanying her so usually the normal thing to do would be to stop in front of her room and entrust the princess in the care of the maids. Still, seeing from how Legion, who’s Florencia’s escort knight, naturally entered the room with her, it seems that the princess indeed always has Legion by her side.

(I thought it might be the case at the party but it seems that Her Highness trusts him a lot huh.)

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Even though he is her escort, Legion is still a man. This would mean that there needs to be an appropriate amount of distance between them. After all, even with him being her escort, if he’s too close to her then people might start negative rumors about their relationship. On that point, the distance between Princess Florencia and Legion is a little too close right now.

That being said, if the princess herself seems to not mind it, it’s not something that Olivia should bring up.

Deciding to mind her own business, Olivia entered her room and changed out of her dress with the help of Taylor. Then, a short while after that, the meals were brought in. While they slowly enjoyed their meal, Taylor asked the staff to prepare hot water in the bathroom.

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After finishing her meal, Olivia soaked herself in the warm bath and let out a long sigh. She may not be as exhausted as the princess but she’s certainly tired. Her body grew numb from sitting in the carriage the whole day so she felt drowsy as the hot water helped loosen her muscles.

(The train is tomorrow………it’s okay, It’s already my second time after all. I’m not scared.)

She told Cyrus that she is going to be okay but it would be a lie if she says that she is not anxious about the ride at all. After all, the train is many times faster than a carriage and the noise it makes is super loud. She can’t help but get scared when she thinks about what would happen if the wheels came off.

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“I’m okay, I’m okay.”

The more she tried to tell herself that, the more anxious she became.

While submerging herself down to her shoulders, Olivia looked up at the steamy ceiling of the bathroom and let out another sigh.

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