It seems that it was late into the night when Cyrus and Alan returned to the inn.

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Since it was late, they were only talking to the person in charge of monitoring the prisoners about the search range and ordered the security to be tightened in the area before they came back. Still, since it takes a certain amount of time just to travel between the inn and the ruins, it was already midnight when they arrived back at the inn.

Olivia planned to stay up and wait for Cyrus’s return but it seems she fell asleep while reading a book on her bed.

By the time she woke up, the sky had already begun to brighten.

Naturally, no cafes or restaurants are open this early in the morning. Even Taylor still hasn’t woken up yet and Cyrus and the others who went out last night are probably still sleeping as well.

When she opened the curtain and looked down at the main street, there were only a few people walking around.

After lighting a small fireplace to boil water for her chamomile tea, Olivia decided to kill some time by reading a book.

The book she’s reading is an incense-related one she purchased at a bookstore here. Since Cyrus bought her a small incense burner and with Dr. Wybal’s explanation about the use of incense in the ancient temple, her interest was piqued so she wanted to know more about the subject.

As she had expected, this book does not describe the incense used during the ancient dynasty but it does describe various kinds of incense sold in Karzol. As Dr. Wybal explained, incense is sometimes used for medicinal purposes in Karzol and it was said here in the book that incense with paralyzing and hypnotic effects are often used in medical practice there.

(If I remember correctly, I heard that there were people called sorcerers in Karzol huh.)

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From what she heard, these sorcerers are people who not only can tell the future but can also cast curses to kill people and it seems that such incense is being used by them as well.

Since Olivia was completely uninterested in these terrifying incense, she simply skipped over the part describing them to the chapter that describes incense that gives a relaxing and beauty-related effect. Among them were the ones Cyrus bought her the other day.

When Olivia was entranced by the book, Taylor finally woke up and let out a long sigh the moment she found Olivia reading a book first thing in the morning.

“Ojou-sama, you turned in so late last night, what are you doing being up so early.”

“I just woke up though.”

“Seriously, you will be heading to the ruins again today because of that matter right? What would you do if you collapsed because you pushed your body?”

‘That matter’ in this case is about Tiana’s escape last night.

Since she wasn’t allowed to follow Cyrus and Alan to the ruins last night, she intends to go with them today. She doesn’t want to be the only one left out of the loop after all.

After that, the two had a small talk while Taylor helped Olivia get ready for today’s trip.

When Olivia headed down to the restaurant downstairs for breakfast, Cyrus and Alan were already there. Perhaps they couldn’t get enough sleep last night, both of them looked sleepy.

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“Good morning.”

When Olivia sits down at the table, Cyrus, who was drinking coffee, calls a waiter to the table. It seems that the two didn’t order their meal before Olivia came down.

Taylor is eating with Colin and his colleague at a different table so Cyrus ordered breakfast for three before stifling a small yawn.

“Did you come back late yesterday?”

“Yeah. I didn’t plan to come back so late but traveling in the night took us longer compared to daytime you see.”

“I’ve asked them to tighten the security around the area but we probably can’t conduct a full-scale search until Count Zackfil’s soldiers are here too.”

“I don’t really want to make a big deal out of it but there’s no way around it I guess.”

While they were talking among themselves, the waiters served their breakfast. The set meal consists of croissants, broad bean pottages, scrambled eggs, and cut fruits for dessert. This amount of food is more than enough for Olivia but it doesn’t seem to be enough for the two princes who couldn’t get back here until late last night so Alan asked the waiter for an additional serving of mashed potatoes and hamburg steak while Cyrus asked for a sandwich.

“Is Princess Florencia still feeling unwell?”

Princess Florencia and Legion are nowhere to be seen. She has been sick since yesterday so if she still hasn’t felt better now then they might have to call a doctor to examine her.

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“It seems so. I invited her to join us for breakfast but I was told that she’s still feeling unwell so she will be eating in her room.”

Alan shrugged. From a standpoint, Princess Florencia is Alan’s potential fiancee. Alan himself wants to avoid this engagement but he can’t just ignore her. Besides, his mother, Queen Barbara is quite enthusiastic about this engagement so Alan seems to have to deepen his friendship with the princess regardless of his will. He probably has a complicated feeling about the whole situation since he has to care even though he wants to just leave her alone.

“Should we arrange a doctor for her, Your Highness?”

“I was told that she will be okay since Legion is with her.”

“…….does that person have medical knowledge?”

“Who knows? He probably has.”

Alan disinterestedly answered before biting into his hamburg steak.

“Aniue, wouldn’t it be bad to leave her alone? If something happens to the princess then….”

“There’s nothing I can do since the person herself doesn’t want our help though.”

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What Cyrus said is right but it is as Alan said. They can’t just arrange a doctor for her without her consent.

Alan seemed a little frustrated by the situation. After all, with his ex-fiancee who escaped from the excavation site lurking around and Princess Florencia who was forced onto him, he just can’t help it.

“If the princess still hasn’t felt better after we return from the ruins today then I will go check on her for you, Your Highness.”

It wouldn’t be appropriate for the two princes to enter the room where Princess Florencia is sleeping in so with her being of the same sex, it should be okay for Olivia to visit her.

When Olivia proposed so, Alan gave her his consent.

“Right. Sorry but I’m counting on you. We have another matter to worry about right now so if the situation worsens it might be better if we return to the capital early.”

Rather, with everything that is going on, Alan actually wants to just tell the princess to go back to her country.

If they can’t quickly resolve Tiana’s case, Alan’s irritation might actually explode after all.

(His quick temper still hasn’t changed it seems……)

Thinking so, Olivia dispiritedly dropped her shoulders.

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