Episode 18: Time Bomb

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『Haaa—, we’re stuck with Kogane this week…..』

It’s a sigh of complaint heard very often. Even Kogane understood from listening, that he was shunned. It was just a little while ago but he didn’t believe he would fall this far, when considering his previous circumstance.

But of course, just because his treatment fell to the bottom of the earth, doesn’t actually mean his ability did as well. Kogane wields a diverse attribute in spirit magic and can still easily devastate any monster. To add to it, he can use a multitude of supporting magic such as 《Wind Barrier》, 《Aqua Heal》, to name a few. If he’s put into a party, he can fill in spots as he can moderately use his magic.

However, he can hear everyone giggle while in the midst of his aria.

And frankly, they give off an attitude of refusing recovery magic.

It’s like we’re back in middle school, as Kogane thought.

How did this happen? It’s something he knows. He’s paying for his consequences. Reaping what he sowed. And yet, Kogane feels bitter about his current environment. He’s strong. He’s useful. You guys are no match to me.

Alternatively, he thought of using his maximum powered 《Fire Ball》 to burn them all. He could not put his thoughts into action, as the brakes of good will and the feeling of guilt stopped him. To put it simply, he’s fearing of what he’ll part with.

Being divided into groups because of Ryuzaki, was hell. Even going labyrinth exploring was hell.

It’s like PE lessons all over again. That PE teacher couldn’t read the mood and told the students to 『Form a group of twos』. Who would seriously work with him? He would rather, since things became like this, explore the dungeon by himself since it would be the better idea.

Today’s hell also ended.

Without speaking a single word to his party member, Kogane returned to the base. The squad leader wrote a small report and went towards the strategy room where Ryuzaki is in.

“Ah, welcome back everyone”

While returning to the base, a blonde girl, while holding a mop, cheerfully greeted them. Kogane became perplexed. Was there such a girl in this class?

The other male students in succession replied 『We’re back, Serena-san』『Is it your turn to clean today? 』and other words of greetings. Seems that her name is Serena. Ah right, she’s the girl who recently came to their base, the 『Transfer Student』 from a different world.

Serena, while using the damp mop and wiping the floor,〝bechaa bechaa〟, stared in Kogane’s direction.

“That’s…..An Elf isn’t it?”

“Ee,…….A, Aa…….”

One of the member of the group, Shimeji (Matango/Living mushroom), stood in front of Kogane while scratching his umbrella like head.

Looks like Serena doesn’t know much about Kogane. She must not have been disclosed about Kumosaki’s treatment but the entire class has already known about it. Thereafter, Kogane’s evaluation of him has become of a 〝lecher〟. There’s also the matter where he sexually harassed Sakuma too.

“I, became accustomed to everyone’s figure already but in spite of that, I still welcome a human-like figure more…..”

“Heeey, Serena-san!”

While Serena was smiling, she was scolded by a female voice behind her.

“Don’t soak the hallway like that! If you do it like that, everyone will slip! It needs to be smoother!”

“Eh, ah, sor, please forgive me……..”


It’s a short fairy type monster. It’s Kikino. While she was pouring complaints onto Serena, she finally noticed the existence of Kogane. 『Ah…….』 she leaked, but immediately glared at him, grabbed Serena’s arm and dragged her back into the inner hallway. Serena’s hands wildly floundered about while being dragged.

“Oi, Kogane”

Since they’ve now gone further inside, Shimeji finally spoke to Kogane.

“W, what……..?”

“Don’t approach Serena-san from here on out”

His voice was roughly cautious. The other party member carried the same attitude as well.

“Y, yea…..”

He said while nodding.

“Kogane, “

And then the squad leader, Ichiro (Gilman), came back. He called out to Kogane and placed his hands onto Kogane’s shoulder.

“W, what?”

“You’ve been called by the class rep”

“Ryuzaki huh……”

Is it another boring sermon or something again? Or rather is it about being driven out to explore the outside, is something he greatly would find comfort in. Kogane trudgingly walked towards the Strategy room.


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A few days later, the new group assignment sheet has been posted in the dining hall. The students first looked to see where Kogane is placed at, however today he isn’t placed in any group at all. Instead, he’s placed on『Office Work』together with Harao and Ryuzaki in the Strategy Room. Voices of relief and vexation leaked from both sides among the class. It’s quite blatantly a demotion in personnel affairs but they saw that matter as comforting.

In one way it’s an excuse but they only mutually grumbled about it, without letting the content ripen into an argument.

And in a separate location from there, Serena stood at attention and saluted Kyousuke’s group.

“Today I am assigned to be part of your team! Inept Serena! Prepared to give it my all! At your service!”

Student number 41. Transfer student Serena has been publicly assigned to team useless.

Kyousuke recalled the conversation he had with Ryuzaki in the Strategy Room yesterday.

“Utsurogi…. Serena’s terrible…..”

He covered his face with both his hands and soon after, took out reports from the base personnel.
『While mopping the floor, she spreads even more dirt – Kikino』『I think Serena-san is not fitted for sewing. She took 5 hours to thread a needle -Kumosaki』『With Serena-san here, my work load increased twice -Sugiura』『Please go visit Gordon the 2nd’s gravesite -Kano』1 And so on. You could say that Serena’s the perpetuator in all cases.

Incidentally, from looking at the written reports, both Kumosaki and Kikino has been relieved of their duty as exploration members. They’re placed as clothing related jobs and base cleaning jobs respectively. Being ex members of Kogane’s group, its somewhat better than being placed into an exploration party while being ashamed.

It became as clear as day with Serena’s clumsiness and recently the entire base personnel seems fed up. Well, the exploration members’ reception of her seems, as usual, like nothing bad. However, when asked which group to take her along, they began pointing out disapproval. She’s baggage as a front-line personnel since she’ll need to be taken back to the base with just a single tackle from a horned rabbit.

Ryuzaki’s worn out face is exactly like a convenience store’s manager, who’s worried about scheduling part timers’ shift. Of course, there’s always a right person for the right job. Ryuzaki, having understood that, thought of assigning her to where she thought she’ll excel at. And so he proceeded into interviewing her, asking what she think she specialize in. The outcome:

“I can do everything equally!”

She replied brimming with confidence.

“Saying she can do anything at any level and yet, it’s still hopeless……”

How and why was that Serena even selected as an investigation member in the first place? The enigma only intensifies further.

And with that said and done, her responsibility fell to Kyousuke’s 〝Team Useless〟 group. So it shall be. Since the Wilderness Worm’s appearance, their pretext of going out of the dungeon has dissolved. If she were to go explore the dungeon’s shallow area to gather shabby items, even then the base personnel could just follow her in rotation. Well, something like that.

Ryuzaki, initially didn’t want to increase Kyousuke’s burden, finally came to that conclusion. Thus accomplishing the open introduction of Serena entering the useless side.

In related news, the students’ discussion did not revolve around Kogane’s assignment alone, but included Kyousuke’s proposal too. After consulting with Ryuzaki about the job, Kyousuke recommended Kogane for it. As a result, there’d be no one neglecting him and he can possibly do his job with enthusiasm.

“Eeetone, I’m Rin! Himemizu Rin yo! This here is Utsurogi Kyousuke-kun and Hino Akira-kun”

Without losing to Serena’s energetic introduction, Rin introduced herself and the group with greater vigor. Serena, staring blankly, tilted her head sideways.


“Ah, is it an odd name?”

“Ah, no…… odd things are odd but his name is the same as my younger brother…..”

“Eeh! Similar to your younger bro! That’s interesting!!”

Identical name? To himself?

Hearing those words, Kyousuke glimpsed towards Akira. He had no particular reaction to this.

Serena’s brother is a Kyousuke. Although it’s a bit strange, this world could also have that as a universal name as well. However, that’s a bit odd so to speak.

Speaking of which, they really don’t understand much of this world and no one has asked anything informational yet from her. Seems like in regards to the classmates, she’s viewed more of as 〝Transfer Student Serena〟 rather than 〝This world’s clue〟. At first, Sakuma questioned Serena but stopped earlier than scheduled, with her reasoning being that she couldn’t exert anymore pressure.

“Alrighty, then guys! Today we’ll be shelling the shrimps”

As breakfast was over, many of the students formed their groups and left to begin their hunt. Meanwhile, Sugiura brought out the bowls filled with shrimp. Kyousuke knew why she’s so hyped. She’s giving off the feeling of “secretly” eating the husk again.

“I am worried about Serena-san, but well, since she’s together with Utsurogi-kun’s group it’ll be fine. Thanks a bunch—“

Saying so, her hands nimbly moved while she returned back to the kitchen.

“I see now. An Amikiri shrimp”

While picking one shrimp up, Serena nods her head. Kyousuke asked

“Amikiri shrimp?”

“It’s a crustacean type monster often found living near sources of water. This one’s a youngling. If it grows into an adult, it’ll grow wings, would be able to fly momentarily and would look for other sources of water in order to produce eggs. Since they often cut away fishermen’s nets, they’ve been a hassle for the fishing industries officials.”

“In our hometown, 〝Amikiri〟 are known to be called Youkai. There’s also a pun together about shrimps and nets. It’s a crustacean youkai that has scissors-like hands.”


Akira supplemented their information as Rin dazed in admiration. However, Kyousuke knew. Akira knew such miscellaneous information partly because of watching SFX show2 . Knowing that Amikiri’s name is a minor youkai, Akira most likely got that while watching the sfx tv programs and also searched up the joke as a result of it. (Think Kamen Rider/ Power rangers)write reference

“You’re quite knowledgeable with the Wilderness Worm too; however, are monsters abilities such common knowledge?“

Kyousuke asked while peeling the husk off.

“E, ahh, no. I am……. I have no other redeeming features beside classroom lectures”

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Serena covered her face slightly in embarrassment. Her method of peeling is inelegant, with her first attempt making the shrimp’s body looking like a splat from a roadkill. Currently, Rin is moderately lending her hand in assistance.

“I turned 16 as of this year. However, when Father was around this age, he was the best magician. Mother also excelled in the sword and she was a knight capable of destroying a large army in one swing.”

“With one, one swing…..large army….?”

“If it’s a distinguished knight like that, then of course that amount is nothing. And yet, I can’t even do that…..”

By any possibility, is the information they’re listening to, something akin to being important?

Kyousuke and the rest have yet to fully understand the wasteland. But if magic exists in this world, then of course knights ought to too. It’s highly probable that this is like the typical fantasy world. Just imaging it being like in the games and manga, then it’s quite possible that someone could easily brush off hundreds of soldiers with their “excessive” battle prowess.

The students all changed into monsters, maybe even reincarnated. Thanks to that, they didn’t know how they succeeded in survival when they barely knew the wastelands like knowing their left and right. Many students became unconsciously aware that they obtained more body prowess. Yet is it possible that the people of this world even exceed in that?

“I see now”

Akira nodded while Kyousuke remained silent.

“It’s to my understanding that you felt ashamed of that, so you dedicated yourself to your studies”

“Yes. I even thought to volunteer for the west investigation party…..But it was useless. I can’t even peel a single shrimp……”

Downhearted, Serena looked at her handiwork, where the figure of the Amikiri Shrimp’s body became grotesquely disfigured. Her clumsiness has no bounds.

“That ain’t true Serena-san!”

“B, but Utsurogi-kun! This! I can’t even peel the husk! Rather, this isn’t even a husk anymore! More like I tore it apart!”

“If you say it like that, look at Akira. Even if he lower his output, he still ends up grilling the shrimp”

“Its true! The extra fat that drips down is soo delicious!”


Akira being a Wisp, can’t hold anything closer than 5 centimeters to his body. On top of which he has a handy method where he can mimic peeling the shrimp. By raising the temperature, just like that the shrimp becomes grilled over an open fire. He always puts up airs of being the cool type even when making a mistake, Rin went as far as to mutter 『Ooh…..』.

“Fuun. Even though I’m a Wisp, it was a mistake to put me into doing this. That’s Ryuzaki and Sugiura’s fault.”

Akira, making excuses, Peh expels the grilled shrimp for his body. Paa as Rin catches it and it begins to fizzle for digestion. Serena’s interest bloomed as she observed the action.

“May I ask another question?”

“Hm—? Wha—at— is it?”

“As far as I know, these several, no. I’ve never thought that a great variety of monsters would live in unity together. Even more, that they could speak the human language…..”

Aah, Kyousuke knew it’d come to that.

Judging from the goblins at the heavy cruiser to the skeleton in the dungeon, it seems that common monsters tend to stick to their own brethren, or even species, and tend to gather. But it seems mainstream to act independently. In Kyousuke’s community, the monsters living in symbiosis seems to be too strange of a thing.

“It’s not just monsters alone. There’s also seems to be an elf here too”

“Aah, that’s……..”


Akira restrained Kyousuke from speaking. He carelessly didn’t take in consideration of what he was going to say. He thought it was something like that. Sure, it may be a problem without Ryuzaki’s permission if he carelessly chatters about, but not saying anything would be even more insincere.

“We can’t be really detailed but we know nothing about this world at all”

“Nothing at all?”

Rin cutting in as Serena tilts her head.

“Yup. Fwoosh and all of a sudden we became aware and could speak words to each other. That’s why we lived in unity together. But because we don’t know anything about this world, you came alone and we wanted to ask you a lot of things”

“I see……”

You’d think that coming from a different world and explaining how they were former humans would be simple, but it’s rather complicated. Compared to that, Rin’s explanation is better so to speak.

They’ve yet to hear anything detailed so far. How the humans lived, where they lived, how powerful they are and other things. Will there be land to accept Kyousuke and the others. And if possible, Kyousuke would like to ask the younger brother Kyousuke questions too.

However, being monsters, Kyousuke hesitated as it would be unnatural to investigate too deep.

Serena’s a human. They are monster. If he were to not be reserved, once she hears about such a thing then it wouldn’t be strange if it stirred unnecessary suspicion.

Well, looking at her personality, this seem to be a needless anxiety.

“Ah, there you are! Ooooi, Utsurogi, Hinoo—“

They turned their heads in the direction where the voice was coming from.

It the twins, Ichirou(Gilman) and Shiro(Mermaid), with the voice coming from the older brother.

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“We’re told to help with moving Kuremori’s materials”

“Got it. Let’s go Akira”

“Ah geez. It’s all odd jobs….”

Akira sighed as he left together with Kyousuke.

“We’ll be leaving Serana-san to you Himemizu”

“Leave it to mee—!”

“Ah, Utsurogi-san!”

Serena called out as Kyousuke was about to leave the dining hall.

“Does Utsurogi’s 〝Kyou〟 is the same resound and〝suke〟having a similar meaning of help?”

“Nope, 〝Kyo〟meaning respectfully 〝Suke〟 meaning mediating but…..”

“Ah, is that so! It’s different by just that!”

Serena wide smile covered her face. However, Kyousuke, Rin and Akira felt that the meaning of the words she spoke was different.

Her Kyousuke’s name, 〝響丞〟3 character had a different meaning. Serena’s younger brother’s godparents are Japanese natives.

She, along with the things from the heavy cruiser, are quite likely a link to this world.
Kyousuke nodded simultaneously with Akira, as they walked out the dining hall.


“What’d you think about that 〝Kyousuke〟 Akira?”

Kyousuke asked as the words itself is caught in a strange sense.

“Probably the same thing as you. 〝Her〟 hometown, if there is a Japanese person or rather if they existed”

“Maybe it’s those heavy cruiser personnel?”

“That’s also a possibility. Even more so the reason why we shouldn’t rush to get rid of her.”

The two were carrying a large scrap of iron from the lower dungeon floor. It seems like it’s the remains of a metalloid golem from the 14th floor. If they were to process it, then, so to speak, it could likely repair the machine guns. It could also be recycled for ammunition, so this is a lucky break since it’s considerably advancing their goals.

Kyousuke and Akira continued pushing the large cart. If they were to combine, then it’d be easier but nonetheless they continued.

“Speaking of which, Akira about the fusion”

“Aah, what about it”

“Not talking about being fully in Full Cross, but it won’t be no trouble just fusing with Himemizu right?”


Akira sunk into silence.

“……Don’t tell me you didn’t realize that Akira?”

“…..It’s not that. Sure your reasoning is sound but”

“So that means you didn’t realize then”

Generally, SFX hero (super hero) would often transform their form as a standard. By conventional standards too, depending on the time and place, they would then change into their strongest form so by no means is that a bad influence. Akira, by default, is a thoughtful person; however, half of thoughts have been contaminated by Bandai4 so he’d occasionally be guilty of careless thinking.

“Well, Washio and the other saw during that time with Full Cross being engaged mid battle. They might have heard Himemizu’s voice too, so if words were to leak out about me and Himemizu being capable of fusing, then people would have absurd imagination.”

“A, aah. True. I remember saying something like that”


They finally brought the large iron scrap into Kuremori’s workshop.

The air in the room stank awfully due to the oil. Kyousuke attempted to pinch his nose, only to end up thrusting his finger, lodging it inside his nostril. He forgot he had no nose. Just like his eyes, he became accustomed to that feeling.

Kuremori is located in the middle of the room, surrounded by piles of junk and was inspecting the rifles. Turning his head to see them, he pointed to a corner of the room. Implying to leave it there.

“Seriously, what kind of attitude is that when we brought it all the way here”

Akira muttered his complaint.

“Calm down Akira.“

Plastered on the wall were various blueprints. It’s not entirely just the rifles and machine guns. There’s a lot of large scale things there too. Seems like when Kyousuke was called in yesterday by Ryuzaki, it was about this. As Kyousuke and Akira was about to leave the workshop, he called out

“Keep at it Kuremori. Seems like you’re in a high spirit”

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Kuremori glanced towards him and waved his right hand in response. His unsociability rivals even Akira.

“Kyousuke, I have a relative understanding of what you’re thinking, but I’m not that introverted”

“Nah, you’re about the same”

They frivolously talked while walking through the corridor.

They left Rin with Serena. Since it’s just peeling shrimp, no problem should come out from that but the possibility still exists. A portion of the students have already begun to gradually shun Serena. Since knowing she’s connected to new information, they’d have to avoid it from progressing further. It’s also essential information for Ryuzaki.

Kyousuke continued onward, while thinking of such things.

『Oi, stop screwing around!』

They heard a scream coming from the direction of the dining hall.

“Is that Harui’s voice?”

Harui Yuka, one of the queen’s follower. Kyousuke muttered to himself with Akira nodding in agreement.

“I have a bad feeling. Let’s hurry”

The two slipped through the crowd that gathered in the dining hall. Though many have already left to explore, there was still a number of other students who became curious and gathered about. Just looking at things now, its what Kyousuke initially thought would happen, where Harui stood in front of Serena with a menacing look.

Behind Harui is Kikino and Kumosaki. Next to Serena is Rin, who seems to be protecting her. In Kumosaki’s hand is a torn sailor uniform. She’s in charge of sewing clothes, where she painstakingly measures each individual students size to create their 〝uniform〟. That has been torn.

“C, calm down Yuka-chan. Serena-chan didn’t do that with any ill intent at all……..”

“Even without any ill intent, nothing good came out of it!? Hasn’t she been troublesome the moment she came here!”

Harui’s anger is like a raging fire. Well, it isn’t strange that a student’s gradual anger hasn’t blown up yet. Specifically, the girls since they could barely tolerate the Serena like the boys.

This dining hall also serves as Kumosaki’s workshop. Serena, while trying to help Kumosaki with her production, accidentally tore the work mid-completion. That caused Harui’s anger to explode, or so Kyousuke thought. Well, Kyousuke thought it’s probably a good chance they’ve been waiting for something like this.

“O, Oi Harui…… Forgive her, Serena-san hasn’t even been here that long…..”

A single man stepped forward, Shimeji the mushroom head, as he timidly faced Harui’s raging anger.

“You bastards, it’s cause of your attitude like that, causing things to escalated this far! How has this person even been helpful so far!”

At Harui’s word, the class became rustled. That’s a bad sign. However, Rin continued protecting Serena with resolution.

“If it’s being useless, then we’re also the same, Yuka-chan”

“Haa!? You……….”

As she was about to continue, she became silent. Right, she knew that the girl, Rin, is 〝Useless〟 as well.

She knows but wouldn’t dare say so. It’s probably because Akai forbade saying such words. Rin played such underhanded offense. Cleverly spoken too. Harui, upon understanding that, would now have to handle Rin together with Serena, if classifying them as useless, to which she couldn’t skillfully sort her feelings.

“That’s right Harui. We’re also useless too then”

Kyousuke said, shoveling through the thick crowd to get through and stood in front.

“Y, you’re not as useless as her……right?”

“Don’t try and pull the class feet under their spot now”

Even if he said so, Kyousuke thought that he’s shamelessly doing exactly that.

What currently rules the class is the 〝mood〟. Neither Ryuzaki or Kogane. Quite possibly, what happened to the surrounding is due to what’s know as 〝peer pressure〟. If someone lightly pushes another person’s back, it’ll open like a dam with streams of opinion flowing. Though it’s an uphill battle against it, they can’t help but fight it.

The current state. Everyone present in the class, Harui, Serena and even Kyousuke’s group just observed. It’s probable that after this event, the class 〝mood〟 would change into something strange again. That’s why Kyousuke can’t be defeated now. He existed in the lowest class caste but has the confidence to assert his dominance in defying against Harui, who exist in the upper class caste.

“I was just on my way here but Harui, was that uniform meant to be worn by you?”

“T, that’s right! This, she …..”

“Then you still have lingering affection for your high school life right”

Kyousuke understood that since everyone seriously thought about returning to their former world, it one of the root causes of the class’ mood to deteriorate.

But everyone reminisced about their high school life, or rather their 〝Human〟 life.

For that reason, the human Serena became a 〝Transfer Student〟 and even going as far as obtaining an attendance number.

“Utsurogi, what you’re saying……”

“Serena’s birthplace, the East Kingdom, perhaps a 〝Japanese〟 person might exist there”

Kyousuke’s word were like a domino, causing a chain reaction within the class.

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