Episode 26 — Despair and Hope

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~ Part 2 ~

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“Ah, it’s a hit!? It’s a hit, isn’t it!?”

On the bridge, with a telescope in one hand, Ryuzaki raised his voice. Certainly, flames rising from the wight king’s body and it seemed to slowly fall down. It seemed that the 20.3 cm naval turrets in Kogane’s memo had given a fruitful result without fail. It seemed likely for the first and second shots to miss for this kind of thing, but it never hurt to hit in a fluke.

However, as he had imagined, it seemed to have become a fairly large-scale battle. It was not a mistake to have launched the heavy cruiser ahead of schedule.
There seemed to be quite a problem in the rigidity of the armor, because they forced the impossible, it immediately started rattling everywhere, since the beginning of last night almost without any break, everyone was in a condition without any good night sleep, even so they managed to make it in time, so this judgment was not a mistake.

Last night at the base, all the students of Jindai high-school 2nd year class 4 had boarded this ship without missing a single person. By the way, the goblins and skeletons were also with them. They had been working as laborers.

“Class rep, I found Utsurogi and Hino. They are at the feet of the Wight King we shot down earlier.”

At the report of Nekomiya, he looked into the telescope again. It was just as she said. Certainly, there was a figure of Utsurogi cladding in flames. Rin and Hakuba, as well as Selena were missing.

“I will leave the steering command to Gofunkawahara.”
“Eh, me?”

Ryuzaki, saying that much, tried to leave the bridge. Gofunkawahara while catching the thrown memo of Kogane in one hand showed a little puzzle.

“Go help, Ryuzaki.”

Akai, who had been polishing her nails uninterestedly, said such a thing. Ryuzaki stopped his feet.
Next to Akai was Sakuma, and then Inugami was sitting in a place a little away. Inugami was still glaring at Akai as usual. It would be a lie to say that he did not hesitate to put those girls here all together like this, nevertheless they were still classmates all the same. Besides, it was thanks to Akai that they could found themselves here like this.

Sakuma also asked with a slightly worried tone.

“Ryuzaki-kun, are you really okay?”
“Ahh. Just a few hours ago I was able to «do» it. I also do not intend to continue imposing on Utsurogi and everyone forever.”

Saying so, Ryuzaki once again jumped out of the bridge and ran straight to the deck. Skeletons and goblins on the battery, as well as some students waved to Ryuzaki.
Ryuzaki dragged his fighting spirit from the depth of his heart while running over the deck toward the bow. A hot sensation, like boiling blood ran through his whole body. Ryuzaki Kunihiro, when he was transferred here as a dragon-kin, the ancient power engraved deep within his genes woke up.

As the class rep, he had a lot of friends to support. He did not intend to impose all the fight to Kyousuke and the others. On Ryuzaki’s back, great wings decisively unfolded.
I’m joining up. Before I arrived, please be safe.
With a sufficient run-up, Ryuzaki’s body leaped into the sky.

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A splendid dragon, 10 meters in overall-length, took off from the deck of the heavy cruiser.


“What, what kind of thing!? No way that guy … did he fail!?”

Recognizing the appearance of heavy cruiser stopped at a remote place, Red Wing revealed dismay.
That guy, was probably referring to the fellow who attacked the base. Kyousuke understood. His classmates had succeeded in escaping. He didn’t know what kind of means or sacrifices had been used, but at the very least they had avoided the crisis of annihilation.
As Akira had said, more than half of the earlier conversation was a bluff. However to see that complete confidence and the complete panic now, the devil had to be estimating the not so distance «probably» future. And with his prediction overturned, he was now disturbed.

“What on earth…! That guy, there’s no way he…!”
“It seems that your expectations has gone amiss.”

Akira muttered fearlessly. The black lightning was still restraining their movement here. Kyousuke decided to say, even though it was still too early to bluff.

“Isn’t it very embarrassing to say such things so triumphantly?”
“Shut up! Do not forget that my situation is still favorable here!”

When Red Wing raised one of his arms, the fallen wight kings slowly rose up. Although they were damaged to the extent of missing a few arms, but the destructive power their large bodies could draw out was still plenty enough.
However, the wight king who just got up was once again buried on the ground by another shadow attacking from the sky.


A telling blow from the sky. It was not only the wight king but also the imps and ghouls that lined up were crushed beneath the giant by the impact of the landing. The length of the body was 5 meters. Including the long extended tail, it was 10 meters or so, it was the dragon itself that was often told in legends.
Before the eyes of Kyousuke and the knights who were completely dumbfounded, the dragon drive a breath to the wight king at point-blank range. The flame exploded, and in a blink of an eye its body had completely ceased to function. The two remaining wight wings as well were also mowed down with a powerful tail sweep.

The tail grazed the body of the red winged devil, at that moment he slightly clicked his tongue, and the restraint was released for an instant. Taking that chance, Kyousuke and Akira got out of the control of Red Wing.

“Utsurogi, Hino, you are all right!”

Although the voice emitted from the large body was much lower, it was a voice familiar to Kyousuke.

“It’s me! Above all else, it seems like I was on time.”

Saying so, Ryuzaki planted his four feet on the ground, shielded Kyousuke and Akira as well as the knight order and glared at the red winged devil.

“I heard that dragonewt that could completely dragonize has reduced in number…. After all this guy is also Phase 2!”

Red Wing shouted truly annoyed. At the same time, a roaring sounded at a place far away.
It was not due to bombardment from the heavy cruiser. When he turned his line of sight, the ground got grandly scooped up, and mountains of imps and ghouls piled up. A few hundred meters from here. It was the mountains that knight general Carol and a few skillful knights following her had built up.

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Two Red Wings had already started a battle with Carol and company. They seemed to be restraining her with a circle of small fries. Probably they planned to crush her once she had been exhausted.

“Tsk…! Although it’s bad, I do not have time to be your partner!”

Is he planning to reinforce those two? In front of them, Red Wing spread his wings.

“You won’t escape!”

Ryuzaki fluttered his big wings, trying to pursue Red Wing. At that time, wind pressure of a level that Kyousuke and the others could not withstand rushed over them. Akira, who seemed to be almost extinguished, screamed 『As ever, that guy can’t read the atmosphere』 was understandable.
However, even the difference in body size of more than 10 times had little effect on Red Wing, the heel drop that had knocked down Kyousuke, was delivered to Ryuzaki this time. Ryuzaki flinched for a movement and he was instantly shot down by the black energy released from both arms.


Kyousuke group and the knights was leaving the scene in a hurry so that they would not be crushed by the falling Ryuzaki’s gigantic body. Together with a roar, Ryuzaki’s body rolled up a sand cloud. Red Wing while breathing out, glared over here, then spread his wings and headed toward Carol.
Perhaps Carol also gradually accumulated fatigue, her movement was slightly dull against the two Red Wings.

“Ryuzaki, are you okay?”

He was worried about Carol, but for the moment he asked the class rep who came to help.

“Ahh, because my body is tough.”
“What on earth is going on? The heavy cruiser is moving faster than planned, and I heard there was also an attack to the base…”
“That is…, let’s talk about it after calming down.”

Ryuzaki slowly raised his body. Thanks to the great efforts of the knights, the surrounding ghouls had been wiped out.


Just then, as he heard a familiar voice again, he turned around and saw Rin and Hakuba running toward him. No, Rin was not running. She was crawling hard.

“Utsurogi-kun … it’s good that you’re safe … uwa~a!? Huge!?”
“Rin, Hakuba, it’s good that the two of you are also unharmed.”
“Ryu–Ryuzaki-kun! You have become so huge! I feel like I cannot talk about people, though!”

Rin’s pace was the usual pace. Her tone went out of kilter, then it returned back to normal, it was such a feeling.
Hakuba used recovery magic to the knights who had wounds covering their whole bodies. He was chanting that embarrassing aria in a loud voice, moreover, he did it in high spirit. The knights also floated a bitter smile, they took up the unsheathed sword in front of their chest and was standing upright at attention. It might be a pose with a meaning similar to salute.

As Ryuzaki had said, the two of them were all right. Kyousuke breathed a little relief.

“The problem is after this.”

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Ryuzaki said, raising his eyes to look at Red Wing heading toward Carol group.

“That female knight seems to be strong, but…”
“Ahh, that’s Selena-chan’s shishou-san.”
“Ehh…, is that so…”

Speaking of which, Ryuzaki doesn’t even know that Selena is a princess. Since it will be confusing to explain it here, let’s keep quiet.

“The strength of the knight general does not matter. What matters is that, inflicting a grievous wound on Kyousuke, making a fool out of us.”
“Doesn’t it feel unbearable if you don’t even give him a punch?”

Hakuba who finished putting on recovery magic, came crashing in and said.

“Well I agree as well.”

For the time being, the opinions were agreed to the direction of going after Red Wing and hit one blow. But what should I do? Kyousuke had no idea. Now that Ryuzaki had become more than a match against the wight kings, he was doubtlessly had about the same strength as Full Cross, even so he was no challenge against that devil, and was unceremoniously knocked down.

Kyousuke didn’t have enough power to drive one punch into that devil.
Incidentally recalling that he had to endure the restraint of Red Wing just now, bitter feelings surfaced.

Even if I want to become strong, I can not become strong. My power is overwhelmingly lacking.

“Utsurogi-kun, let’s combine!”

Rin said that as she bounced her whole body. The knights who didn’t understand the meaning of her words, was startled and looked at her.

“That’s right. Himemizu is better than I am. Kyousuke’s skeleton is also found to have become quite sturdy and can withstand the body of current Himemizu.”

Akira also nodded.

“Utsurogi-kun, you want to be strong, right? Once you lost to that red winged devil, and Kogane-kun was kidnapped, you thought that you wanted to be strong? You have to defeat that, you thought so, didn’t you?”

In response to Rin’s words, Kyousuke involuntarily looked a Akira. It was a feeling that even he himself only knew vaguely. To be able to grasp such a thing, he could only thought of Akira, but apparently looking at his attitude, it didn’t seem like Akira leaked it to Rin.

“Because I said I want to become Utsurogi-kun’s strength. I will lend my power! Because human, they cannot become stronger by themselves.”
“We’re not humans though.”
“No, we’re humans.”

To Kyousuke who tried to return with a classic joke, Rin firmly declared so.

“Even though I look like this, even though I was said to be a triangular corner, I think of myself as a human, and Utsurogi-kun as well, I think of you as a human.”
“But even if I borrow Himemizu’s power here, it doesn’t mean that I’ve become stronger…”

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“Somehow, I do not quite understand,”

Ryuzaki interposed.

“Something like that, everyone should share it. I do not think that only Utsurogi must be strong.”
“Yes yes. Everyone gets stronger little by little, and that power will pile up. In that case it will be okay as everyone works hard little by little.”

Rin said such a thing and moved a little closer to the feet of Kyousuke.

“And, I think something like that was said when I was comforted by Utsurogi-kun.”

Kyousuke muttered and looked at his own hands.

In the first place, this body itself was strengthened by Akai’s blood. He was made aware of how tiny his own power really was. However, according to Rin and Ryuzaki’s words, apparently it didn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter if it is borrowed power. It’s no problem if everyone piles up their power little by little, and with that, manage to get through.

Kyousuke clenched his fists and said to Rin.

“I understand, thank you. Himemizu, let’s combine.”

∗Pyokonto∗ bounced Rin. Furthermore, as it was Kyousuke looked at Ryuzaki.

“Ryuzaki, I cannot fly in the sky because I cannot become Full Cross. Please give me a ride.”
“Ahh, I don’t mind.”

The problem was that he didn’t know how much fight they had in the combined state with Rin against that devil as an opponent. However, you got to do what you got to do.
From the body of Kyousuke who solidified his determination, Akira left.

“Although I also would like to hit that guy if possible, but I will give that role to Himemizu.”
“We will clean up the small fries together with Hakuba and the knights. Go at it freely, Kyousuke.”
“All right. Thank you.”

Akira cleared his throat, then after looking at Kyousuke and Rin, he said with a tense voice.

“The shout of combination is 『Stream · Cross』. Take care to match your timing.”

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