Episode 28 — Establishing Peace, Maybe…

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~ Part 1 ~

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After the battle at the fortress line was over, Jindai high-school 2nd year class 4 was thus formally welcomed by knight general Carol. Ryuzaki, the class rep, received thanks for escorting Selena back safely as well as thanks for lending their power to resolve the defensive battle at the fortress. As the representative of the class, Ryuzaki inquired about the means to return to the former world and consultation on establishing future cooperation, then like that 2nd year class 4 was taken to the royal capital.
Why had it come to that? Naturally speaking it was a matter of course. They saved the First Princess Selenade’s life and protected the fortress line which was the vital point of the western defense. So apparently, it seemed that Her Majesty the Queen wanted to personally express her gratitude.

For the time being, the heavy cruiser was placed next to the fortress line, and it was decided that the goblins, skeletons and Zeku were to be left behind, but from attendance number 1 Akai Asuka to attendance number 40 Washio Kouta, a total of 37 people, everyone was invited to the royal capital. [Notes]

And now, Kyousuke was in the royal palace together with Ryuzaki. The coming and going servants as well as the knights of royal guards were interestedly watching the dragon-kin and skeleton.
Ryuzaki’s teeth had been chattering in nervousness. It was very surprising that Ryuzaki Kunihiro who carried the nickname of King of Riajuu would shown such an attitude.

“Please, Utsurogi…! You only have to be next to me…! You’re staff officer Skeleton, right!?”
“A name like a senior executive of evil, I haven’t acknowledged it yet…”

Class Rep Demon King Ryuzaki had been waiting for the audience with Her Majesty the Queen like this. Even Ryuzaki with his communication skill, no, perhaps it was precisely because Ryuzaki had that communication skill that he was overly nervous before the audience with the Queen. If you think about it, they hadn’t heard anything about the her personality at all, the only information they knew is 『She was as strong as general Carol in her heyday』 so it might be an unreasonable story.
By the way, what happened to the King, he thought, but it seemed the King was still busy flying around outside the country dealing with diplomatic relations. If it was possible, I would have liked to meet His Majesty the King who seems to be Japanese, but well, that can be said to be impossible.

Well, it will be better if I loosen the tension a little bit, thinking so, Kyousuke decided to bring up the topic that he had been wanting to hear.

“Ryuzaki, how did you manage to make it in time in the end? Thanks to that we were saved though.”

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It was the battle at the fortress line a few days ago. Even though they received an attack more than 10 hours before that and yet everyone was safe and sound, moreover, the heavy cruiser which was supposed to take quite some more time before completion was moving as well, Kyousuke had many questions regarding these matters.
When asked that question, Ryuzaki seemed to have regained his composure somewhat, saying 『Ahh』 and scratched his forehead.

“First of all, about the heavy cruiser, it was truly by chance that we found an engine in good condition. So we were able to move it. Well, since its armor and such is in tatter, if we want to use it, we’re gonna have to fix it again.”
“Ahh, is that so. That was lucky.”

Kyousuke and the others walked for about 5 days on foot. Still, it wouldn’t reach 200 kilometers distance in a straight line. Assuming the speed of the heavy cruiser is about 40kph, they would arrive in 5 hours.

“Utsurogi group’s location was grasped by Asuka. I think it’s possibly one of the effects of «blood».”
“I see…”

Kyousuke looked at his own hand. Will this be one of the worse side effects? If it wasn’t only his location but Kyousuke’s every single move could be monitored by Akai, it might not be a good thing as expected.
However, as a result, we were saved this time, so well, it’s okay. Because the main battery was suddenly fired with good timing in the middle of the melee combat, the problems were solved before it could get worse.

The problem is after this.

“Speaking of which, everyone was able to escape safely.”
“That is…. Just, there are also various things I don’t understand.”

Ryuzaki’s story seemed to be quite roundabout.

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As Ryuzaki was working as the escort of the heavy cruiser, he perceived the attack of the red winged devil and hurriedly ran to the base. It was at that time that he activated Phase 2 «Complete Dragonization» for the first time, but speaking from the conclusion, the chance for him to fully wield that power did not present itself.
Returning to the base, he saw Sakuma and the others battling with numerous imps in the corridor. Ryuzaki then assisted them, sweeping away all the small fries and ran toward the dining room. According to Sakuma, the red winged devil had already broken through them and headed to the back of the corridor. Then screams were heard from the dining room, so they might have already been under attack, hearing that, Ryuzaki ran.

However, what Ryuzaki saw when he reached the dining room, was all of his classmates falling unconscious on the floor.
And then, in the middle of the room was the figure of the red winged devil with his heart gouged out, turning into ashes and disappeared.

“Eh? In other words, what does that mean?”

Kyousuke was confused and asked.

“Could it be that someone defeated the red winged devil? Someone among our classmates. Was that person also unconscious?”
“Perhaps they were pretending to be unconscious. If someone in our class has defeated Red Wing, then that person must be more powerful than Utsurogi group’s Full Cross, aren’t they? Since no one has ever showed such behavior before this, it means they’re hiding their power.”

If so, what is the merit of doing such a thing? I wonder if it’s because they hate to be conspicuous when discovered that they have such power. There’s not enough to come to a conclusion immediately. However, since there was no need for Ryuzaki to lie here, I can see that what he has just said should be the truth.
While Kyousuke was deep in thought, Ryuzaki once again uttered some astonishing words.

“Perhaps, Sakuma and Inugami are aware of who it is.”
“So if the two of them are aware of it, then 9 out of 10 it will be Asuka. But there’s no evidence.”

That, the lazy Queen of the class, Akai Asuka. The same Akai Asuka who shared her blood with Kyousuke and saved his life.
Kyousuke as well was aware of the power of her unique ability Bloody Corps. If it is Akai, then it’s not surprising even if she has that much power.

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“Speaking of which, it was only Akai and Inugami whose appearance didn’t changed.”
“Right. Doesn’t it feel a little strange?”
“Speaking of strange, it is certainly strange, but…. I cannot quite grasp what exactly it is even if you say strange.”
“Really…. Is that so—o.”

Ryuzaki held his forehead and sighed. Apparently, the seeds of trouble for Class Rep Demon King had increased once again.

Speaking of strange.
When that red winged devil saw Kyousuke’s stance of Jeet Kune Do, he said the words 『Playing Kung Fu Movies』. That man had knowledge of Kyousuke and the others’ home world. Could it be they were very same people who transferred Kyousuke and the others to this world?
I don’t know. In any case, the mystery is only deepening.

“Well, the talk about Asuka hiding her power, let’s not spreading it. It may become troublesome.”
“That’s fine and all but apart from that, it won’t be easy for you to go against Akai.”
“There’s no such things. Although hiding her power, Asuka is our classmates, our friends. And in this world, we have to work together. The matter with Asuka also, I plan to earnestly persuade her, in addition…”
“In addition?”
“I have come to understand recently that it’s hard for Asuka to refuse if you instigate Sakuma.”

It seems that this guy Ryuzaki has also understood a lot about how humans would move.

Even though we are not humans, as Kyousuke tried to tsukkomi to himself, he stopped. He recalled Rin’s words. She had clearly spoken these words to Kyousuke, 『We’re humans』.

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『We’re not humans though』 『Even though we’re not human beings』, these classic jokes of the class might possibly be just a bad way of hiding their resignation about the current circumstances. And, Kyousuke thought about it again. Thinking about it, it appears that Rin still doesn’t imitate that kind of things, so she hasn’t given up on being 『humans』 yet.

Since that was the case, Kyousuke had to think so as well.

“Ryuzaki-dono! Sorry to keep you waiting. I will now guide you to the audience venue!”

A bald old man who seemed to be the Prime Minister came walking to this place and said so. Behind him followed two heavy knights. Ryuzaki immediately straightened his back.

“I am sorry for the heavy security. I understand that you two are not evil…”
“No, it’s like holding an unsheathed sword. I think such measures are necessary.”

Ryuzaki smiled ∗nikori∗ with his ikemen lizard face and said so.
This guy. Where the heck did that nervousness just now go?

That said, he had already followed along to the royal palace. Kyousuke, together with Ryuzaki were guided by the old man. They proceeded on a red carpet to the massive doors which slowly opened, inside, on a place several steps higher were two thrones placing side-by-side. Although one of them was vacant, in the other one sat a blonde woman dressed in a blue dress. And then, Selena was standing in a place some distance away.
As Kyousuke group did not know the proper etiquette. For now, they simply stopped just before entering the audience room and bowed. It was something similar to (the etiquette of) kendo and judo lessons. The woman sitting in the throne made a momentary puzzled expression, but right after, she got up and returned a similar bow.

She is Selena’s mother. Kyousuke thought that they looked alike. Though the fact that a sword is placed next to the throne is a little startling.

“Welcome everyone!”

To be continued…

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