“Fluttering water spirit, pierce my foolish enemies 《Water Lance》!”

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Kogane Yoshiki(High Elf) spun his spiritual aria using all creation dwelling in the original spirit and changing the logic of this world. From the sky, the lance had been born and flew true to its target. Before them, it pierced an enormous crocodile’s head. The crocodile type monster scream resounded within the passage.

「Fuuun!」[TL: not actually pronounced fun]

Goubayashi advanced forward with his strong-arm and pinned the croc’s chin. Without changing, he grasped the monster that had an overall length of 10 meters and with a large frame. The monster slowly lifted upwards

“Now Sacchan!”



Kogane and Ryuzaki called out her name with perfect timing. The Succubus, Sakuma Sachiko, began her magic incantation.

There exist several types of magic in this world. Kogane can utilize spirit magic whereas when other students had reincarnated, many were able to use the magic referred to as black magic.

Someone must have taught us since we were able to use magic naturally. Or it must have been a monster’s natural instinct. Just as humans were walking, birds flying, fishes swimming, like that the races were created and used their endowed magic freely as it a natural instinct.

“All creation magic, absolute dust transformation. Heavenly crushing the demon king’s right arm 《Blow Ash》”


Twisting his body, Goubayashi performed a german-suplex on the croc. With perfect timing, Sakuma had also invoked her magic. While slamming the croc, a black mass poured down colliding against portions of the croc’s large frame as if annihilating the body to dust. In a rush, Ryuzaki cried out

“Wait Wait! Sakuma, that’s something we could possibly eat!”

“A, o—oh yea! Stop! Stop!!”

Sakuma frantically leapt and someway or another, the down pouring black mass died out. While her chest violently swung, Kogane instinctively shifted his eyes away, Ryuzaki paid attention to the wind and Goubayashi from the start could not see.

Although portions of the croc’s body turned to dust, the remains rolled about. With just this little, there would be enough meat for just a few days. There’s also no chance for the meat to rot, since it has been frozen as a precautionary measure. That helped solved the food rationing problem, as Sugiura was almost finished using her own octopus legs to cook.

“Ryuzaki-kun, Goubayashi-kun, anoo, ar, are you ok…..?”

As Sakuma was rushing over preparing recovery magic, they both shook their head.

“There’s nothing wrong”

“Aaah. However, coming this far was proved to be hard. To be on the safe side, it’s better to leave this area”

Everyone agreed on Ryuzaki’s opinion. Although mostly useless in battle, he still retained an influential voice.

With that, Goubayatsu tied the croc’s remains to a rope. Kogane used wind attribute floating magic on the corpse to raise it off the ground and they began their trip back to base.

“Sacchan, you’ve certainly became stronger”

Kogane laughed and smiled as he spoke to Sakuma.

In the beginning they were both shy but recently they both gained more self-confidence. Similarly to Kogane, Sakuma also rose to the top but that worried her as well.

“Is, is that so. Un….”

Sakuma replied timidly, however her facial expression was cloudy.

“As you become more accustomed to using magic, you’ll become even stronger”

Spirit magic and black magic each has its own difference. In the class, the number one magician would be Kogane, while Sakuma was the runner-up. Sakuma would even practice magic a few time while in the exploration unit. Even though Kogane had powers naturally flowing within him, nothing cold be done about Sakuma gloomy state.

“Is something wrong Sacchan?”

“Uun, its nothing…..”

Sakuma shook her head denying the issue. That is until Ryuzaki, unable to read the atmosphere, turned his head

“Sakuma is concerned about Utsurogi right?”

“E, eeee!?”

Unintentionally, Sakuma raised her face. At the same time, Kogane facial expression quickly became cloudy.

“What, Kogane you didn’t know? Since I’m the class representative, I often seen it. Sakuma always looks towards the front where Utsuro….”

“WAi—WA!! Wait Wait a minute Ryuzaki-kun!”

Sakuma’s white skin rapidly turned bright red. With both hands raised in protest, the thin leather cloth attached to the chest shook. Kogane increasingly became cloudier, while Ryuzaki teased them and laughing 『hahaha』.

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“Speaking of which, Kogane also likes Rin right!”


Kogane replied with a hollow and tired voice. Ryuzaki had a cheerful tone, looked towards the front and then progressed further.

“That time on the bus, you also constantly gazed at Rin. Rin is a nice girl. She does not differentiate against any young male when speaking to her, but there are bad rumors about her too. Right now, I’m sure there’s no one going out with her. However, be careful. She has a strong guard. Honestly speaking, I also got rejected”

“E, u, un……”

Kogane and Sakuma both flustered, replied half-heartedly. As Ryuzaki was going to continue, Goubayashi who had been carrying the croc, raised his voice.

“You guys, stop with the idle chattering. Its going to be a long journey back”

His assertive voice brought us back to reality.

Ryuzaki silently nodded while Sakuma breathed a sigh of relief. Yet Kogane glanced towards Sakuma’s direction, containing some hidden.

“Himemizu, what are you doing in this kind of place?”

Finding Rin, I sat down next to her and asked

Once the class top three bishoujos and part of the track and field club’s ace sprinter prior to the bus accident, she now became a water slime. On top of that she is, so to speak, the same as Akira and me in being called “useless”. Having slow movement and not at all powerful, she was of no help in the class.

She’s probably uncomfortable staying with the class like me.

“I understand Himemizu. Being called a good for nothing, its painful right….”

“Kyosuke…Its probably different from that.”

Folding my arms and nodding, Hino Akira blurted out a tsukkomi.

“Why is it wrong? Then, what could it be?….”

“Can’t run…..”

“You can’t run?”

“I can’t run! ME! To the extent that I love running!”

I was startled.

Jindai Highschool fastest student, Himemizu Rin. She had the fastest time in the prefecture for short distance running. The newspaper club tired to find her secret, so she simply said she loved running more than anything else so they could stop pestering her.

That Rin became a Slime.

Her movement became slow and she had no legs.

No matter how much she wished for, she won’t be running anytime soon.

When Rin had known she reincarnated into a slime, within the class, voice of discouragement leaked out. Actually, she was the one who received the most shock, rather than others.

“Couldn’t you use any special ability to create legs?”

Akira asked from the side while I nodded my head. Yet it looked like she denied by shaking.

“Well you see? At first I thought of that too”

“Un, un”

Correcting my posture, I nodded in agreement many times.

“But this is how it turns out….”


Rin used plenty of force to transform. Its appearance is really similar to the web image of “Slime Musume(Suu?). It gave that kind of feeling.

She transformed into a silhouette of a human, with blue and syrupy-like texture. That figure does not resemble the Rin before she had reincarnated. There was also no clothing, so her body lines clearly showed. I became absolutely shocked.

And yet only from her waist and above had resembled a human figure. The rest was similar to a puddle of water. Rin braced herself with her arms and shouted “EEi!”. With that, she forced her legs from the puddle of water.


I was amazed! Before my very eyes, a model figured and slender slime bishoujo appeared!

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She immediately lost her human form as strength left her body.

“It must be difficult in keeping that form against gravity…..”

Completely defeated and tapping her soft belly, Rin leaked out a sigh.

“I can only hold it for two or three seconds at most, but I still can’t run….”

Her energetic self lost, a dispirited voice came out instead.

“So Himemizu was also feeling down”

“What was that. Me “feeling down”? Humans ar…. Ah, I’m not a human myself”

“Its like, you’ve always had an unlimited supply of energy….”

Choosing my words carefully, Rin uttered 『Nn–』 and twisted her body. Looks like she is tilting her head in questioning me. Since she became a slime, she had an unchanging facial expression.
Similar to the irregular monster Akira but with a great difference.

“Its like a tuna that cannot swim and will eventually die.”


“I’m like that tuna”

As she was saying that, her figure changed into a fish. Is it a tuna…no its more like a goldfish.

“Running becomes energy, and that energy again is for running! See the resemblance!?”
“Soo, if Himemizu can’t run… then you’ll die?”

“I might die……”

Those words were said in all seriousness, yet I had unintentionally blurted out my remark.

“What!? What!? I’m serious!? Mou! Whats up with you, mou!”

“Iya, my bad. You won’t die from that Himemizu”

“Then you think up some good ideas for me on running…”

The goldfish slime returned in protest and plopped her body. She sure does sways a lot.

I kind of want to touch, but that would probably end up as sexual harassment. When she was a human, I’d completely never thought about touching her, but truthfully since she became a slime it became a bizarre hurdle

Chyon as I poked her


Cool and blue like waves, Rin leapt in the air.

“Utsurogi-kun, Where are you touching!?”

“Eh, where am I touching?”

“I don’t know! I don’t understand anymore but somehow that spot is very sensitive!”

Pukuuuu~ as Rin swelled up by 1.5 times. She really has a lot of expression.

“Most likely the slime’s entire body became a sense organ. It may not be so during movement, but from unexpected stimulation from the outside it can become very sensitive.

Akira explained to us.

So that’s how it was.

While slightly not paying attention, Rin and I at the exact timing leaked out an 『Eh–』

“But what’s a good idea for running then….”

I was trying to come up with an idea while poking Rin again. This time the

『Unexpected』 stimulation did not cause her to be surprised, but instead my fingers got sucked in. I tried to pull away my arm with all my strength but     『Unyon』   instead it stretched. It was amusing since it looks like mochi or gum [TL: Think of pulling putty or this]

Attempting to stand up, Rin has yet to be separate from me. On the contrary, from the bottom upward, her body slowly rose up. My right arm was wrapped up from her slime.

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“Himemizu, you look like a playful cat”


“Stop trying to imitate a slime!”

While conversing, I don’t think its impossible to tear her off by force. The solution just for her worries could not be found. There is still a little bit of a hazy feeling around Rin, but I think I might be able to clear it up.

But still, I would like to be of “use” to her. I want to support her.

If I’m useless in the class, at least for this girl alone, I’d like to do something about her worries.

As I was thinking that, my entire arm was wrapped up. I gazed at Rin and suddenly remembered

“Hey, Himemizu. Isn’t that position painful?”


When Rin previously changed into a human form, she had said it was difficult to hold it against gravity. It seems now is the same condition.

“Ah–, This is, well this is fine”

Rin hopped off of my right arm and crawled to a large rock that was nearby. Then she climbed it.

“Like this, if I leaned on something, its fine. Because of that, just like this…..”

Clinging on the rock, the slender model like slime appeared again with her beautiful legs extending out.

“So with the rock’s help, I’m able to walk. Its similar to the feeling of when a baby is trying to walk—“

With her recently grown legs, she was unsteady when walking. Her appearance is what you would call “that”, but it certainly is “walking”. Rin walked around the rock once and with each step you could clearly hear atapon. She finally returned to her previous location.

“But this is really, not as fast as running like before”

“Iya….What about that”

I had muttered to myself, but Rin let out a surprised voice

“Eh? What what? What was that?”

“I got it, Himemizu! A good idea! Just leave it to me!”

Akira was behind me as always, with his constant facial expression and just floating about. He probably guessed what I had thought on but kept it to himself. 『It’s your bad habit again』is what he is probably thinking. But who cares.

“I’ll become your support!”

“O, Ooohhhhh–…..Ohhhhhh….”

Rin’s voice was trembling with excitement.

I was wrapped up by Rin. There’s no strange meaning to that. If looking from a different perspective, then it may have a strange meaning, but for now I’m literally and physically being wrapped up.

“How is it Himemizu Does it hurt?”

“Un, its fine! Its reallllly comfortable!

“I–, is that so…..”

Instead of painful perhaps I should say it’s a strange sensation, but that’s never to be spoken of.

For the sake of fulfilling her wish of running, this was the idea I thought of.

That is me becoming the “skeletal” body for Rin. With my skeleton body the slime could be putty used as flesh. With Rin’s “Flesh” she could create a human figure and being able to get on my “skeletal frame”, the burden of maintaining the figure was nearly gone.

“I figured it was that Kyosuke”

Akira said while floating.

Right now my upper body possessed a translucent liquid-state flesh, and could be called an extremely disgusting creature. Iya its probably just me, and it would be rude to conclude that Rin is disgusting. But this looks like a slime is in the middle of digesting a human doesn’t it?

Now then, how long will this body be able to move?

As my arms extended, my body performed an unusual lunge, with a stickiness sensation.


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Close to my ears a lovely voice suddenly resounded. I straightened up my body immediately.

“Hi, Himemizu! Are you touching a weird place again!?”

“Eh, nn,n–……..It’s, its ok….right?”

She answered in a quivering voice. Isn’t saying its a strange feeling, feels like doing a strange thing?

Iya, by any chance this is strange isn’t it……?

“I was just surprised since it was so suddenly…. Is it ok to move now….?”

“Y, Yea…..”

Once again my right hand gently extended. This time there was not much resistance. I entrusted Rin with moving as she snuggled with her new body and using sharp movements to understand it more.

“Awesome…..Amazing Utsurogi-kun!”

Rin called out in a satisfied voice. Since we were closely connected, her voice resounded in my head like bells.

“You’re shouting very close to my ears…..!”

“Ah, sorry! But I was very happy!”

Such thing isn’t taken and is left intentionally, and it’s understood. Her voice was like a child who just bought a toy. Her emotions really surfaced like a girl. Listening in the direction, I met a somewhat trembling sensation.

“Utsurogi-kun, lets walk!”


My right foot moved one step and as I advanced ahead, in that moment



My foot did not move properly and my upper body slid off. Without recovering our balance, we crumble and I lost momentum. Simultaneously, Rin who had wrapped her whole body onto me, had also splashed back to the ground. With both hands on the ground, I felt a little unpleasant feeling.

“With the two of you walking, it looks like you’re doing a three legged race. If you’re not in sync with each other, its going to be difficult to move”

Akira voice was refreshing. Since he was a wisp. A fireball actually.

“Somehow, I’m sorry. Himemizu…..”

I tried to meet her expectation at great lengths, but failed so I apologized. Rin lightly punched and grabbed me. Bit by bit, she was slowly pulling towards me, and while looking excited, she took my hands.

“Uun! Utsurogi-kun, lets try again!”


“Amazing, its amazing Utsurogi-kun! You see I, with this body, perhaps I can run again, is what I think! Its thanks to your assistance!”

In an instant after hearing those words, within my body I felt my tension loosen up after being stretched.

Since coming to this world, there was never a feeling of comfort. Yet in one moment, it was all canceled.

“Lets run Utsurogi-kin! Running will make you feel good!”

Without hesitation Rin coiled around my body. I slowly stood up with my skeletal body, while Rin once again formed the the flesh. Before it was an uncomfortable experience, but the second time around, it felt pleasantly cool and her body literally was cool.

Rin’s words this time resounded directly in my head.

“Utsurogi-kun, lets combine! If we combine, it would surely feel good!”

“What kind of unthinkable things are you saying…”


Finally noticing her erotic words, Rin became silent. She is unexpectedly naïve. She probably shy right about now.

With her whole body wrapped around me, a gradually warm feeling came about. That’s really a handy skill her body has.
Authors note:
Slime Rin’s power, got a power up in the first step advancing with Kyosuke, while contrastively, dark clouds begins to enshroud the class (mainly Kogane). Enjoy—

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