“Is everyone alive…?”

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Episode 32 — Countdown

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Even if it’s called wooden box, each side of it is close to 1 meter in length. I wonder if all this memo is Selena’s handwriting. I thought that she didn’t show up much last week, but could it be that she has been writing this all along?

“Well, since she is a princess. Also known as tempest summoner.” [Notes]

“Well, in this case, it’s gonna be fine if you want to apologize.”

“Besides, the chance for you to apologize is gonna come soon.”

“This is my gift to everyone. Please take a look.”

“Alive and well. Probably though. Five Pawns also didn’t come back…”



“That’s not all. Here, my thesis and some of the hypotheses obtained by enquiring the rare species scribing team of the Empire.”

Also on the deck, main battery and machine guns were arranged in a way that wouldn’t interfere with Hanazono’s home garden, and the goblins were carefully polishing them. They were dealing with such firearms, and Gofunkawahara who assumed their boss seat had received an incomprehensible job title of 『Goblin Interpretation committee member and Firearms Regulation committee member』.

“By the way, Ryuzaki, isn’t it dull to say heavy cruiser, heavy cruiser all the time?”

“Let’s see.”



“Nn, yeah…”

This was good news for Kogane. Everyone of the class is alive?


“…then, such a thing happened…”

“But I, I am glad to have met everyone. Although the time I spent as a member of 2nd year class 4 wasn’t long, and I kept being a nuisance, making everyone angry, but it was fun…”


Somehow better at reading the opponent, Kogane controlled his character and took back the 2nd round from Suou. It’s 7 wins in a row with this. Just barely, I managed to keep my dignity as an otaku.

Two catapults powered by gunpowder which were probably for launching ship-borne planes were also fixed firmly. It seemed likely to be used to launch Ryuzaki and Kaminari. If they were to flap their wings on the deck, it might very well blow away the goblins at the gun turrets and Hanazono’s vegetables, was how Ryuzaki explained.

Flipping through the pages, there seemed to be series of unintelligible sentences in this world language. However, Japanese translation were carefully put below each and every one of them. The handwriting wasn’t just one person’s. As they thought that Selena and Her Majesty the Queen wrote it, more than just those two, there seemed to be the hands of great many people added in.

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“Eh, eheheh…. It’s fine~. This is all that I can do…. Eh–heheh…”

“You guys came to this world to become our companion.”



He thought it was a good thing though, Kyousuke climbed up the gangway lowered on the ground.


“That’s right, you, it’s because winning over all of you as comrades is our purpose.”







“Umm, I won’t say farewell to everyone…. Because I’m going to see you again…”

Looking closely, there were dark circles under Princess Selenade’s eyes which were completely unbecoming for a royalty like her.


And then, Kogane had confided his trouble to Suou. Although it might not be a story he should tell to the company of the guy who kidnapped him, but he wanted to get it off his chest.

They were loading the necessary supplies that were kindly offered by the kingdom onto the heavy cruiser. Since the goblins, skeletons as well as Zeku were giving a hand, the work progressed at a quick pace.

Saying so, Selena opened one of the wooden boxes. There were many bundles of paper stuffed inside.





“Don’t mention it Utsurogi-san! It was us who have been taken care of until now. From now on, it’s our turn to assist everyone from the shadow.”


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It was almost time to depart. Kyousuke climbed up the gangway together with Ryuzaki.

When Ryuzaki heard those words, unusually, he smiled boastfully and pointed the nose of his dragon-kin face toward the bow section.


“Thank you, Selena-san. It’s a great help.”

Ryuzaki said with a slightly tearful voice. Kyousuke also nodded.

However, Suou again said something surprising.

“Although they couldn’t meet with everyone, the Japanese who settled in this country have also help out a bit.”

However, if they went along the coastline, they would came into the territory of the Empire before long. According to Her Majesty the Queen’s proposal, they should aim at the eastern side of the continent by going offshore, passing through a maritime nation where the Empire’s hands wouldn’t reach.

“Well, well then, since that’s all! See you!”



A large hole was opened up in one part of the deck, and it was filled with soil. Hanazono cheerfully jumped at it. She wanted to plant the seeds from the farmland around the royal capital that were kindly given to them. Sugiura also, after she brought in a large amount of cookwares into the ship’s kitchen, she helped out with working hard at gardening.

Selene suddenly raised her face, then after giving a salute, she immediately turned around and ran away.


“Oh, OOOH…”

“What’s this?”

Under such circumstances, Selena slipped through the eyes of the opposing faction and requested the Japanese people for cooperation, and they said that they would help out their fellow compatriots.


“…Ryuzaki, should I say you’re truly the class rep for having such a strong sense of belonging to the school.”


~ Part 2 ~

Kyousuke and Ryuzaki involuntarily leaked a voice of admiration together.

“Please look! I’ve written down as much as possible about the ecology of this world monsters. This is Selena Memo.”

“They are not going back?”

Written over there was 『Municipal Jindai High-school Other World Branch』.

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“Such a thing…. I’m happy, this kind of things.”

“Selena-san, we’ve been indebted to you until now.”

“They don’t feel like going back, or cannot go back…. It’s not only trippers who came to this world, there are also reincarnators who jumped here with only their souls, such people cannot go back to their world.”

What are we going to do now? Ryuzaki explained that they would board the heavy cruiser and head for the mountain range in the South. South of here, there was a ruined country that was destroyed hundreds of years ago, heading east from there and they would reach the sea soon enough. This was the route taught to them with few encounters with the humans in order to escape the Empire’s eyes.

Although she had been given attendance number 41, as one would expect, they could no longer bring along the princess of a country. It would be farewell with her here. So that Kyousuke and the others could move around easily, she was saying that she wanted them to leave it to her to make the necessary arrangements with each countries. In order words, we shouldn’t expect too much.

“She was a storm bringing transfer student…”

“Fu—n. And then, you didn’t apologize…”

While swinging her hands and running ∗bata bata∗, Princess Selenade came to see them off.

But, is Kyousuke among them? That guy crushed his body into tiny little pieces. If Kyousuke fell apart, they can fix him, but what about the case where he is shattered to tiny fragments? Kogane didn’t know.

It was said that they couldn’t come into contact with Kyousuke and the others because the political scene was also making a big fuss. Some nobles had strongly opposed against keeping monsters in the royal palace for a while, and it seemed that there were many cases where interests in the different world knowledge would involved the trippers and reincarnators.

Suou looked at Kogane’s face and grinned.




“It’s about everyone’s Phase 2 abilities. Simply put, what is the possibility for this world monsters to manifest unique abilities? What kind of abilities that will potentially manifest? The rest is about the Blood of Red Moon. There are also some opinions of the Imperial Magic Ministry and Imperial Knight Order in here. Well, please read it yourself once you calm down. I worked hard!”

“Ahh, I have tentatively given it a name.”

Kogane was sitting on the sofa alongside Suou and playing a fighting game against him. Initially, Suou just hit the buttons randomly, but gradually he memorized the Surge Fist command, then memorized the Rising Dragon Fist command, and now, he had grown to the point of being able to exchange technique with Kogane. Since his dynamic vision and reflexes were both above Kogane’s and the actions completed in just a few frames, Kogane couldn’t take him lightly even if he was an amateur.

Kyousuke and the others finished their meals, then they went toward the fortress line in the West despite feeling reluctant.


『You gotta be kidding me! Even though the bottom of the ship has already been fitted with caterpillars!』

The bottom of the «branch school» ship had been remodeled considerably. It certainly was impossible for it to float on water like this.

However, she was knowledgeable about information of monsters and this world, losing her would be a serious blow indeed.




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Dropping his line of sight to the floor, other than game softwares, there were also various documents rolling around. All were in Japanese. It seemed likely to have been printed by LibreOffice Impress. When Kogane looked at them vaguely, 『Transference Gate Formation Summary』, 『Ghoul Virus Summary』, it said that all of these were written by an author named 『Akeno Miyabi』.

Kyousuke also chimed in.



Hearing that, Kuremori shouted so. Still, whether they would refit the heavy cruiser to be seaworthy, or find another way of crossing the sea, they would think about it when the time came.










Again, the knights slowly put down a box that was somewhat smaller than the wooden boxes.

Coming later after her, several knights were carrying in a large amount of wooden boxes. Ryuzaki tilted his head.

Ryuzaki muttered a little.




The knights brought the documents prepared by Selena into the ship. Selena was scratching her cheek with a smile, but the liveliness in her voice gradually died out and she hung her head.

Putting his controller on the sofa, Suou looked up at the ceiling.

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