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“You think so? Isn’t he just under that impression because someone else told him so? Does he really want to take Kogane home? If he just want to stay together with his friends, then isn’t it also fine to come over here?”

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“Well, that’s not something an outsider can tell. Himemizu-san.”



“Phase 2 at the last moment? This is a little regrettable.”


I want to help someone. I want to support someone. I want someone to say 『Thank you』 (to me).

“That was dangerous after all…. You could have died.”

However, while riding on Washio’s back, Kyousuke just hung his head and didn’t say anything.

For now, once my body is healed, I’ll drag the gryphon corpse and return to the old castle. In the end, there wasn’t a turn for the magical beast that has just finished its adjustment, but then I can add a new ability to it.

“I was at fault, I truly thought so…. Or perhaps I didn’t. I don’t really know.”


That talk again? Although Rin trembled a little from the voice coming from behind, but anger and irritation came out first and foremost.

Anyone would have the desire to be appreciated.





“Wh–what is it?”

“Well, I, since I didn’t apologize properly…”



“Ahh, yeah. Washio-kun, it’s just…”

“But this sad sight of being attack by 1 gryphon. Even though there were the problem of compatibility and my carelessness, the title of Bishop is crying…”

There was something ghastly in that last attack. She didn’t expect to go as far as killing him, but she took an attack with poison that could deprive her body of its functions. As one would expected, she couldn’t afford to soften the black energy in order to capture him. Well, among the abilities that gryphon can develop in Phase 2, the secretion of neurotoxin isn’t that strong. Let’s give it up.



At that time, Kyousuke’s feeling had been directly transmitted to Rin. It was a side effect of the combination.


With a little bitter thought, Akeno waited for the poison in her body to wear off.

Before this, after receiving the report from Nekomiya, Washio sent a signal to the branch school, informing them of the state of emergency, then he immediately flew straight toward the church where Kyousuke and Rin were. It wasn’t known but a gryphon’s flying speed is immense. Thanks to that, they managed to escape, although only temporarily.

In response to Suou’s words, Akeno bit her lips and said no more. Look like it’s true.

Since Utsurogi started saying hesitantly, Rin also listened attentively.

Kyousuke thrust his hand at the area around his heart, there was this disturbing sensation. It’s true. If I think about it, there’s no need to stubbornly stick to the branch school. Then why did I think about taking Kogane himself back home? Why I didn’t try to find other means?

Rin turned Kyousuke around with brute force. Since Kyousuke’s body still didn’t move, Rin took the initiative. With outside force, Utsurogi Kyousuke’s body was raised. There was a strong resistance, but Rin held it down.

Attendance number 40. Washio Kouta the Gryphon, like a bird of prey, grabbed hold of Kyousuke’s arms with his forelegs, and immediately flew out from the broken window at great speed. Rin who had become mushy desperately clung on so as not to melt down.

“Thank you…”




What are you saying, Rin stopped speaking in the middle of her words involuntarily. In the body of Washio, who pushed Kyousuke and Rin away, stuck 2, 3 black spears from just now. Bright red blood was constantly flowing out.



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“No, bad…. I failed…. This, was I hit…”

“Don’t worry about such things! Didn’t I say I forgive you! Didn’t I say I don’t care about it!”


I should better contact him at least though.

Empty. When hearing those words, Kyousuke somehow felt as if his very own existence was fading away.


It was a surprising silhouette. Its form was like a combination of an eagle and a lion, and it fired spinning feathers like arrows at Akeno, interrupting her gathering of energy. Kyousuke who had lost sight of himself until then was also involuntarily taken aback.


“Fumu. Then let’s pursue.”

“Sa–say, Utsurogi…. I’m not particularly serious. Since I’m jittery, I don’t have the confidence that I won’t bully the weak…”


“That’s why I told you, Suou.”




Said Suou while scratching his head ∗bori bori∗.





Touching that topic, Washio was extremely embarrassed and started looking off into the distance.


“That, that is…”



Blood leaked out of Washio’s beak.

“What, stop it. What do you want to say thank for…”

“Somehow, I’m still alive…”


As if rolling, they ran down the mountain slope.


“What are…”

“I won’t let go!!”

“Ou. I’m counting on you.”

“I, it maybe already hopeless for me.”

Suou stood up with his hands still thrust in his pockets. Unnoticed, the beastly expression plastered on his face had disappeared, and replacing that was just a chilling glare.

The fired feathers didn’t pierced through Suou and Akeno, failing to deal even a tiny bit of damage. But it was enough as distraction.



Standing there was Bishop Akeno, from the back of her tidy sister clothing grew malicious red wings. That figure spoke eloquently that her true nature wasn’t a saint but a devil. In both of her hands, crackling black energy overflowed.

“What are you saying!”

Washio muttered such a thing.

“So, Suou. Is it fine to capture them now?”

“What’s the matter, Utsurogi. You don’t seem energetic.”

Washio slowly stood up, but his legs were still unsteady.




Be that as it may, I can use this poison.

But for that reason, he did things such as treating his own life lightly, didn’t care for the essential feelings of others and not to mention putting away the compatibility between two people. That, was too distorted.

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Putting Kyousuke on his back properly, Washio said. Since her worry of being thrown off was gone for now, Rin took a breath.


“Wrong, that’s wrong! Utsurogi-kun is not such a person! Utsurogi-kun’s inside, that’s just how he is, I don’t think! Because…” [Notes]

“As a guy who has gone through the Transference Formation Gate and become skeleton, well, it will be like that. No body, no flesh, no organs.”


Akeno spread out the same wings as Suou, then two devils separately flew away from the church.

“U, guu…”

Considering that they had fallen from a high altitude, he could have bruises, broken bones or such things, living type monsters would take bigger damage after all. In fact, Washio was bleeding from his entire body and couldn’t move.

Would Washio’s words enrich Kyousuke’s heart? This timing was very bad. But by any chance, for Kyousuke who had been shaken up by Suou’s words and were then depressed from the received shock, those words might perhaps become his salvation. It was a heartfelt apology from Washio Kouta.



If that was true, then it wasn’t just he himself that Kyousuke thought nothing of and was indifferent to. He also didn’t even care about others. Because he turned his eyes away from the true nature of others, he couldn’t see what was within himself as well. Rin too, had received a considerable shock from this.

“That’s why! I also understand Kogane’s feelings! I will tell him when I meet him! At that time when you try to sell us out, I already don’t mind it…”


For this reason, Kyousuke’s emotions when he was in the process of fumbling deep inside himself and trying to salvage unthinkable things, had also been transmitted to Rin. Extremely egoistic, and yet distorted, the blank in Utsurogi Kyousuke’s desire. Just wanting to be thanked by someone, empty with no contents, the hollowness of his desire.

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“Uooo! Howling Featheerrsss—!!”


Washio clicked his tongue, then as it was, he turned back and leaped at Akeno.


There was such a faint memory. No, it wasn’t a memory. It was an emotion imprinted deep within his heart.


“Geez! Washio-kun, why are you apologizing now of all time…”

Washio screamed and lost his balance in the air. Kyousuke and Rin were struck with the after-effect of the impact. En route toward the heavy cruiser branch school above the forest, Washio’s body fell while spinning. Kyousuke and Rin were thrown off into the air.



While replying to Rin’s words hesitantly, Kyousuke accepted it. Rin wrapped around Kyousuke’s body, but for some reason, her whole body got an incongruous impression compared to up till now. The combination wasn’t done properly. Kyousuke’s body felt distant.


About Akira.

“That’s good…”


Kyousuke shouted. A heartbreaking voice squeezed out from his empty bottom. That, however, was much more heavy and strong than any other words that Kyousuke had ever said until now.


Episode 34 — Long Goodbye

“Let go, Himemizu! Let me go!”

“Don’t feel bad. This guy’s illness is rather serious, this is a necessary process to face himself. Well, I’ll take care of it properly until the end. Hey, Akeno.”



Said Washio while Akeno was approaching with an indifferent expression.

Rin raised an especially loud voice.


Akeno again gathered black energy in both hands. With Kyousuke still being dumfounded, Bishop Akeno slowly approached him.




“Even if you find what you want to do and solve it, it wouldn’t change a single thing. Hey, Utsurogi. Do you know what I want to say?”





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“Washio-kun, are you okay!?”


“Well, I don’t plan to let them escape. Still, I’m going to call Kogane for now. We also need to find the reincarnated ogre who should be loitering around somewhere as well.”

Looking at them flew off, Akeno criticized Suou in a loud voice.

Washio had suffered fatal injuries, but where could his strength have come from? He was clinging, biting and digging with his claws and beaks, refusing to let go of Akeno who was grappling with him, trying to pull him off. The irritated Akeno released many black spears, turning Washio’s body into a hedgehog.


Next, those guys are most probably gathering in one place and moving together. I will leave their pursuit to Suou.



Rin breathed out in relieve. Slightly after her, Kyousuke also rushed over.


“But then thinking about it carefully, I don’t dislike you or anything. So probably, it was because I was irritated. Sorry.”


The difference between means and purpose, Kyousuke couldn’t understand. Kyousuke held his head. What the heck I want to do?

By any chance, could it be that I only tried to help Kogane because I wanted to be appreciated.


“Say, Utsurogi, at times like this, won’t you let me act cool for a bit.”


I actually don’t think anything of them at all, I, myself,

Right after that, some black energy flew from behind and hit Washio.


“Besides, that’s just how he is, is such a terrible way of putting it. If this guy is empty, then that’s the same as cutting down even the little bit of «desire» left clinging at the bottom of that emptiness. If you accept that, it is because he himself isn’t loved.”

The black spears Akeno released once again pierced into Washio’s body.




“Why did you save me…”


“You are empty. Just like that skull of yours.”

Washio shouted and pushed away Kyousuke who had just finished combining. Immediately after they took cover, black energy spears penetrated the surrounding ground. She didn’t plan to simply catch them. She planned to torment them until their will to escape completely evaporated.

Kyousuke quickly raised his body, and then Rin followed after. Washio had collapsed in a place a bit away.


Breaking the stained glass, a flying object flew inside the church.

Kyousuke held his head. No matter how much he fumbled around for the origin of that emotion, no answer could be found. He unhesitatingly made promises to everyone’s words without careful thoughts, nodded, forgave, gave priority, all that to receive 『Thank you』 as compensation. His inside was empty. It was because his purpose was only to be appreciated, to make other people feel pleasant.



“That was close. I’m glad I made it on time.”

Rin cried out in a desperate voice.

When thinking about what he was going to say, such words came out.


“Your flying speed was quite fast. But not quite enough. If you have awaken to Phase 2, you may be able to escape though.”


Still with his hands in his pockets, Suou grew red wings in his back.



As if to drown out Washio’s voice as he shouted out his last words, the sounds of flesh and bones being torn off echoed throughout the mountain forest covered in dense fog.

Was that action unexpected indeed, still, while Akeno’s reaction was a little delayed, she cladded her fist in black energy and counter-attacked against Washio. Her fist penetrated his chest.

Washio fired his feathers and attacked Akeno. But she just brushed them off as if it was just troublesome.

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“But, Washio … you are…”

“But it’s over. I will capture you. It’s fine to be proud, as you will be the elites of our army.”

~ Part 2 ~





“Stop, stop it! Do not bully Utsurogi-kun! Just, just recently, finally…”

“Run, Utsurogi-kun! Combine!”


“You two, sorry.”

Akeno took out a mobile phone from her sister clothing and breathed a sigh.

Instead of Utsurogi who didn’t answer, Rin said.

“There is a possibility that reinforcement will come soon. Really, they managed to escape after all.”

Even if she did say to add them as war potentials, perhaps Washio who had yet to reach Phase 2, had a low priority. Or did she plan to capture them after weakening them to the limit. Or maybe Washio simply took the spears that were aimed at Kyousuke?


Just at that moment.


“Oi, you two, get down!”

Breaking the conifer trees’ branches, slamming against the tree trunks, the three people’s bodies rolled on the mountain slope. For a moment, they didn’t know what had happened. But then their understanding quickly caught up. It was the Knight or the Bishop from before. Either one of them had to have chased after Washio.



And about Rin as well.




Inside Rin’s heart, expectation and dark feelings both welled up at the same time.




Perhaps she had been completely bored to death until then. Bishop Akeno, who didn’t join in the conversation, only said 『All right』 while crossing her arms. Or rather, she didn’t seem interested in this topic regarding Kyousuke’s inside in the first place.

It’s not just Kogane. Ryuzaki, Sakuma and Selena too. And then, I have also easily accepted Washio group’s apologies.


What I want to do. What I wish for.

“Ah—, sorry. But didn’t you forget what you said yourself?”

Rin shouted. However, as if he had been petrified, Utsurogi’s body wouldn’t move.




Bishop Akeno kicked the Gryphon’s corpse rolling on the slope and clicked her tongue. A powerful neurotoxin was secreted from feathers stabbed throughout her body. With this, she couldn’t chase after the skeleton that had run away.

To protect himself, he had been averting his eyes from what was within himself and forgot about it, but once he became aware of it, everything just flooded out all at once. Now that it had come to this, whether or not he truly wanted to bring Kogane back, he didn’t know. He didn’t even know if his feeling of friendship toward Kogane was genuine.



“Qui–quickly, run…. For what reason do you think I covered for you…”

We have to escape. Escape, is it possible? If we don’t escape.


“Ah, ah, ahh…”




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